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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 924511

The great debate.

Anonymous No. 924512

the 3 on the left are all the most capable in their respective niches. the two on the right are useless.

Anonymous No. 924513

sorry I meant 3 on the right and two on the left

Anonymous No. 924514

>indian humor

The chair nerd No. 924516

Oh nice another thread shitting or defending mutimillion dollar products.

Anonymous No. 924519

>another software war thread
Fuck right off.

Anonymous No. 924525

Real answer: Houdini >= Blender > Cinema >>>>> Max > Maya

Anonymous No. 924535

Kill yourself you Colombian piece of shit

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Anonymous No. 924537

Cinema 4D is the industry standard for motion graphics.

Anonymous No. 924538

yeah I'll accept that. this means blender is the only one with no outstanding qualities. thread over unless someone can name a single thing it can do that none of the others can.

Anonymous No. 924540

The strength and spirit of Blender's community is unparalleled. The GPL license allows you to use Blender and modify it for whatever purpose you want, allowing anyone to freely contribute to its ecosystem.

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Anonymous No. 924542


Anonymous No. 924558

blender is better at maya when it comes to animation, all the big companies are using it

Anonymous No. 924560

low tier bait

Anonymous No. 924561

>Use them all of specific parts of the workflow

Mono-Software people are the most braindead ones

Anonymous No. 924572

For me, its Maya. Just pirate it.
I think its more intuitive and has better controls hotkeys than blender

Anonymous No. 924581

I like Crocotile 3D

Anonymous No. 924642

any of the other options depending on your area of focus + houdini because it does stuff the others just can't

Anonymous No. 924643

any app can do exactly what houdini does

Anonymous No. 924644


Anonymous No. 924645

what do you mean, "no". Be specific in your answer? You know what geometry nodes are?

Anonymous No. 924646

>what do you mean, "no".
you said thing. it was wrong. i said no.
>Be specific in your answer?
>You know what geometry nodes are?

Anonymous No. 924647

You're not being clear. I doubt you know what you're talking about.

Anonymous No. 924648

>You're not being clear.
i am

>I doubt you know what you're talking about.
i do (sometimes)

Anonymous No. 924649

>both have nodes so they are the same
that's like arguing that a VW is exactly like a Ferrari because both have wheels. houdini has several times the sheer amount of different nodes that blender has, and not only are there more, but the nodes that do exist have been heavily optimized through years of refinement.

especially when you're dealing with procedural modeling and simulations, optimization is key.

in general, blender also tends to half-ass all the features it steals - just look at the half-assed modifier system that is a joke compared to the original of 3ds max or the unbearable zbrush clone sculpting with abysmal performance.

just so you dense fucker get it once and for all:

a 100$ used quadcore is not the same as a 20.000$ workstation just because they both have a similar pc-case. a VW is not a Ferrari. the 1$ wine you buy for cooking is not a chardonnay. blender is not houdini.

Anonymous No. 924652

a $20k workstation is not used by your average worker in the industry who makes $55k a year, idiot

everything in blender has the potential to be a "node" because you can expose it in the code and recompile in less than 2 minutes on a 12900k. I've made many many blender forks and exposed and made new nodes in C++. This is how open source software is meant to be used.

Anonymous No. 924656

>writing essays to the blendie
lol be smarter and stop wasting your time

Anonymous No. 924657

blender is not houdini.

Anonymous No. 924658

of course its not, its Free Software as in Freedom

Anonymous No. 924659

it's not about being smart - i despise these people's very essence and want them to feel shitty. they are idiots, they should be called out on their delusions.

Anonymous No. 924660

>freedom always equals good
hell is freedom from God, retard.

Anonymous No. 924661

ironically sideFX's very existence depends on Free papers

Anonymous No. 924662

blender is not houdini.

Anonymous No. 924664

again, blender is Free Software. Houdini is laughably over 3.5k per year. It will be dead soon.

Anonymous No. 924666

Again, houdini can be easily torrented fuck off Cris.

Anonymous No. 924668

yeah, an established, perfected piece of highly professional software will be gone soon because some piece of indian freeware copied 20% of its functionality with 5% of the performance and no stability.

also 3.5k is a lot of money for Hollywood to simulate comically complex scenes or Rockstar designing the layout of gta 6 procedurally. who cannot picture the following scene in their head?
>sir, of course we could use the same software that we've always used and finish this 200 million $ project without any risk, but there is a problem...
>what is it?
>the single license we're using to procedurally generate the alien metropolis is going to run out on November 17th and it would cost 3500 AMERICAN DOLERS to renew it

Anonymous No. 924670

Cris is not posting here, nor does Cris know anytrhing about Houdini, nor does Cris know anything about forking and modifying Blender Source code.

Go do something - anything ! - with your life

just wait

Anonymous No. 924672

Maya >>>>>> Houdini = 3DCoat. Simple as. Max is outdated garbage.

Anonymous No. 924673

>200 mil $ project
>can't spend $3500 for floating licenses

you just showed how totally inept you are at budgeting within your means let alone something as complex as running a multimillion dollar business that's been running for 24 fucking years. Fucking 10 years of pixelated agdg dreams crushed yet again by simple facts.

Anonymous No. 924675

this but unironically

Anonymous No. 924678

nice reading comprehension, einstein.

Anonymous No. 924682

>he thinks a 200 million project is the threshold when the threshold is in fact a meager $100k

unironically go back to first grade

Anonymous No. 924683

100k is a lot of money.

Anonymous No. 924689

Its not, especially when you live where CG is located in the USA

Anonymous No. 924690

why would i want to live in 3rd world country.

Anonymous No. 924691

take it to pol, europoor

Anonymous No. 924696

and yet i have and earn more money than you :)

Anonymous No. 924697


Anonymous No. 924698

>unironically has to type in a reaction
this is 18+ board only.

Anonymous No. 924699


get out of my board

Anonymous No. 924730

you first blentard

Anonymous No. 924758

I'll kill you, colombian scum

Anonymous No. 924759

you cant even afford a ticket to 1st world country

Anonymous No. 924762

>1st world country
your days are numbered cris

Anonymous No. 924772

Why are you niggers replying to Chris?

Anonymous No. 925033

>all the big companies are using it
"using it" means individuals use it for simple repetitive tasks that any software could do, but Blender is for free and they don't have to pay for extra license

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Anonymous No. 927274

ngmi dumb fuck

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Anonymous No. 927279

he's like a shitty, untrained kalkutta street dog. he needs to be kicked in the balls until he learns to behave or fucks off.

Anonymous No. 927282

>no daz

Anonymous No. 928384

This. I use blender for concepting and previs, Maya as a keystone of the whole workflow, Houdini for simulations and particle effects, and 20+ other pieces of software for every little thing that needs to be done to make a video. Arguing whether any of these tools are 'better' is indicative that the person is very new to actually making shit.

Anonymous No. 928386

whattabout Unreal tho

Anonymous No. 928389

whichever gets the job done

Anonymous No. 928399

>Maya if you want a JOB
>Blender if you're a poorfag brainlet who needs a demo-reel but can't pirate Maya
>3DS Boomer Maxxing if you're stuck in the past
>the other 2 dont matter

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blender tutorials.jpg

Anonymous No. 928400

absolute seething

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Anonymous No. 928773

When you start modeling in Houdini with no addons and realize its superior to everything

Anonymous No. 928783

>the other 2 dont matter

Houdini doesn't matter?

tell me how retarded you are without telling me how retarded you are.

Anonymous No. 928855

It doesnt matter because he wont find job anyway.

Anonymous No. 928857

It's just a tool, we don't need to debate anything

Anonymous No. 928858

>no daz in the image