🧵 This garbage is worse than the average garbage on this shit board
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Nov 2022 05:25:57 UTC No. 924590
Where the 16 billion dollar were fucking spent?
In what?
Seriously, where the fucking money was spent?
Not even giving every developer hookes and cocaine would cost 16 billion dollars.
What the fuck.
I've seen indie games more polished than this garbage.
I literally see more polished shit on /agdg/
Where the fucking money was spent on?
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Nov 2022 05:47:51 UTC No. 924591
Maybe on server shit but I literally have no idea. But if they actually build architectures that can hold 3D worlds and hundreds/thousands of multiple user being on the same servers. It might be profitable in the long run. But once again, I don't know.
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Nov 2022 05:49:59 UTC No. 924592
Oh and also I have no idea what metaverse actually is other than online sims. Don't know the project, don't any promises they made about it.
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Nov 2022 07:36:31 UTC No. 924600
It looks like an asset flip mobile game made in Unity over a weekend.
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Nov 2022 13:56:35 UTC No. 924636
Its like every company, including LindenLabs, wants to remake Second Life but not include any of the features that made SL successful. lol Sansar.
Meanwhile, LL trying to prop up their Linden Exchange as the metaverse's answer to financial transfer management.
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Nov 2022 14:31:23 UTC No. 924641
The metaverse isnt just one app (Horizons). It's a combination of the oculus hardware that continues to improve as well as major apps that come and and go that can be installed onto the device. Its not just on app. Carmack talks about this.
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Nov 2022 21:32:41 UTC No. 924747
You've spent all your time on this site/bucket that you've been stricken with imposter syndrome and delusions of living in a meritocracy by hobbyist crabs.
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Nov 2022 05:21:38 UTC No. 924794
The art style is consistent and content can probably be made quickly. I bet they have a good pipeline with everything thought out.
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Nov 2022 06:00:08 UTC No. 924797
Zuckels probably read/saw Ready Player One and thought that the old developer guy was "literally me".
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Nov 2022 06:26:59 UTC No. 924798
Zucc isnt even 40
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Nov 2022 08:29:04 UTC No. 924804
>Where the 16 billion dollar were fucking spent?
The vast majority was likely spent on advertising and then a pittance was funneled to a studio of Pajeets to actually develop it.
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Nov 2022 23:13:50 UTC No. 924884
The developer guy in RP1 created this VR metaverse that everyone participates in and I'm guessing that's where Zuckels got the Meta idea from, not that he is literally an old man you fucking dense nonce.
🗑️ Anonymous at Mon, 7 Nov 2022 01:48:32 UTC No. 924893
Rp1 is a fantasy you moron and based on his age, zucc was too young for it
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Nov 2022 02:28:37 UTC No. 924894
You do know that the metaverse in RP1 depends on omnidirectional treadmills, batteries that never run out, and incredibly advanced graphics, ai, and physics, right?
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Nov 2022 02:32:23 UTC No. 924896
And by the way, they have full, lifelike haptic feedback along with any material you like in sync with the physics.
In sum, you dont know what you are talking about. Rp1 is sheer fantasy
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Nov 2022 04:50:48 UTC No. 924901
Evil corpo sociopaths run this shit. They don't know what anything means or care. The product and your perception are less than nothing to them, everything you see is randomized fallout from them asserting their control over some meeting or some rival sociopath. The result is worthless garbage but nobody really cares.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 02:54:53 UTC No. 926490
It’s a ploy to get intimate user data like what you’re looking at and sell it to advertisers. The phone platforms are dead ends now, ppl are aware of the tracking and data abuse. Under the meta verse umbrella they can 1. Get more data on users like gaze tracking 2. Disassociate themselves from the bad reputation
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 03:08:10 UTC No. 926494
To be fair their hardware is good. It’s probably retarded boomers that were into VR in the 90s trying to recreate their VRML trash. There’s no need today to simplify graphics to that point, or on second thought- maybe if you put 100 of these avatars in a room the whole thing breaks down… Still - out of touch garbage anyway. I did their meta verse Coursera course (free) and it was all trannies an women in their 50s. The problem is probably that the marketing team consists of shallow women who don’t know what they are selling. IMHO VR can only take off as some kind of social sex platform where weird shit happens like you pay some twat on the other side of the world to puppet some model alien with 7 tits via motion capture and moan. The concept of the meta verse is not that bad, this specific implementation is retarded.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 03:46:43 UTC No. 926500
This is the worst take i have ever read, about any subject.
The metaverse offers a higher form of communication over the internet and yes, having face tracking and eye tracking is required as you need it to convey emotion while communicating with the headset
The only thing and i mean the only thing stopping adoption is weight and bulkiness of the headset and inability to be used in sunlight without quick, permanent damage
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 12:35:40 UTC No. 926525
That's some powerful koolaid bro, you work in a VR startup? Have you pivoted to NFTs yet?
PS. We already have a metaverse, it's the internet.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 12:39:55 UTC No. 926526
wow I can't believe Zuckemberg posts on 4chab
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 15:26:53 UTC No. 926544
No, the internet is not the metaverse since there is no sense of presence or being there, even over zoom. Most of the internet is an ancient text communication which is godawful
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 16:04:13 UTC No. 926548
>muh immersion
That ship sailed years ago, ironically VR's only compelling value proposition is more flat screen real estate, kek.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 01:39:41 UTC No. 926604
You dont make sense. You didnt have eye tracking or face tracking in the metaverse until like last month and PSVR2 hasnt even launched yet which also has these features. You'll say whatever you want to further your false, anti-vr agenda. If we were in the metaverse I would be rolling my eyes right now and laughing at you.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 11:59:58 UTC No. 926625
I’ve built my own 2K headsets when all you could get was 1080p DK2 and used them in Blender Game Engine.
VR is a great, unique natively-stereoscopic medium in which you can use your hands and feel like you’re somewhere else. The problem is that they don’t play to the strengths of the medium. Instead of remaking VR chat, they should focus on porn which is and always was the leading industry. I would buy a company that runs websites for webcam whores, then pivot into VR making the bitches do motion capture in real time, like phone sex in VR with actual 3D models of the bitch and real movement streamed. Like being a whore IRL but in VR. Games are bullshit penny-stock retardation, not the right market. Neck beard comers with 100k+ salary and VR headsets are a better paypig audience.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 12:22:49 UTC No. 926627
You need to be able to accomplish stuff in VR you can’t IRL. IMHO the problem is lack of easy body tracking, once that is available then camwhoring will be taken to another level.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 13:31:39 UTC No. 926632
thats not what the metaverse is about. The metaverse is about giving you an experience that is beyond text based communication and flat 2d video, period. With eye tracking and face tracking we are getting much closer. Now Apple is rumored to be making a huge blunder, a whopping $2k+ headset with absolutely minimal battery life.
I'll stick with Zucc.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 14:41:10 UTC No. 926637
And what do you think that’s going to be used for? Straight away the women selling feet pictures on OnlyFans will take it over and sell ‘intimate time’ to fat neck beards who are into VR.
Zucchini only cares because he got deplatformed from phones by Apple blocking tracking, so he’s out and about looking to replace phones with some other device he has control over, but unlike a phone a VR headset can tell where you’re looking at for how long which is something advertisers crave.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 16:17:18 UTC No. 926652
Thank you for the laugh anon I really needed that.
There's no adoption because it's trash nobody wants.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 19:09:47 UTC No. 926678
Neckbeards want it, most people don’t.
If you grew up reading cyberpunk novels you want it, if you’re a normie then it’s gay.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 19:47:56 UTC No. 926682
> you pay some twat on the other side of the world to puppet some model alien with 7 tits via motion capture and moan.
> The concept of the meta verse is not that bad,
I admire your train of thought.
However I feel that VR online sex is a double edged sword. There's a loneliness pandemic and growing awareness of it, so a product that aims at making people even more lonely irl can attract a lot of negativity.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 19:52:34 UTC No. 926683
What's wrong with 2d video? It shows you how people on the other end of the line actually look and what actually surrounds them.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 20:26:54 UTC No. 926684
>a product that aims at making people even more lonely
How does something that lets you have e-sex with strangers make you lonely? If anything it seems overly social.
🗑️ Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 21:15:50 UTC No. 926689
if you're not fucking instagram thots now, what makes you think you would be fucking them in virtual reality either?
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 21:40:28 UTC No. 926690
Imagine you can put on a headset and be present with another human being in some room like you’re actually there but over the internet… or have them overlaid in pass-through mode (using the stereo cameras at the front) into your room. What would ppl use that for? Business meetings? We all know it would be used for orgies and shit. A camwhore who sells personal requests like calling out your name would create an account and try to charge you for a lap dance. This is what Zucc talks about in the video presentation - being ‘present’ with ‘other people’ as if you’re with them remotely. If this platform ever takes off it will be as Skype for motion capture.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 21:43:54 UTC No. 926691
they don't have to be real thots in virtual reality
bros before hoes
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 00:01:02 UTC No. 926709
Is it gay to ERP with another guy?
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 14:14:54 UTC No. 926770
Get your head out of the gutter. The metaverse is for next level communication for children to the elderly who could never see each other and can only communicate now over text or the ancient phone. Having eye tracking and face tracking w9hen you're saying hello to grandma who lives half a globe away is a godsend. Fuck off with your sex examples - its pathetic and cringe.
t. Z
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 18:24:51 UTC No. 926798
It was the same story with the VHS standard. All technology is driven by the porn industry. When you hover over a video image on YouTube and see a preview of the clip - that’s taken from open sites.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 19:48:49 UTC No. 926823
The wireless VR headset has trash GPU/CPU hardware compared to a standard desktop PC. It's not the same as VIVE or the other VR headsets that is wired to a computer with a 3090 in it that weights x times more than the headset. So it makes sense they are going with stylized graphics like 99% of mobile games instead of making graphics that look like it's from 2010.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 07:51:01 UTC No. 926883
The metaverse is anything VR or AR that's connected to the internet. Horizon is a stilborn meme.
I wonder why tf they lie about full-body tracking, THOUGH. VRChat is adding OSC tracking that'll let even standalone Quest users use fbt, with a computer to do the processing of the tracker input, yes, but you can use a complete shitbox for that.
They have no interest in appealing to their core audience, at least on the software side. Funny how they make gloves with tactile feedback, eye tracking, hand-tracking and mouth-tracking but say that a well-established thing like vive pucks or even IMU trackers are too complicated. They would benefit so much from appealing to pcvr users but they insist on the standalone focus. Do both, chucklenuts.
Nobody using VR has the even the slightest interest in that garbage app. They have a decent app store and sideloading community THOUGH.
VRChat avatars can be well-optimised and look better. There is FREE software that lets you make better-looking models in droves, without paying royalties.
You caught a big significant part of the market, but that's not what the average user is all about.
Why are you so autistic about eye and face tracking? Headset and hands are fine for people who don't want to turn it into a hobby. Even if you go further, you go to fbt or haptic vests first. I think I've met one guy that got mouth tracking before everything else.
Sometimes I'm glad that fbt heaven isn't quest compatible and that I don't play pcvr as much as standalone.
There's also e-whoring, but men mute themselves and do it too.
Listen, quest is nerfed but holy shit can it run better than that.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 16:37:39 UTC No. 926925
obviously its garbage...
its on a quest wireless headset, not a online PC hookup & its a souless corporate project bound to become nothing but an attempted propagandized monopoly & moneyfarm machine of locked paywalls to do 1/2 the shit you want.
Nobody designing & building shit for this actually cares for it as a passion project, so they put in minimal effort and charge out the ass for their work while wasting as much time & money as possible.
>Its a corporate project to make a 24/7 terminally online normie society.
>who'd want that boring fake hollywood irl dream life shit?
>who would want to be exactly like everyone else in a virtual world & do everyday shit you could just go do outside your house or quicker on the store website?
It'll likely be a project that has the end goal of what mining companies did with James town.
Its an attempt at another all encompassing corporate lifestyle monopoly.
Besides we already got an actual community with a legit Creative Commons metaverse in VRChat.
The community has been constantly upping the bar in online social interaction since 2010 and world/model/experience/immersive design for years.
Its a massive community of millions of players now & people mod it for commissions or for free/fun all the time
Anyone can easily get started doing said work too with the free SDK's.
>You can't beat a free2play game w/ an optional Dev support donation subscription, free new users with added hype & all the support of paypig/whale investing users
>You can' beat a dedicated community/ player base, tf2 proved that
>You can't beat user created/inspired content, vrchat has been proving that since day 1
>You can't beat unlimited imaginative possibilities only limited by ones creativity & ingenuity, gmod proved that
You just can't beat dumb free imaginative fun,
sorry not sorry, ZUCCerBORGs
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 16:58:07 UTC No. 926927
>its on a quest wireless headset, not a online PC hookup & its a souless corporate project bound to become nothing but an attempted propagandized monopoly & moneyfarm machine of locked paywalls to do 1/2 the shit you want.
you'll spew whatever you want to further your anti vr agenda AND THEN when apple releases their headset next year you'll be all over it. You are getting paid for this, no?
BRB, enjoying my quest 2, making new experiences for it, enjoying horizons, and buying new games for it. You are living in the past
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 20:00:58 UTC No. 926996
Zuckerberg himself typed this post.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 20:16:19 UTC No. 926998
Easy Anti-Cheat was added to VRChat a few months ago and that nuked the mods. The private server project received a cease and desist.
On the bright side, they're adding in the features that the mods gave, after the outrage, and their development has just sped up in general. Before EAC, Physbones came in so questies could get some variant of dynamic bones along with custom avatar interactions. OSC control over avatars got added, so you can call that modding, but with a higher barrier to entry, since people aren't going to give you their setups for free.
I want to sperg on about features but update logs exist, so I won't.
I see you haven't played in quite a while, though.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 22:21:22 UTC No. 927013
The original meaning is the matrix from Gibson cyberpunk novels, an embodied version of the internet. So like in the film (inspired by the Neuromancer book) you’re in an alternate world that only exists online where you go to do shit. This was before you had mmorpgs and shit.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 22:25:24 UTC No. 927014
How can a guy with majority share be forced to resign from his own company. I think it's cool he followed his dream of Playstation Home 2.0.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 22:29:45 UTC No. 927017
Imagine browsing eBay motors compared to actually walking around the listed vehicles in VR like in a showroom. So like everything that is a website today is like a real experience in VR. Instead of looking at pictures of an art exhibition you pot on a headset and transport yourself to a virtual art gallery.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 22:38:11 UTC No. 927020
So like in boomer world everything is some text and images you scroll on a 2D screen, in VR it’s a room or a building. For some shit that might be retarded, like you don’t want to simulate the experience of waiting in line at the post office, but other shit like sword fights, experiencing products - why not?vm04r
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 22:45:41 UTC No. 927023
>like you don’t want to simulate the experience of waiting in line at the post office
anon....you cant physically mail your real package or collect your real package just by putting your headset on. Are you for real?
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Nov 2022 10:22:42 UTC No. 927198
The term comes from Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 13:35:27 UTC No. 928022
>Not even giving every developer hookes and cocaine would cost 16 billion dollars
You are not accounting for:
>Cultural Engagement Lead
>Team Yoga Coordinator
>HRPP assistant
>Office Coordinator
>Floor Campaigner
>Team Lead
>Team Manager
>Floor Manager
>Site Manager
>On-site Puppeteer
>Silent Room Scheduling Coordinator
>Floor Psychologist
>Affirmative Action Specialist
>Floor Activities Manager
>Fruit Food Cart Pusher
>Fruit Food Cart Lead
>Fruit Food Cart Manager
>Plushies Time! Kinesthetic Activity Coordinator
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Dec 2022 03:54:19 UTC No. 929509
pls expand on this q. v interested.
need a marc maron 3d head obj at Tue, 13 Dec 2022 03:57:53 UTC No. 929510
hey anonymous,
this is a nice answer.
i need a mark maron 3d object or stl for a music video real bad. wondering if you have one or can make me one
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Dec 2022 04:06:31 UTC No. 929511
i c i c uve come to the right place. i’m sure one of the talented anons of this board has just the thing ur looking for. b patient & u may find what u seek.
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Dec 2022 16:50:52 UTC No. 929661
>If you grew up reading cyberpunk novels you want it
*reading cyberpunk novels and not understanding anything more than Wow cool future!
Anonymous at Wed, 4 Jan 2023 11:44:27 UTC No. 932163
>Where the fucking money was spent on?
on automated invigilation
Anonymous at Wed, 4 Jan 2023 13:05:00 UTC No. 932167
Ok Mark
Anonymous at Wed, 4 Jan 2023 19:58:18 UTC No. 932195
This looks like an AI post rehashing its training data. If not that then maybe paid Faceberg shill.. and maybe that's where the money is being used
Anonymous at Thu, 5 Jan 2023 06:41:33 UTC No. 932238
to actually answer your question, a good deal of the money probably went to various hardware R&D projects (ASICs, SoCs, sensors, displays, battery, boards, etc) a lot of which probably never ended up revealed to the public due to technology problems (as is typical with R&D).
based on Carmack's statements on leaving, it's pretty clear that a lot of spending was also wasted due to beaurocratic shit and team dysfinction.
I know /3/ is pretty retarded, but just looking at one shitty app and pinning all 16 billion dollars on it is dumber than I would have given you credit for.
🗑️ Anonymous at Sat, 21 Jan 2023 00:17:11 UTC No. 934295
suck the suck
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Jan 2023 10:00:40 UTC No. 934697
Zuck the schizofrenia years
Anonymous at Sat, 18 Feb 2023 12:55:31 UTC No. 937386
wouldnt be surprisd if he made it himself