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๐Ÿงต /DAZ/ 3D General - horror beyond comprehension edition

Anonymous No. 924985

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin (Truebones)

Suggested Blender Bridge:

Similar programs:
Vroid Anime Tool:
Metahuman creator:

Hair Creation:!uywlSQqS!GzZTEOGcRhiEr8Ve5hwsfQ

Genesis 9.
MORE nft shit. But with Atari.

Anonymous No. 925005

>dude posts a rather well done render
>shares a link to a YT video explaining how he did it
>6 minutes of nothing unusual or remarkable
>1 minute of "I fixed it in post"

Every time.

Anonymous No. 925036

How come nobody cares about Metahuman anymore?

Anonymous No. 925038

No smut, simple as. Either you coom or cease to be.

Anonymous No. 925051

is this Natashia Aughey?

Anonymous No. 925055

i have a question for dazbois and coomers:
the skin texture on all these daz renders have a particular look.
and then you also have a very particular look for vidya porn by way of blender.
it's never really very realistic - i'm guessing this is by choice? i only ask this because if someone really wanted better skin they could have gone in and painted some texturingxyz maps on in painter or mari.

if someone started producing high-effort coom renders with a more photoreal quality, would those appeal to you?

Anonymous No. 925057

most people are only interested in vr animated porn nowadays and not stills anon. You barely see the face.

Anonymous No. 925060

i'm not really a /3/ porn connoisseur but i dipped into the popular twitter accounts and still seem to outnumber animated posts by a pretty large majority. but that would make sense t bh seeing as it's the easiest stuff to churn out.

still tho, apart from 1 japanese dude, no one's really shooting for photo/videorealism. is that an aesthetic choice?

Anonymous No. 925061

Good luck making a VN with 10+ hours of content with this method

Anonymous No. 925062

honestly it doesn't take that long to do the tex xyz projection. 1-2 days tops for a model and you can recycle most of the the maps b/w models if you're careful.

Anonymous No. 925065

how do you get dermal / subdermal / epidermal maps from texXYZ?

Anonymous No. 925066


you can pull haemoglobin and melanin maps out from the utility map, but t bh you can fudge together a scatter colour map and get away with it

Anonymous No. 925081

>dead dforce edition

Anonymous No. 925106

haha bro just rollback your gpu drivers to older version that don't even support it

Anonymous No. 925113

Is there a way how to take gen 8 male face and put it on gen 8 female body? Or do the whole thing, i.e.: take a complete male figure and turn it into female?
I don't want any androgynous/troon morphs, I simply want to switch genders. I know it can be done, but I don't know how.

Anonymous No. 925114

To further specify, the goal is to be able to use female only morphs/props/anatomy on previously male model.

Anonymous No. 925183

Is a Lenovo Legion 7i (with Geforce 3070 8GB) gayming laptop a good machine for Daz?

Anonymous No. 925186

16GB would be better but you'd have no problem with simpler renders.

Anonymous No. 925190

He will be rendering with his processor anyway. But the laptop is completely fine.

Anonymous No. 925191

what kind of scene fills up 16gbs of vram? is everything 20 million polygons, with 50 16k textures?

Anonymous No. 925192

What a grand and intoxicating innocence.

Anonymous No. 925193

lay down your vram, it is not too late for my mercy.

Anonymous No. 925194

>He will be rendering with his processor anyway.
Can I ask, why?

Anonymous No. 925196

Because it takes what, three G8 characters to fill up that memory?

Anonymous No. 925197

Is there a way to check how much vram a scene/render is using?

Anonymous No. 925198

again, are you rendering them at subdiv 6, with 50 16k textures?

Anonymous No. 925199

>implying you need that to fill 8 gigs

Anonymous No. 925200

Excuse me sir, can you answer this question >>925197
Please do the needful!

Anonymous No. 925201

Should be in the log I think. Open it, then ctrl+f and "NVidia Iray GPUs"
Otherwise the best bet is software like GPU-Z or HWinfo, they will both tell you how much vram is being used during the render.

Anonymous No. 925203

What about a situation where you are rendering with your CPU?

Anonymous No. 925204

Log should tell you as well, under the same search, it will just use the CPU instead. Of course, I am not sure about this, so apologies if I am mistaken.

Anonymous No. 925209

Btw, does the memory DAZ uses just to have the scene loaded also count towards the GPU vram usage?

Anonymous No. 925211

everything in the render is loaded into vram. even if you delete something, it stays there until you save and reload.

Anonymous No. 925212

No, what I mean is, I can see that just when I have a scene open in DAZ without iray rendering I'm using a certain amount of ram (let's say 4 gigs). When I start rendering (CPU) the memory usage roughly doubles.

Will all of that 8 gigs have to be contained in the VRAM for GPU rendering to work?

Anonymous No. 925213

> even if you delete something, it stays there until you save and reload.
I dont think you know what you're talking about

Anonymous No. 925214

>Will all of that 8 gigs have to be contained in the VRAM for GPU rendering to work?
yes, otherwise it defaults to cpu rendering, which take 900 times longer. there's a tool called scene optimizer that lets you reduce texture map sizes. people make products with 8k maps, because they're best for closeups, but offscreen, background, or things far away don't need anywhere near that size. 8gbs of vram is plenty for daz, as long as you're optimizing a little bit. i used to render at subdiv 4 for my characters, and it took so long. now i render at subdiv 1 or 2, with normal maps for all the detail, and it looks completely identical, but takes a fraction of the time. look at it this way; people will tell you to buy a 30 or 4090 for nearly 30gbs of vram, but there's literally no one in this thread that renders anything that needs even 8.

Anonymous No. 925216

Daz uses your (cpu) RAM like a retard, doesn't care, and assume you have enough, because it isn't that important for (fast) rendering. But RAM is important for fast UI optim. So we keep everything in memory, no matter what, unless you reload the scene.

Well, RAM is not important for rendering, you're swapping like a moron. What is important for pro is VRAM (aka GPU RAM), because iray is not an out-of-core renderer and will never be.

A renderer can either use you (cpu) RAM + VRAM or only rely on your VRAM. Most professional renderer do the hoops to use RAM + VRAM. Iray, being pushed by Nvidia, who only fucking cares about the amount of graphic cards they sell, and the amount of VRAM they can have, have no intention, ever, to develop out of core rendering. Like, absolutely ever.

The important points to ponder (and in plainer and less schizo texts):
1. Iray will never use your RAM, and only your VRAM is important, if you want to be able use your graphic card.
2. Daz is an absolute retard regarding its usage of RAM, but you can simply optimize it by reloading the scene.

Do both of it, optimize your scene for rendering for your VRAM, and reload Daz every time you want to render, and you're settled.

Anonymous No. 925217

>filament would solve every problem
>graphics cards would be nearly irrelevant
>filament is updating constantly
>daz updates filament literally never
it's all so tiresome.

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Anonymous No. 925222

>just buy a new GPU from Nvidia if you want to render your static images bro...

Anonymous No. 925232

Just to clarify, DAZ/iray doesn't give a fuck about the brand of your CPU - AMD Ryzen would work fine, right?

It's only for the GPU that you have to have nvidia, right?

Anonymous No. 925233

cpu doesn't matter for anything in daz. that said, buy a decent cpu, as it's useful for everything else you do on a computer.

Anonymous No. 925234

>cpu doesn't matter for anything in daz.
Except when you are rendering on the CPU...

Anonymous No. 925235

what kind of chimp would ever do that? cpu can't even render a single object with 1 texture in under 5 minutes.

Anonymous No. 925236

are there any hd genesis 8 female teen, or kid characters?

Anonymous No. 925237

Umm, why do you need that, anon?

Anonymous No. 925238

i'm making a really fucked up BLACKED scene as a commission, and my client likes his girls on the younger side.

no, i need to mix hd child and adult details, to de-age some of the details, because they go too hard on them, whereas dialing it down just makes it look blurry, so the younger less wrinkled details will compensate where i lose adult details.

Anonymous No. 925240

I got marvelous designer and added the morphs to my model. But it still looks fucked up.

Anonymous No. 925241

bro thats disgusting

Anonymous No. 925260

You need to remove the daz-generated morphs first. They are hidden, you need to enable hidden properties in parameters. Then apply your own MD morph.
Mind you, if you have a gorillion of morphs applied to make more extreme shapes, it might get fucky. It is fixable though.

Anonymous No. 925270

How much are you making?

Anonymous No. 925318

the only part that's real was the bottom part.

Anonymous No. 925326

This, kek. Anyone making "comissions" would know. That anon is a lying bitch faggot and pedo on top of that.

Anonymous No. 925330

Is it true that you can't do DAZ without a GeForce RTX 4090 with 24 gigs of VRAM?

Anonymous No. 925333

gotta wait for the 5090 ti with 40gbs of vram, so render 2 characters.

Anonymous No. 925370

Is ir*y just an nvidia scam to sell more graphics cards?
Don't they already make enough dough selling to crypto miners?

Anonymous No. 925371

>Don't they already make enough dough selling to crypto miners?
you cant mine crypto on gpus anymore

Anonymous No. 925374


Anonymous No. 925398

I can't wait for VAM 2.0 to finally end Daz. This shit belongs in the dirt, the future is realtime.

Anonymous No. 925478

Any point for daz if I only want nsfw, or should I just stick to Honey Select / VAM?

Anonymous No. 925480

daz is far too much work if you just want to coom in 10 seconds.

Anonymous No. 925482

HS/VAM is for making (you) coom.
Daz is for making others coom. Or (you) if you are into very prolonged edging sessions.

Anonymous No. 925483

do you seriously still get off to still images? I mean, really?

Anonymous No. 925484

Yep. I am old enough to remember jerking off to actual paper porn mags, (making) renders is great.

Anonymous No. 925485

are you like 200?

Anonymous No. 925514

That's the average age of the daz forum users.

Anonymous No. 925541

Your only hope is that this guy goes and create one.
So far he has made only two kid male models.
Any underage models from other creators looks pretty bad and I think that is on purpose.

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Anonymous No. 925548

The funniest shit is how the community is HYPED for Studio 5 while the Daz team stated even in a fucking forum post that its main "feature" is simply Applel support. That's literally it.

Anonymous No. 925550


Anonymous No. 925554


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Ball Gown.jpg

Anonymous No. 925671

I can't stop playing with dolls!

Anonymous No. 925673

even a smaller indoor scene with two figures takes 11.6gb from my 3090

Anonymous No. 925689

Anon, she needs that baroque style pushed up pale cleavage showing, not a poor boobsock.

Anonymous No. 925691

First manjaw lesbo post in years!

Anonymous No. 925692

Manjaw is good. Only effeminate low-t fags are afraid of it. Your sons will have it as well.

Anonymous No. 925701

>no cleavage

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Anonymous No. 925737

New to Daz. Needed to fix them titties and lighting but happy with the outcome

Anonymous No. 925738

Why are you happy with the green vomit ruining the render?

Anonymous No. 925739

What's the deal with the green artifacts?

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Anonymous No. 925750

Here's your lady knight.
Say something nice (or not so nice) to her.

Anonymous No. 925752

Jean should denoise her hair when she is not busy slaying Anglos.
Otherwise very cute.

Anonymous No. 925754

>file deleted

Anonymous No. 925759

Author did maybe? I see nothing that violates any rules.

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ball gown 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 925760

I know, you're right. I was trying to mitigate this retarded bunching up of the dress mesh between her boobs that no amount of tweeking with the weight maps will undo. I tried another instance of the dress to put some dforce contraction on it but I already put a weight map on the skirt and daz gets confused with the geometry tools when there are two of the same thing in a scene and changing the maps on one edits the other. Excuses.... I think I need to make a custom morph to unfuck it, but here you go you.

Anonymous No. 925761

>I think I need to make a custom morph to unfuck it
Five minutes in Marvelous Designer, broseph.

Anonymous No. 925762

What's that one 3d coomer from deviant art that had the same expressionless porcelein asian figure with wide hips and huge tits?
After writing that out, it sounds pretty vague but I'm sure some anon will know what I'm talking about.

Anonymous No. 925768


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Anonymous No. 925772

based and right on target.

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ball gown.jpg

Anonymous No. 925778

Here have another one. Is this Rococo Punk?

Anonymous No. 925780

FFXIV / clockwork droids from Dr Who feels

Anonymous No. 925802

I like that.
But stop hiding from that cleavage. You will have to do it one day. It is very simple too.

Anonymous No. 925818

Little bit of a weird behavior, for those who do extreme HD rendering (aka 5000x3000+). It seems that if the rendering buffer cannot fit into VRAM, then Iray still renders using the GPU, there are absolutely no fallbacks on CPU, but it renders 50 times slower.

Don't know if it's a bug or an expected behavior. It is difficult to search for it because the forums are full of people asking the obvious question of "my scene don't fit into VRAM, why isn't my GPU not used?". Which is pointedly not this behavior. Here the GPU is used, it is just vastly under-used.

You can fix it by selecting lesser definitions or optimizing the VRAM usage of the scene.

Anonymous No. 925822

gee, good thing the coomer artist wrote that on her top. how would I have known otherwise!

Anonymous No. 925874

Where can I get free shit fir daz?

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Anonymous No. 925887

How do i rip models from Sketchfab, like basic items, I desperately need them for my Blender goods, but most are just some corpo showing off their "cool tech" :(

Anonymous No. 925894

Never used DAZ and I can't guarantee this is what's happening, but that sounds like "out of core" rendering. If the GPU runs out of VRAM it will use system RAM which causes a significant slowdown. GPU usage goes down because it's spending more time waiting on memory access.

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Anonymous No. 925895

worst userbase ever

Anonymous No. 925915

Except Iray can't do out of core rendering, at least for textures/geometry data.

It does seem, looking at this behavior, that Iray CAN put the render buffer out of core, which is something I have never seen being documented for Iray. I'd wager Iray put the render buffer into the CPU ram in that case and then goes back and forth through the PCIE.

The 50x loss in speed means that this code path has never been extensively optimized, though. Even for out of core rendering, especially when it is only the render buffer that is out of core, you should never get a 50x loss.

Anonymous No. 925916

Daz Iray implemention was never that good to begin with. One could even say it sucked a fat cock.

Anonymous No. 925921

I will download this 1000 times before I download one G9 morph.

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Anonymous No. 925924

Anonymous No. 925974


Anonymous No. 925975

Shikigamiripper is better (it has bigger breasts), and Pirateripper has been in development for three decades and doesn't seem to stop.

I understand it's the old Pirate vs Ninja argument again, but Pirateripper is just plain better.

Anonymous No. 925976

i can't tell if this is schizoposting or not.

Anonymous No. 925978

As it turns out current nvidia studio driver break dforce simulation. Daz points at nvidia for being a bug in the drivers but I suspect they were using a deprecated api.
I refuse to run outdated drivers just for daz.

Anonymous No. 925983

Iray is unweildy (by design), Daz is incompetent in implementing it. Pointing who is the most retarded in that dance is quite difficult. I'd take Daz, but then Nvidia is as equally retarded when the corporate suits want, or even more.

Daz by default, Nvidia in second guess.

Anonymous No. 925991

i understand why daz has a renderer in it, but just having a fully automatic export to unreal would be infinitely better. you could set up lights easier, post processing, shadow resolution, and everything else, and it would all be in real time. instead we need 4090s to have worse quality then unreal 5 games. stellar.

Anonymous No. 926006

Iray is still a unbiased path tracer with real global illumination.
UE5 can fake global illumination and it can look better from an aesthetic point of view.
But it won't be physically accurate.

Anonymous No. 926007

>But it won't be physically accurate.
Ironic that its used with so many monstrosities that the daz userbase comes up with.

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Anonymous No. 926010

There's even a term for it in scientific literature.
The uncanny valley. Photo realistic furries and other monstrosities just unsettle people.

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Anonymous No. 926023

Does it include a knotted penis geograft?

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Anonymous No. 926026

>almost fifty burgers

Anonymous No. 926031

>still using dforce
>in year of our lord 2000+20+8-6
Use Marvelous.

Anonymous No. 926034

having to make 100 morphs for your clothes when making a VN. Yeah no.

Anonymous No. 926038

>implying you need 100
>better to stick with slower and subpar solution
Based CBT enjoyer.

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Anonymous No. 926080

I haven't been lurking here much recently but I wanted to stop by and say if you guys are not using stable diffusion yet then you are sorely missing out. I know some people hate it because "its stealing" and requires "no effort"(spoiler alert it does) but that is just ignorant bullshit. Stable diffusion/ai generators is just another tool to throw in your toolbelt like photoshop, blender, marvelous designer etc etc.

DAZ is perfect for generating images to use in img2img. In DAZ you can sloppily throw together a scene, render it, pop it in img2img, put the denoise at about .45 so that it closely follows your input image framing and subject but also has enough freedom to add in details based on the prompts you give it. I dont have any sfw examples to post but here is a pic of a catgirl from a final fantasy xiv screenshot. Check out the rentry guides in the stable diffusion general on /g/ to get started.

AI isnt going anywhere so you should learn to use it now. The community is blowing up and people are super helpful because its all about making AI accessible to everybody.

Anonymous No. 926081

post link with nsfw

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Anonymous No. 926083

I'm gonna be real with you chief that is the actual version. the tiddies were out of frame because in game she had a bra on and I just wanted a quick sfw pic of her to share on christian blue boards.

Anonymous No. 926084

i did post a nsfw pic in this thread yesterday. The pic was originally from daz. Its the one with money scattered around

Anonymous No. 926086

People already say that DAZ render all look the same and you want to make them even more look the same?

Anonymous No. 926087

That thread is soulless as fuck. I mean it is nice you have a hobby, but beyond figuring out the prompts and very basic image manipulation, what is there left to learn?
I like 3D because it is a very complex thing with potentially unlimited scope of use. I've spent last month learning about cloth simulation and I had a blast while doing it. I can easily spent whole life learning it which brings me immense joy, while more or less ignoring the real world, which also brings me happiness. I am not shunning AI tools, not at all, but I think there are better uses than making one souless same looking picture after another. You have stuff like Dream Textures for Blender, that will generate you textures you want. Including built-in upscaling and other awesome tools. With another plugin, you can instantly UV map it too.

Anonymous No. 926088

>what is there left to learn?
>I like 3D because it is a very complex thing with potentially unlimited scope of use.
in 3D you are learning real skills like sculpting and architecture, engineering or real film/photography techniques depending on what you are making.
The same can be said about stable diffusion but to a lesser extent because the very nature of the tool is making a shortcut to get from point a to point b.

Anonymous No. 926089

>>926088 (me)
continuing because I prematurely clicked post

to get good results from AI you need to know the correct terms and learn about artist styles. 3D is much more hands on and in depth no doubt. AI is a shortcut tool that still requires work.

Anonymous No. 926100

Never install anything onto your computer that is smarter than you are.

Anonymous No. 926102

>Never install anything onto your computer that is smarter than you are.
is that why you use DAZ 3D?

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Anonymous No. 926110

i love ignoring the real world too so much it's unreal bro

Anonymous No. 926111

IRL is quite overrated, if you ask me, fren.
There are so many amazing things to learn and create.

Anonymous No. 926128

what in the goddamn

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Anonymous No. 926131

Like what you see, big boy?

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Anonymous No. 926137

Gobbo time!

Anonymous No. 926140


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Anonymous No. 926169

so this is the power of Michael 9, huh?

Anonymous No. 926183

so what is the verdict?
we all agree that gen 9 is dog shit with no contents, right?
I dont even update daz yet, I mean there is nothing for gen 9 at the moment. No new gen for v9, no breastacular, no good wet skin geo shells, no nothing.

Anonymous No. 926185

I am fairly ambivalent about it. It just feels very needless.

Anonymous No. 926186

it's also 10 minutes old.

Anonymous No. 926189

Can someone tell me what Victoria and Michael do? Daz now pitches them as like expansion packs to the current Genesis generation, but I don't see what they offer that justifies costing twice that of any other character.

Anonymous No. 926190

Who the hell even cares about that. You can pirate everything easily. And you should.

Anonymous No. 926198

gen 9 is just gen 8 with a unified mesh for both sex. So for the end user its not really a big thing and since the base mesh is still so low poly its not like people can create new interesting HD stuff any easier than gen 8.
Gen 9 advantage is there its just not that big...

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Anonymous No. 926199

Why are there still so few strand based hairs? They render much faster than transparency based hairs and don't waste gigabytes of disk space with same texture recolored 100 times.

Anonymous No. 926201

ai niggers trying to make it sound like throwing together a word salad or looking at artist names for the first time in their lives is work or a skill. niggers all have aphatansia so they'll be satisfied with any old garbage the ai spits back at them because they have no vision, low standards and no skill.

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Anonymous No. 926205

Can any experts in the thread recommend a head morph and texture to recreate pic related in Daz? I've already dialed in some Jada, Darya, and others but they're not close. I know an exact likeness isn't likely but hey.

Anonymous No. 926214

Because they each cost 3 GB of VRAM. Which is fine for a closeup or one or two characters fucking in a random room. When you do huge orgies of dozen of people, like me, myself, and I, I don't want a 3 GB VRAM hair. It does seem a tad unnecessary.

Worse, you don't need strand tech to do physic hair. Many hair before did dforce physics without strands. But Daz has decided to promote heavily the idea physic hair = strand hair, which has killed the hype more than anything else.

When the tech was first announced, there was a huge first wave of strand based hair, but seeing as 3 GB VRAM (see above), it pretty much killed the hype. For both strand based hair and (unfortunately) physic simu hair.

This ridiculousness has reached the point that there is some new DForce hair that directly market that they are NON strand based, no strands here, thank you, but we're still doing physics, BUT NO STRANDS HERE. Which is going against the thorough pr brainwashing from Daz, so it doesn't really gain traction.

Daz needs to apologyze, admits they fucked up, and push their own non-strand DForce hair, but they don't, so yeah.

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Anonymous No. 926233

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Anonymous No. 926239

More gobbo fun

Anonymous No. 926242

Oh no! A nipple! SAVE ME NIGERMAN

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Anonymous No. 926250

Anonymous No. 926293

Is the trick with old daz version( 4.5) to get access to HD morph still work, guy?
WTF daz just open the HD morphs already you are only hurting yourself gatekeeping that shit

Anonymous No. 926296

gen 9 base mesh has like double the polycount of gen 8, is it not?

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hair results.png

Anonymous No. 926298

I did some testing and these were my results.

Looks like viewport line tessellation sides 1 renders hair directly as curves without tessellating them into polygons. 2 turns hair into flat ribbons, 3 into triange shaped prisms. 1 is the default setting for viewport, 3 for rendering. I dunno why because 1 gave best results while using less memory.

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Anonymous No. 926343

gen8 about 16k base and gen9 about 25k base.

Anonymous No. 926408

>Empty scene after deleting everything
You didn't control for all variables. Especially when some of thoses are well known by anyone with a shred of competence.

Please reload your scene before each test. Each test should contain only the content of your scene, nothing else, and you should not press any button except "render". Daz love to hoard textures and VRAM for 1. the undo function and 2. Iray isn't much better.

Do not use the Iray viewport. It does weird things with memory and VRAM. Render an entire scene.

Then control for texture size. What happens when you divide by two the texture of Linda Ponytail? What happens when you divide by two the texture of Ingrid Hair?

No need to do the testing, I know the answer: most of the VRAM usage in transparency map hairs are on the textures, which can be trivially sized down, especially given that those hairs do 4k maps nowadays, for some reasons. You can pile up 10 of those hairs in an orgy with little tweaking, save for texture map reduction.

Strand hairs VRAM size is all in the polygon count, and the tesselation. Can't really optimize that, kiddo. Except maybe accepting a tess of 1, or even 0, and then your hair look like shit.

Anonymous No. 926411

>which can be trivially sized down
NTA but I would be very interested in this process.

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Anonymous No. 926413

It's a diffcult process. It needs many things to be understood, and many trials to be experienced. I don't know if you have the... stomach, to get it.

You need to pirate scene optimizer. Then you need to click on the scene optimizer button. If you don't have one, click on the script in the bottom right of your list of scripts, and put it on your list of scripts buttons. Anyways, click on the script optimizer script.

Then you need to click on "okay". Or Ok? And then it is solved.

Please subscrive to my patreon, my discord channel, my Disney channel, and give me lot of money from my Instagram.

Anonymous No. 926414

I thought you were doing some extra magicks, not just using scene optimizer nigga. I've been using it for a while too.

Anonymous No. 926431

You can reduce strand density or curve points and increase thickness to compensate.

Anonymous No. 926455

anybody know how to restore textures. The restore texture shit isn't working on mine.

Anonymous No. 926456

you have to select what you want to restore.

Anonymous No. 926468

snagged a brand new 3060 ti for $330 usd. wanted a 3070, but this price was too good to pass up.

Anonymous No. 926475

a normal 3060 is actually much better for daz because none of the Cuda cores matter if it can't fit inside the VRAM and the 3060 has 12GB while the Ti has 8

Anonymous No. 926476

3060 12gb was 500 bucks. and i use it for games too.

Anonymous No. 926504

>test render that used to take 5 minutes now takes 27 seconds on my new card

Anonymous No. 926506

I can't wait for the upgrade next year. CPU rendering is so tiresome.

Anonymous No. 926513

is dforce still kill?

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skull bikini.png

Anonymous No. 926517


Anonymous No. 926537

ehh mehh
9k more poly for a shittier topology ehh
I mean goddamn, look at that belly, look at that breast, who the fuck is this for

Anonymous No. 926539

is gen 9 the biggest blunder of daz?
No compatible with gen 8, shitty topology.
And I dont see any noteworthy vendors making new stuffs for gen 9.
Dead on arrival

Anonymous No. 926541

You want magic tricks?
Just pirate the zbrush, import the card hair, run Zremesher on it, make it all have the same straight uv, stack them uv on top of each other.
Now your hair only use 1 texture.
This is how mobile games make hair too.

Anonymous No. 926557

>juicy thighs
This is a SFW thread anon!

Anonymous No. 926558

for people who want to create non-female / male human characters and want to create creatures and such.

Anonymous No. 926571

So what's your daily driver? Mines g8.1f, Best figure ever

Anonymous No. 926578

no, last wednesday's driver update fixed it.
Rome wasnt built in a day
fck yeah, post more please
I'm a simple man, I use Hagar 8 for most of my scenes. With big ol titties of course.

Anonymous No. 926606

You still use gen 8? I mean gen 8 is fine but 8.1 is way better at facial expressions than 8. Much better.

Anonymous No. 926608

Yeah, I use the Hagar 8 character on 8.1

Anonymous No. 926613

why the fuck does genesis 9 look worse than genesis 7? what was the point of genesis 8.1?

Anonymous No. 926619

8.1 is fine. It's 8 but better. Gen 9 tho, dog shit through and through

Anonymous No. 926634

Dude, did you think that the process for downsizing textures, which means taking a texture and making it smaller, was somehow much more complicated and much deeper than taking the texture and making it smaller?

I mean, there is incompetence, and then there is that.

The script that was made to downsize texture is integral, and really the only, part, of the incredibly complicated process of downsizing textures. By downsizing textures, you have completed the process of downsizing textures - and the script that do it automatically with one click is that entire process, as the downsizing texture script downsize your textures with a script. And then your textures are, in fact, downsized.

You can do it manually, sure, I've done it, but you should use the script.

It's like I'm talking to down syndrome people sometimes. No offense intended. ...A little bit more than none.

Anonymous No. 926644

Just because you're right doesn't mean you're correct.

Anonymous No. 926646

Anon you should heed more the words of a famous philosopher HP Baxxter.
>It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.

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Anonymous No. 926647

How do I use "indoor set" assets such as this one, without murdering my render times? I really don't understand how other people use them.

Anonymous No. 926648

MIchael 9 anatomical element MALE texture is black, like "full melamine blacked" black. WTF.

Anonymous No. 926672

Render piece by piece then photoshop to mess them together. Use spot render on figures to capture light and shadow correctly

Anonymous No. 926685

How would I render piece by piece? The multiple canvases feature does not seem to help with speed at all. I've tried the spot rendering tool now that you've said it, but I don't understand how that would help either. Do you mean that I should render the scene in small tiles with the spot render thing? Like a NxM grid? Why is this better than rendering the entire scene at once?

Anonymous No. 926695

First render the room. Then remove the room and render the bed. Do the same for furnitures. Then use Photoshop to layer them on top of each other. Use spot render with figure and the room only, cause the indoor lights will cast shadow.

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Anonymous No. 926697

Here's your ginger woman knight.
Say something nice to her and wish her luck (she's really gonna need it).

Anonymous No. 926700

Ironically this kind if "armor" will actually bring more protection and less damage receive because enemy will want to keep her in one piece and without a scratch so they can correct her later

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Anonymous No. 926712

Anonymous No. 926714

Why is she covering herself if you didn't apply genitals?

Anonymous No. 926717

how do you know there's no genitals if she's covering herself?

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Anonymous No. 926720

>Ironically this kind if "armor" will actually bring more protection
Not around these parts.
You didn't wish her enough luck guys...

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 926755

get it while it's hot.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 926756

get it while it's hot.

Anonymous No. 926757


Anonymous No. 926762

Any DAZ pros here?
How can I save my edited G8 bone weights?
I mean in a way that I can apply them later to any other G8 when needed.

Anonymous No. 926777

Tell me if you find an answer. I'm pretty sure you can't, but maybe some pro knows more.

Anonymous No. 926791

cute feet and tummy

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Anonymous No. 926801

>Now anon shall taste my blade!

Anonymous No. 926811

save it as a scene, and use transfer utility to transfer the weight map to new figures?
other than that idk daz is pretty dog shit at everything,

Anonymous No. 926812

i dunno, i view daz the same way i view unity. it's amazing when you put in the effort, but it also fully facilitates the biggest retards. blessing and a curse.

Anonymous No. 926862

How do you make intestines in daz?

Anonymous No. 926890

I would but apparently Studio does not allow this.
That's usually what I do but I thought there might be a possibility to just save them as asset file.

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Anonymous No. 926891

It's also hysterical how fucking horrendous and basically non-existent Studio's documentation is.
It's like 5% of its capabilities are actually officially documented and the rest is handles like some weird esoteric knowledge you can only find by sifting through old forum and Deviantart posts.

A prime example: Powerpose.
You want to put some parameters on it for your character of choice (which is easily possible btw)? Let's say you want to add eye lid movements to G2 or a couple handpicked expressions.
>hErE iS hOw u UsE pOwErPoSe!1 *shows how you do teh clickies on it to make funny faec :)*
Basically every fucking tutorial there. Apart from some really hidden gems and that Daz Guru dude they almost never show character setup shit, only how you use the obvious babby level crap.
The question is, why do they stuff the damn program with features and then don't tell anyone how to use them? Is this again that dumb content creator faggotry where they try to make shit hard for people to do themselves so they rather buy shit from the store like the HD bullshit?

Anonymous No. 926893

Why would they do anything? Retarded boomers will buy their shit for their doll houses anyway. That is why you have "Daz professionals" on youtube who still use gizmo to look around, who don't know about holding alt when putting something into the scene or ctrl when applying a pose.

Anonymous No. 926896

The dumbest fucking move is gate keeping HD morphs...

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ofck cat.jpg

Anonymous No. 926930

>or ctrl when applying a pose.
holy shit
can you guys drop some more wisdom

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Anonymous No. 926932

Much of it is tribal knowledge at this point. Stuff you pick up on random DA pages or tutorials on what look like old geocities pages. First things first, setup custom keybinds to copy navigation from your favorite 3d app.

Anonymous No. 926935

>First things first, setup custom keybinds to copy navigation from your favorite 3d app.
yeah that's the first thing I do after an install. glad it's even possible consneedering this is Daz but top comfy once set up.

Anonymous No. 926936

You can remove geometry you don't want with geometry editor (tools).
mcjDenoise is a free implementation of Intel denoiser into Daz. It is very good.
You can fairly easily setup controls to behave exactly like Blender, Maya or Max if you want. You can even use WSAD to fly around Unreal Tournament spectator style.
Use keybinds to switch between viewports and drawstyles.
Sunsky has a sun dial in render > preset
To lock camera in place, use those little lock icons in parameters tab
Spot render tool is awesome, use it. Tool setting > new window
You can put your library into pages instead of that retarded tree system daz has from default

Anonymous No. 926937

>mcjDenoise is a free implementation of Intel denoiser into Daz. It is very good.
What are the advantages over the integrated iray denoiser?
I have the iray denoiser starting at 0 samples so it's basically denoising in realtime and works quite nicely

Anonymous No. 926939

>What are the advantages over the integrated iray denoiser?
It doesn't slow up your render times because you denoise an already finished image after it was rendered. This also leaves much more play with Photoshop post-work. Results are also way better.

Anonymous No. 926944

I am still surprised how no memer went down the mcasual rabbithole so far. The dude basically is CONDENSED DAZ. The essence.

Anonymous No. 926945

Kek, yeah. I mean I really enjoy his denoiser, but the dude is something else.

Anonymous No. 926947


Anonymous No. 926949

not him, but when do you start the denoise? how am i supposed to quantify what iteration means in terms of time? what if i want denoise to kick in at 90%?

Anonymous No. 926951

Don't use Daz built-in denoise. It slows down your render time and the result quality is not that good either.
Use mcj above. Autistic retard or not, it works amazingly well and it is inside of Daz. You render your pic normally, then start his script, select the pic and denoise it. It only takes few seconds.

Otherwise if you really have to, let Daz denoiser to kick in just few samples before the final one. Lots of people use it just for the last sample, ie.: 500 samples, use it on 499 sample.

Anonymous No. 926971

>This also leaves much more play with Photoshop post-work.
How is automatic denoising better than having the original render and the denoised render in Photoshop?

Anonymous No. 926972

Having original render + denoised one is the result of using mcj, not Daz inhouse denoiser.

Anonymous No. 926974

if using it post-render, why not just use topaz ai denoise?

Anonymous No. 926976

Because topaz is shit at everything that is not a portrait. Especially their "app" which is just a shitty browser wrapper is insulting. The fact it takes way longer and the result is not that much better than mjc (which is again right in Daz) is another issue. If you combine mjc + little bit of photoshop the results are always simply better.

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Anonymous No. 926987

Please help. I need to identify this top.

Anonymous No. 926988

That latex with mesh looks like LEONdigital clothing. He puts this shit everywhere. And if not, he certainly makes very similar clothing. Could easily be his own clothing with custom leather shader.

Anonymous No. 926990

Feels like I've seen that on renderosity

Anonymous No. 926993

Don't think it's that. It looks a bit like Clothing Assembly 7 but not quite.

Anonymous No. 926999

Small Distraction for Genesis 3 Females

Anonymous No. 927000


Anonymous No. 927004

based lilflame identifier

Anonymous No. 927010

>Meipe's breastacular has been submitted for review to renderotica
We're close friends!

Anonymous No. 927012

I don't get it.

Anonymous No. 927015

booby soon. good.

Anonymous No. 927019

New version?

Anonymous No. 927048

I'm glad I learned how to do boob morphs myself long ago. There was always something that pissed me off and waiting for someone to do it right was bullshit too.
Also fuck installing morph packages of which maybe 1 or 2 are appealing.

Anonymous No. 927051

Share some booba please?

Anonymous No. 927071

Genesis 9?

Anonymous No. 927086

Any marvelous designer chads know how to make two different layers of clothing fit together. I'm trying to simulate a robe and lingerie but the robe always gets stuck on the bra and when I do the morph in Daz3d it clips through the bra string

Anonymous No. 927087

You tried putting the lingerie as a part of a avatar (ie.: you export it to .obj with it) and then applying the robe as your cloth alone?
Also I think I've seen some tutorials on youtube how to make it work with more layers. Some people make wild-ass six layers stuff with it.

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20 09 2022 pofolk....jpg

Anonymous No. 927103

what is new with Genesis 9 ? just 8K textures and more meshs ?

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Anonymous No. 927107

How's this hoe

Anonymous No. 927108

bigger funbags needed

Anonymous No. 927109

How can I into collisions? I know that there's Meipe's stuff for butts and breasts, but what about the other parts such as thighs and calves?

Anonymous No. 927110

Same method meipe uses with the "invisible" clothing items.

Anonymous No. 927112

Is there a relatively easy way of doing that?

Anonymous No. 927113

Not him, but Ghost Dynamics. Should be on Zonegfx.

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Anonymous No. 927118

you just know...

Anonymous No. 927119


Anonymous No. 927120

Share preset of her please? I'm in love!

Anonymous No. 927122

she's custom.

Anonymous No. 927123

She's a dream

Anonymous No. 927124

Post more please?

Anonymous No. 927128

new graphics card, so i'm posting more!

Anonymous No. 927129

I humbly requests more skin tight bodysuits or bikinis.

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Anonymous No. 927146


Anonymous No. 927147

Very hot, love the makeup work you've done. Muscularity is also great.

Anonymous No. 927148

Built for Alien abduction, probing and body modification!

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spess marin.jpg

Anonymous No. 927161

all aliens get shot, unless they're cute femboy aliens, then they get the forced amazon position.

Anonymous No. 927163

There is one guy that comes to mind and is pretty popular that does photoreal 3d porn:
I think he uses daz as a starting point...

Anonymous No. 927164

damn, i should start a patreon, work my way up to a 4090 render station...

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Anonymous No. 927165

Wow. His shit is based.

Anonymous No. 927166

Ngl I thought u guys were talking about xaqq from pixiv
Ngl I thought you gu

Anonymous No. 927167

Most of his scenes seem to be lit similar to that one.
How do you get that shiny, wet skin effect, and the lighting? I've tried plenty of times, but I have not been able to get it right.

Anonymous No. 927168

you can use a geoshell, or a roughness map.

Anonymous No. 927172

He tags "octane" on his pixiv so I assume he's not using default daz iray. That may be why

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Anonymous No. 927174

I need some opinions on this pose, I've staring at it for so long that my brain can't parse it anymore.
I have this paladin lady ,she's doing the Dark Souls pose of wielding a greatsword over the shoulder.

Does it look weird, like she's trying to cut her own head off? I literally can't tell anymore

Anonymous No. 927178

i think her sword hand is a little too close to her. if you google "sword over shoulder" most images have the middle of the blade on the shoulder. her torso looks a little too rotated for her hips maybe.

Anonymous No. 927183

Based alien drainer

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Anonymous No. 927188

Have that blade resting flat, not with the edge against the body. People did that because having the weight of that edge is not comfy and you are damaging the edge too. I would also make the arm's angle not so sharp.

Or do like irl landsknechts did, picrel. Note his hand on the end of the handle. Good scifi/fantasy is always realistic in little details.

Anonymous No. 927192

>unless they're cute femboy aliens, then they get the forced amazon position.
Very based.

Anonymous No. 927195

As anon above said, the torso it's too rotated so it looks like she's trying very hard to make a pose. I don't think the edge of the sword sitting on the body is necessarily bad since it's supposed to look cool but it's too close to the neck, so maybe move it further out and give her something like a shoulderpad so it does not sit on flesh. Btw the sword looks a bit short so with the angle her arm is sitting at it looks like she's trying hard to be cool since the weight does fall on her shoulder, so maybe pull the forearm a bit further out to make it look more relaxed

Anonymous No. 927196

Also, if the wind is strong enough to move the cloak, it should move the hair too.

Anonymous No. 927200

I am trying to create a scene where my model is wearing panties with thin strings, so some of her pubes are out in the open.
Of course, when I set up the scene, at the part that's actually covered by her underwear, her pubes poke through the panties. I want this part to have a bit of a bump instead, to give the impression that the underwear is being pushed away by her pubes.
I tried doing it with Photoshop, but the panties' surface ends up looking blurry, and I can't create the bump effect.

Anonymous No. 927201

Make a custom morph in Zbrush, move/inflate brush. Or Marvelous. Or blender sculpting.

Anonymous No. 927206

Just use meshgrabber plugin

Anonymous No. 927207

Learn to sculpt and modelling in general it will make your life so much easier and enchan your daz experience even more

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Anonymous No. 927224


Thanks. Did some adjustments.
Is this better/ worse?

Anonymous No. 927229

Much more dynamic, better.

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Anonymous No. 927233

Want to see real horror?

Anonymous No. 927237


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Anonymous No. 927239

>load sweat shell onto model
>gen textures shits to bed
>try the shell fix feature of the gen
>the entire model shits the bed
>can't even ctrl-z out at any point in this

Anonymous No. 927242

gen 9 or gen 8?
Idk shit about gen 9 but on gen 8 the problem is always lie within the geo shell. You never touch the g8f textures, its doesnt matter.

Anonymous No. 927243

i knew how to fix this at one point, but i don't remember. sorry anon.

Anonymous No. 927244

also usually its the shell conflict. there is one guide on rendererotica about how to use sweat/wet geo shell with geograft stuffs like NGV9, breastacular or golden palace. Written by meipe, quite short and easy, you should look at that.

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Anonymous No. 927245

Anonymous No. 927246


Anonymous No. 927253

I found the guide and it worked, thank you anon.

Anonymous No. 927260

How about, stripping a castsuit with a tiny swimsuit underneath?

Anonymous No. 927264

as someone who is alright modeling in blender:

Is there really no way to avoid ZBrush and not have to go through a lot of bullshit?

Anonymous No. 927265

Export un subd-d or HR model from daz. Do what you want in application of your choice. Import as morph. Make sure your sculpting method doesnt add geo.

Anonymous No. 927271

Most of the wet/oily/etc. resources are shit. Only one that fundamentally works out of the box with breastacular/futalicious/golden palace/etc. is "Ultimate Skin Moisture V1.2 Sexy When Wet Bundle." I think it is because Meipe worked on it too.

Anonymous No. 927276

So, what is THE GPU for rendering right now? And what is a the budget choice?

Anonymous No. 927277

THE gpu is always the one with the most vram and most cuda cores. i just got an rtx 3060 ti, which is more than enough for what i do. it's 8gbs, and has 4864 cuda cores. i got it for an amazing price. the rtx 4090 has 24gbs of vram, and 16,384 cuda cores, which should make every render absolutely blazing fast, but also it costs 1600 USD. imo "THE" gpu, is whatever is in your budget, and suits your needs.

Anonymous No. 927284

Why would you want to avoid zbrush. Zbrush is fucking magic, man, I tell you.
It might feel like shit navigating zbrush at first but try to endure, after a few days you will come to love it.
Man zbrush is so fucking good at what it foes it make blender look like a complete amateur

Anonymous No. 927285

What's the best "skin builder" for genesis 8?

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Anonymous No. 927292

someone else who understands. realtime is the only way forward. just the chair alone would chew up 5GB vram and take 5 minutes to render in daz sadkek. but don't worry fellow dazlets, at least we can rebuy the same G8 assets again but now on G9!

Anonymous No. 927293

You answered your own question.

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whore in pool.jpg

Anonymous No. 927296

This one took 12.5 gb and 5 mins to render with my 3090. Daz could've been more efficient

Anonymous No. 927307

>realtime is the only way forward.
Nobody ever denies that.

And where is your comparison shot from UE?

Anonymous No. 927308

Man I am looking forward to upgrading my computer. UE5 looks so much fun.

Anonymous No. 927310

Ue still lack a contents library tho. Daz is shitty but it get hundreds of thousand of contents that you could tap on.

Anonymous No. 927311

That is fine. I can make my own shitty models. And I am sure there is a way to steal Daz models and port them to Unreal too.

Anonymous No. 927315

It's not 'stealing', they literally have a bridge for doing just that. but with all their other bridges and tools, it's half-baked shit that doesn't look remotely decent. Daz really should just ditch the entire 'studio' concept and instead transform it into a robust content library that works with blender, unreal, unity etc. the VAM guy probably makes more money than the entire Daz company just by giving Genesis 2 models jiggle physics in Unity.

Anonymous No. 927318

yeah stop all daz development, focus on making bridge, its not like daz is developing these day. Then again i doubt they could pull them bridges off, what with 2 coders and stuff

Anonymous No. 927383

I like the look the bloom filter creates, but at the same time it can make light sources and other objects look too bright. Is it possible to apply it to specific (gen 8) models?

Anonymous No. 927385


Also, I've been having to restart my computer a lot since 4.21. If I don't restart after attempting a render, the next one becomes significantly slower. Bow anyone else experienced this?

Anonymous No. 927386

That is normal, it is just the absolute state of how Daz works with memory. Restart the software after each finished renders. Scripts like render queue does it for you automatically too. No need to restart your whole computer.

Anonymous No. 927400

I'm trying to put cum on my gen 8 model with the "Cum PRO Pack" asset, but dforce keeps moving her feet and toes during the simulation. Is there a way to stop this?
I've already tried turning off the "Start Bones From Memorized Pose" option.

Anonymous No. 927401

Stop using dforce, it is an absolute shit. If you need clothing done, use Marvelous instead.

Anonymous No. 927402

I'm trying to put cum on her, not clothes.

Anonymous No. 927403

>cum prop
>using dforce
But why. There are shitload of coom props that are not retarded.

Anonymous No. 927404

I've been able to find one that can put cum on gen 8 feet(top and soles), but the cum itself looks atrocious.

Anonymous No. 927406

like i said, a simple sculpting skill will go a long way. its not that hard, in fact, very easy, to scuplt that coom on your g8f feet.

Anonymous No. 927416

>It's not 'stealing'
I think he meant getting the DAZ content and not the porting to UE.

Anonymous No. 927418


This makes adding cum to anything really easy. It even has a small tutorial what you have to do to use it with DAZ.

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00 kjsdfff.jpg

Anonymous No. 927431

Daz should buy the U5 engine and pay the 5% royalties, fuck Iray,

I would be able to create nice tortures videos, animation rendering in DAZ is so long

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Anonymous No. 927440


Best storytelling so far

Anonymous No. 927442

What 90s claymation point-and-click adventure game is this?

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Anonymous No. 927443

I don't know but it blew my fucking mind

Anonymous No. 927444

>it's half-baked shit that doesn't look remotely decent.

Anonymous No. 927445

>This video contains mature content. Log in to watch.
I don't think so, Tim.

Anonymous No. 927446


Anonymous No. 927458

Am I just retarded or Is there really no baby/massage oil bottle asset anywhere?

Anonymous No. 927480

Anybody know where I can get Blended Dual Lobe Hair.dsf? I constantly get error when appliying hair. I think it's supposed to be a part of dForce Starter Essentials but my Daz only works offline and I can't find manual download.

Anonymous No. 927496

There was a whole thread with people trying to get Blender to create a game engine but the Blender people said If they make Blender into a game engine They wouldn't have enough resources to create it and provide updates to Blender at the same time.

Anonymous No. 927504

texturingxyz map

Anonymous No. 927507

texturingxyz vface:

Anonymous No. 927508

What's this? Dolphin Porn?

Anonymous No. 927511

It is part of the dforce starter essentials and you can download them manually in your product library on

Anonymous No. 927537

so did you guys try this advanced pussy yet?
Promo look quite good, at least its better than golden palace, I think.
Its up on 3d-load, try it out guys.

Anonymous No. 927574

Is it possible to pirate and install assets in bulk? So sick of the download-extract-refresh loop.

Anonymous No. 927576

I want to use it as it seems to be capable of many things, but simply loading it on my model locks up my CPU in the texture shaded view.

Anonymous No. 927578

Whats it called?

Anonymous No. 927579

Buy it on the Store you Chud

Anonymous No. 927580

Advanced pussy duh

Anonymous No. 927584

Anons, post what you rendered over the long weekend.

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Anonymous No. 927616


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red vest.jpg

Anonymous No. 927648


Anonymous No. 927700

What's the best way of making assets for daz?
Start with blender then port them over?

Anonymous No. 927701

take a base model you want to make clothing for, export that base mesh to blender, model your clothes on that. import the clothing back to daz, and use transfer utility to rig and skin the clothing automatically.

Anonymous No. 927714

How do you guys actually make money doing this stuff?

Anonymous No. 927715

porn and only porn. fashion works too, but your name has to end in berg, stein, or ski.

Anonymous No. 927716

Where can you make money doing porn animations though? Sorry I'm totally out of the loop, do you make money through patreon or something like that? Are there websites that will buy your videos somehow? Apologies I am really low on money and I don't want to go back to wageslaving

Anonymous No. 927755


Or use Marvelous Designer/ Cloth 3D.. + Substance Painter, should make the whole process as easy as creating "morphs" for characters and yea, you could also create skins with SP.

Good PC? Upload your videos on porn sites. Make a patreon and a cheap website or just a twitter account.. look up some other artists and copy their content..

But be warned, it's not as easy how it looks.

Anonymous No. 927756

and maybe use dazwraps models to acquire an audience from a game/movie

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Anonymous No. 927783


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Anonymous No. 927815

Just your normal royal guard guarding the palace.

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Anonymous No. 927826

Yet another royal guard.
Will they be enough to defend the palace from attack?

Anonymous No. 927836

as long as there's no goblins.

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Anonymous No. 927843


Anonymous No. 927845

cutie! Character?

Anonymous No. 927847

Custom, based on 8.1

Anonymous No. 927849


Anonymous No. 927868

Junepher, you have to be at the office by 08:30

Anonymous No. 927878

Do you guys just use the default Camera or use premade ones like

Anonymous No. 927879

>20 bucks
I wouldn't even pirate that, let alone pay for it. Just use proper frame width with your camera. Default should be 36mm. If you want your thing to has more presence, to be "more in the shot" or feel "more there", then use less, like 20 or 25mm and vice versa.

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Anonymous No. 927884

So this is the power of Genesis 9...

Anonymous No. 927886

>Josie is bratz-tier again
th-thanks daz

Anonymous No. 927890

see >>927107 and >>927296
will render one tonight

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Anonymous No. 927891

Looks like Ariane Grande

Anonymous No. 927901

not impressed. overuse of 8k textures.
I could do the same with 4k on g8f, just need to spend sometime sculpting face detail.
Honestly its not that good bro.
Also i dont understand, why dont daz's vendors use more normal maps?
Just make some face details on a 30 millions polygon meshes and bake it. Not everything has to be 8 K textures for fuck sake

Anonymous No. 927902

yes, I have never seen a figure with face normal map, in Daz, ever?!
Daz's policy? Save them juice details for the 4x subdivide HD morph?
Fucking backward and primitive, really.

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Anonymous No. 927908


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Anonymous No. 927909

Another pair of royal guards.
I really like how this outfit turned out.

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Anonymous No. 927910


That one was based on P3D's Portia.

Anonymous No. 927918

with royal guards like this, my boypussy is safe from huge orc cock.

Anonymous No. 927921

Boys don't have pussies, what are you talking about?

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Anonymous No. 927929

Experimenting with armor.
Which armor plate fits best with this outfit: shiny metal or black?

Also, which main weapon should they carry: spear or pole-axe?

Anonymous No. 927934

do you know how to set up pbr textures in daz? i think a custom painted metal looks better for nudie armor.

Anonymous No. 927970

Is there a site/blog where you guys post your renders?

Anonymous No. 927971

yeah, here lmao.

Anonymous No. 927995

kek this and on twitter, slushe, devianart. currently working on an avn

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Anonymous No. 928004

Anonymous No. 928010


Anonymous No. 928011

can you match genital color to body color of the victoria new gens for 8.1? Is there any skin texture picker that makes the job easier?

Anonymous No. 928031

She look like she has down

Anonymous No. 928043

what's down, dog?

Anonymous No. 928051

down syndrome
look retarded

Anonymous No. 928063

There are no overuse of 8k textures.

Just 16k textures that were downsized once.

You need to learn to accept that the old good day of 512 textures are beyond you. Now we're doing 16k. 32k. 64k. You need to see each single atoms of the textures, and if that takes 64 GBs of VRAM, then it's logical: it's 64_Ks_. Why would you take 64 of the Ks if you didn't want it to fit into 64 GBs of VRAM?

Scrub. Pleb. Utter morons. Small dick with small graphical cards.

Anonymous No. 928080

Lol noob. A master could do more with less, not other way around. Those shitty g9f characters don't even have normal map for details, but relying on HD morphs, fucking retard. Not even cgi movies like avatar use millions polygon meshes for their character.

Anonymous No. 928105

You should have seen the mongoloids afew threads ago

Anonymous No. 928111

How do I use the new Breastacular 9 with clothing?
Christmas Cuckold thread when???

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Anonymous No. 928125

>He doesn't millions of polygons in subd 10 in 64k.

Not robust. Not based. The future is forward, and you're only looking back. That is why we can't have strand hairs anymore. Muh "it can't render on 1 year old GPU" crowd.

Guess what, plebs: it's 1 year old. If you don't replace your GPU every month, then you're not worthy of Daz.

16k next. Then 32k. Believe it.

Anonymous No. 928129

Manually modify the clothes with vertices grab or something.
Breastacular always has trouble with clothes even with gen 8

Anonymous No. 928130

>Breastacular always has trouble with clothes even with gen 8
It works great with Marvelous. Stop using shitty daz clothing system, it sucks.

Anonymous No. 928132

What does that mean? Clothes make in marvelous?

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Anonymous No. 928133

No, make a custom morph for your clothing in Marvelous. You could probably do it with zbrush or blender too, but it is way more work.
picrel. Left is default Daz fuckery on Breastacular, right is Marvelous method. Same exact piece of clothing.

Anonymous No. 928135

Any vids or tutorial on that? Seem interesting.

Anonymous No. 928136

Yeah. WPguru has one or two.

Anonymous No. 928146

But then you jave to make clothes morph for every new breast morph, if you want to use the clothes with the new morph, am I correct?

Anonymous No. 928148

Depends. One is usually fine for lot of poses. I can usually get away with one for various standing, sitting, talking, etc. But the moment you go into more dynamic poses (like running, crawling or doggy, simply put anywhere where gravity changes shape of tits/anatomy dramatically), then it will probably need another morph, yeah.

If you are talking about specific morphs of tits themselves, then yes, you have to make one for each specific figure/tits. Daz still tries to compensate to a degree, but it is really bad at what it does, so the space for play without making a new morph is rather small.

Anonymous No. 928162

I need to try this. Every once in a while daz decides that clothes have their own memorized pose and start dforce simulations detached from the bodies. It's so terrible.

Anonymous No. 928163

Try it bru. I never looked back. Especially comparing Marvelous to an abortion that is Daz dforce, just no. I can understand it can sorta-kinda work when your goblinas are flat or some boyish/androgynous types with no curves, but the moment you get just a slightly more thick, it gets really cancerous.

Anonymous No. 928173

can you easily import already made clothing into marvelous, and can you mark certain areas for simulation, and freeze others?

Anonymous No. 928174

>can you easily import already made clothing into marvelous
Extremely easily.
1) Empty scene with only your clothing (or hide everything else)
2) put it to base resolution
3) export as .obj
That's it.
>can you mark certain areas for simulation, and freeze others?
Yes. Look up Marvelous basics for that. You can also "stitch" certain parts to primitive objects you make inside Marvelous, so the cloth works like a drape, tent, etc.

Anonymous No. 928175

Forgot - export everything to Marvelous (both your figure and clothing) in centimeters.

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two whores-2.jpg

Anonymous No. 928191


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Anonymous No. 928232

Goblina head syndrome. Many such case. Usually fatal.

Now, there are some heads that are both cute and not goblina, but you need to carefully hoard them. Sangriart is cool because he tries for celebrities and sometimes vaguely succeed, Rarestone does it, Crocodile Liu is fine for jap dishes, Sue Yee has basically been working on his surrogate virtual Chinese daughter for years (I don't even want to know his trauma), and iSource is recycling the same romanian girl he met twenty years ago for all his figures.

All are better than goblina head. Goblina head is not cool.

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Anonymous No. 928233

Also, picrel.

Anonymous No. 928234

Stop being new, this is not SS thread.

Anonymous No. 928259

I wonder how big they will manage to make the upper lip in Josie 10.

Anonymous No. 928292

How do you know it's trauma?

Anonymous No. 928294

>Josie 10
Josie 9.1 my friend and I am not talking about age, it will most likely happen in 2023, they might even consider making their studio more "unreal" like and implement something for metahumans.. but who knows, maybe they dont do 9.1 and go straight 10 with 8 to 16k textures but a whole new system for it

Anonymous No. 928295

I doubt it. 8.1 is the best cause it has access to years of morphs and stuffs worth, from gen 8. Half a decade worth of stuffs. Gen 9 has shit all and no one is really making it stuffs
They fragmented the whole user base with this shitty move, congratz, genius daz

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Anonymous No. 928311

any advice or recommendations for unibrows, im trying to make Russian/eastern european women.

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Anonymous No. 928318

The man is doing his Chinese's daughter face and his Chinese's daughter clothings and his Chinese's daughter costumes and his Chinese's daughter cuteness for years.

Most likely, and in most probability, he got a trauma. Possibly he doesn't get one, but as a content creator, yeah, he probably and most likely got a trauma. I appreciate that with content creators. You can always count on the autism of content creators with trauma: they will always deliver.

You cannot count on content creators without traumas. They are extremely hit and miss. Autism will win the day every day of the year. Autism is the force that is pulling Daz forward. Autism and trauma.

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Anonymous No. 928321

Real cute! Should make out with the one I've made recently lol

Anonymous No. 928332

i love the schizoposting on this board.

Anonymous No. 928425

I don't.

Take your pills.

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Anonymous No. 928458

>Surely, this will sell my figure

Anonymous No. 928461

board full of autists denying their own autism

Anonymous No. 928462

Christmas Cuckold thread time

Anonymous No. 928597

kek wtf

Anonymous No. 928655

>do you know how to set up pbr textures in daz?
Yeah, kinda. But I'm using a set of preconfigured shaders for armor that I'm quite happy with from this pack:

Anonymous No. 928816

I suck big tiime at interior lighting. Are you using a big plane on the ceiling to achieve this? The model is not rendered separately is it?

Anonymous No. 928817

Not him, but it looks like hdri and a few ghostlights.