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🧵 ai textures

Anonymous No. 925054

Making AI serve (You)

>run stable diffusion
>drop the texture into substance alchemist
>automagic some good enough PBR maps
>bring it into your software of choice
just that easy

Anyone know of other good uses for accessible AI tools?

Also will deliver tiling pbr texture prompts in this thread.

Anonymous No. 925056

friend of mine who's gotten more into SD than me saw a render of mine and was like 'oh you should take it into sd and make some variations' and part of me felt mildly disgusted by the notion.
i guess you could do that with the inpainting shit, especially now with the new model floating around that's been trained on redshift renders.
i've spit out some art for street posters / fliers / stickers that got slapped on some background elements.
but the more i've used this stuff, the more impressive results i've seen coming from it, the more i've begun to hate everything about it. and i know, use it like a tool, learn it get left behind, think of the productivity gains... sure. i still hate it. i hate typing prompts. i hate the images that come back. it's the death of culture.

Anonymous No. 925068

I saw this the other day, seems pretty cool for NPR.

Anonymous No. 925070

some of the tech is cool and if developed could be great for UVs,Retopo and a lot of other parts, but all the hype around Image generators makes me feel like the main people pushing this (besides the devs that want to get rich) are people that fundamentally misinterpret or hate the get good and creation process of art, or people that are just in it for the clicks and clout of being an AI "artists"

Most of the current AI image generators are just expert kitbashers with human handlers.
People are even writing Prompt generators to get better images(which made a lot of AI artists rage)

My main hope is that Disney sues someone into oblivion due to making too much money from porn using AI edited images and that sets a precedence.

Even if that does not happen i wil always make art because i enjoy it, and no AI can take that away

Anonymous No. 925107

it's not a tool, it's a replacement.
You really think it will stay in this stage where it needs prompts to function? It's an AI it can generate prompts itself.
Look at all the data we're feeding to big tech, you think they're not training AIs on that to automatically generate "content" for us?
Lol, don't be naive. It's not a tool, it's a replacement and whoever thinks that "it's so cool" is ignorant, too lazy to learn a craft and only wants his own ideas to be made as easy as possible.
Ironically, nothing will be worth looking at anymore, since AI will flood the world with "art" up to a point, where it's all worthless.

Anonymous No. 925109

metal gear solid 2 ending

Anonymous No. 925152

There is a plugin for Blender that does everything inside the software.

Anonymous No. 926454

This, although you still need external programs for generating pbr textures off of it (Materialize/Substance Alchemist)
theres also this
but it has no customization

I personally think it can be a massive time saver, making my own seamless textures has always been a pain. Substance Painter will always be superior for individual models, but for quick tiling, this can be great.
Gonna get a 4090 soon just for this AI workflow, apparently its 2x faster for stable diffusion than a 3090

that looks insane btw, wonder if it can be used for complex models

Anonymous No. 926480

This isn’t fucking AI, it’s a program from 2004. Every automatically generated thing is now called AI by retards who don’t know dick.

Anonymous No. 928506

i do