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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 925156

This right here kiddos is what happens when you don't study proportions, even if a certain schizo who uses modo tells you they are unnecessary. I guess it is also what happens when you don't learn anatomy but that is besides the point. Don't be the guy who posts his work, gets told by literally everyone he fucked up his silly looking model then gives people the "NOOOOO… um… I ACTUALLY DID THAT ON PURPOSE!1!!!1!!" then runs away to another general on another board to try to get validation like a faggot (and fails, of course).

Anonymous No. 925180

You get red paint on everything?

Anonymous No. 925187

No retard, you get a model with fucked up proportions and terrible anatomy. I censored the model because I didn't want any coomers getting a kick out of it.

Anonymous No. 925189

Weird.... people get paid to make these models lmfao

Anonymous No. 925218

idk if you have to censor this for coomers/jannies it must not be that bad.

Anonymous No. 925219

Wait, isn't "stilyzed" porn the most popular right now? Why shit on something that brings money?

Anonymous No. 925223

They don't deserve to be paid.
It's not "stylized" it is just what happens when a beginner does not know what he's doing. That model looks weird and the only reason you would think otherwise is beacause you are a delusional coomer with low standards.

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Anonymous No. 925244

Ask me how I know you don't pyw? Something also tells me you're his skill level or below to be making a thread on such a trivial matter. The blendchud who made that model has probably been doing 3d for a few months, why get bent over a rookie??

Anonymous No. 925247

Oh and I should assume you are better than me? For all I know you could be worse than this anon and butthurt because even something better than what you can do is still worthy of being insulted. I won't post my work because I know you will just nit pick it to spite me, but you can go ahead and post yours if you feel like it, I will treat you fairly and listen to you if you prove me wrong.

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Anonymous No. 925249

Fucking shoujo legs

Anonymous No. 925258

Jesus Christ, that's vile! Look at those stupid arms and shoulders.
Look at the posture! Look at those ugly hands! My god, that actually disgusts me on a level I didn't know was possible.

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Anonymous No. 925261

This kid was at least man enough to post his mommy long legs dullahan out there for people to see. You're posting it here trying to put it on the rack and expecting us all to point and laugh and nod in approval that it's terrible.
Yes, I will point and laugh. But not just at the model, but at you and your bitch-made behavior, mate. It's fucking embarrassing is what it is.

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Anonymous No. 925262

Clockwork. You still haven't answered why you're buttmad over a beginner's sculpt.

Anonymous No. 925267

>everyone tells him it looks like shit and why
>switches forum to get praise somewhere else

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Anonymous No. 925268

Ok and???

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Anonymous No. 925288

"Anatomy" "Proportions"

>Are you jealous of that image OP? Did he earn more likes than you on twitter?
>Werent you able to model a single human form/creature/hard surface and you had to quit doing 3D because you werent ""good enough"" ?

Whats the problem? Thats the way to improve. And he is even showing his model to internet. You are just hating and raging. Take a look to zbrush forums for example, top row. Look for your anatomy and proportions there. Did you know maybe that artist wants to have his own style instead of copying what everyone does?

Oh well, why dont you look to, I dont know, Laika films? Stop motions films? Indie films? Wow such gruesome proportions there huh? And what about anime and manga designs? Did you hear from "Shojo"? Sailor Moon maybe? How does that earn such success?

You need to stop hating, just start studying again, improving, learning, reading, grow up and if you had fallen and think you were not good enough for this field. Try it again. Just dont rage like this on others because no one is going to respect you.

Good luck.

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Anonymous No. 925312


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Anonymous No. 925357

I was going for a more primitivist aesthetic with this one. I like the aesthetic of primitive sculptures, but I wanted to make something more attractive. I suppose there is an inherent silliness and incompetence in the design because the idea was to let go of what I learned (not that I am done learning anatomy) and let things out of me. I guess the intentional exaggeration adds to that as well. 3DCG is a more modern medium, so I guess people don’t expect to see this type of stuff even though people who do real-life sculpting make stuff like this, albeit less pornographic. I know the hands are still fucked, she’s obviously missing her head and feet, and the sculpt is still at a low resolution so there is a lot of refining and cleaning that could be done. I only worked on this for a few days, so I guess it wasn’t that big of a waste of time.

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Anonymous No. 925383

The rest of the body looks really good but those elongated tits just kill the whole appeal of the model because they look like someone put a tennis ball into a long sock and stiched it to someone's torso.
Fix the breasts and it could be considered a really good stylized body.

Anonymous No. 925385

That's not so bad. Seen much worse in this very board.

Anonymous No. 925392

>a certain schizo who uses modo
The G4 DAZ figures Michael 4/Victoria 4 were sculpted in Modo and while their rigging shows its age the meshes are excellent

Anonymous No. 925681

you study proportions so you can selectively violate them for design reasons

Anonymous No. 925957

Shorten the legs
Widen the stomach
Make the breasts less elongated
And boom, a it'll be pretty good

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Anonymous No. 925965

It looks like shit, but I make things that look like shit and have fun doing it all the time. There's time for anatomy practice and studying, meticulously measuring proprotions, and there's time for just banging something out and feeling alright about it while being aware of its flaws.
As long as you don't delude yourself, ignore constructive criticism (feel free to always ignore the aggressive shitters), or completely avoid directed practice, you're fine, bro. Keep going. Don't become discouraged, but don't avoid growing or learning, even on silly exercises.

As my own bit of constructive criticism, it's not attractive or really well-stylized, though. I get some aspects of it, but some things don't look silly or abstract, but just unlearned. Exaggeration in style can be good, but a number of things really don't lend themselves to it:

* The breasts don't connect right. They are very horizontally long and stick forward, the nipples are outward-facing, but the actual mass of the breasts is not. The breasts are squeezed together in an unnatural way, but the tips are pointed outward. They need to either hang naturally, or sit unnaturally in a way that still looks good (usually meaning giving them support and treating them like they're in a bra even though they aren't). The top of the breast does not hang from the entire width of the chest, either.
* The arms are not attractively shaped, The shoulder in particular is way too broad compared to the center of the bicep, which should be just about as thick.
* The chest is narrow to the point of looking alien, especially with the size of the breasts. The ribs are very conical as well, when the upper body shouldn't taper down that thin gradually. The rear view especially looks wonky.
* Those abs. It's like a stylized pulsing cock vein. No ribs or real connection to the thorax at all.
* You know the issues with the hands, and the legs being way too long. You need kneecaps if you have visible shin bones.

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Anonymous No. 925967

I know it pisses off a lot of people here, but the old adage really is true: You have to know the rules to know how and when to break them. Stylization is a great reason to not have perfect anatomy or proportions, but you still need to have a good knowledge and understanding of anatomy and proportion to make good stylization. If somebody who doesn't understand human anatomy and proportion well does strong stylization, it usually looks off in a lot of places that have simple fixes, and at worst looks like it was done by a child. People in real life do stylized sculptures as well, but the ones that look good are still based in anatomical knowledge. 3DCG does not have stricter critique than life sculptures for anatomy and proportion. I see WAY MORE intense stylization in 3DCG than in physical sculptures. Stylization can be an explanation, but it's not an excuse. If somebody tells you that it doesn't look good because the proportions are unpleasing, saying "it's stylized" does not suddenly make it look good. Stylization means you can violate real proportions and anatomy, but it still needs to look good, and every part should still look planned, rather than accidental.

But, at first, you're going to be posting things that look like shit. Every realistic attempt looks very wrong to you and everybody else, because you're still learning, and every stylized attempt looks fine to you but shit to everybody else. It's shit, but there's no getting around it. Take the criticisms for what they are, note where you need to improve and MAKE SURE to improve, and ignore things that are either not important or that are lower priorities compared to other things.

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Anonymous No. 926453

>op doesnt know what stylization is and rages
im gonna blow your world away: not everything has to be realistic!


Anonymous No. 926753

if you fix how the tits look in profile this could make a pretty good coom model.

Anonymous No. 928525


Anonymous No. 928586

It's been how many months now and schizo-modo-guy is still living rent-free in your head.

Also post your work.

Anonymous No. 929015


Anonymous No. 929111

Where can I download pic related model?

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Anonymous No. 929120

>If somebody tells you that it doesn't look good because the proportions are unpleasing, saying "it's stylized" does not suddenly make it look good
You're totally right. But as I read your post I just recall how French writers freaked out over Rodin's rendition of Balsac and cannot help but chuckle.

Anonymous No. 929578

Interesting conversation anons. I actually know that artist too and remember that pic. 4chan is always going to be about coping and seething but it's good to see some boards can have constructive criticism and productive conversation.
t. /3/ tourist

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Anonymous No. 930401

Here's an update because why not.
I couldn't help but spend some of my free time turd polishing this, and I ended up using it for a shitpost on /agdg/. They weren't as critical with me this time, though they did accuse me of using AI.
It's weird because I've made better character models than this that have gotten a good few compliments, but I guess there's something inside of me that wants to make weird character models. It reminds me of when I was a teenager and would draw strangely-proportioned women on my phone with my thumbs. Going back even further, I remember an even younger me getting a boner from the slave Leia Lego minifigure, so I suppose that's why I have no standards.

Anonymous No. 930490

its good, just fix the boobs, we cant really judge from an unfinished product

Anonymous No. 931214

balloon hair is weird but I like the rest of it, I think the style kind of works
the knee could be a bit more defined as well

Anonymous No. 931232

I don't see any problem with this picture at all.
>fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap
>cum a teaspunful.

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Anonymous No. 931250

Normal human proportions are for faggots.

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Anonymous No. 931278

Flat version?

Anonymous No. 931290

This, stylization is key, unless you are doing hi-res realistic modeling, fuck conventional proportions.
Actually there looks a bit decent for a beginner, but you should try give her body a bit more "round" shape so it has more contrast with her square metal parts.

Anonymous No. 931478

this is actually appealing to me somehow, gj.

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Anonymous No. 931528

I’m getting close to finishing this for now. I have 3 versions of the body, the regular one, the thinner waist, and the thinner waist with the addition of longer legs and wider hips. Which one is the best? The last one looks silly to me, but it made me cum harder than I ever have before for some reason.

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Anonymous No. 931589

The model still has some issues, but I'll call it finished.

Anonymous No. 931595

much better hair
good job anon, I like your weird character design

Lujas No. 931612

stop anon, or i gonna coom on my computer~ >///<

Anonymous No. 931709

God I love Raita