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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 925453

How common is to buy 3D models from sketchfab or cgtraders for your own personal and work stuff?

Like buying some parts of diferent models and just kitbhashing a newer model from them?

Is this a common industry workflow?

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Anonymous No. 925454

even contemplating the thought means you're ngmi, because it means you don't give a shit about consistency.

other people's models will not have optimized edgeflow, UV-mapping and a different poly density - not caring about that means your models can by definition only be mediocre-tier at best.

you are also revealing that you are looking for shortcuts - a sure sign that you are overwhelmed with the complexity of the field.

to sum this post up: kys, niggerfaggot.

Anonymous No. 925456

Pretty common if you work alone to make big scenes. For example, right now I'm working on an archviz contract and most of the complex furniture comes from an asset library I made. Just make sure all the textures fit well together/modify meshes if needed and you're good

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Anonymous No. 925461

>retopo the models
> project the textures to the newer model, edit them in photoshop and substance
>now my models are consistent
ok, what now, faggot?

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Anonymous No. 925462

>call for skills, perfection, care and standards
>you start haggling

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Anonymous No. 925463

Those are the poverty cope amateur copes when your boss or gamedev pal ask you for a finished model in 30 minutes.

Can't do art when I need to get shit done and my boss request a model in 2 hours.

enjoy being a neet.

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Anonymous No. 925464

no one asks you for a model in 30mins unless you spent the last 13 days, 23 hours and 30 minutes procrastinating.

Anonymous No. 925466

if you work in the industry pretty much your entire workflow is you getting handed other people's models. I can tell you've never had a job.

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Anonymous No. 925467

yes boy, keep grinding those fundies.

pretty sure your boss will appreciate you now can make better optimized metaverse garbage.

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Anonymous No. 925469

the only thing I grind is highly specialized topology problems and minimizing polycount while maintaining shape. fuck taking shortcuts and fuck this board.

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Anonymous No. 925470

your boss only cares about you working faster.

getting gud is good when you're learning.

but not when you're working a deadline.

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Anonymous No. 925471

the mistake you made is that your ultimate boss isn't yourself. improve your standards/yourself

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Anonymous No. 925472

Kill colombians.
Behead colombians.
Roundhouse kick a colombian into the concrete.
Slam dunk a colombian baby into the trashcan.
Crucify filthy colombians.
Defecate in a colombians food.
Launch colombians into the sun.
Stir fry colombians in a wok.
Toss colombians into active volcanoes.
Urinate into a colombians gas tank.
Judo throw colombians into a wood chipper.
Twist colombians heads off.
Report colombians to the IRS.
Karate chop colombians in half.
Curb stomp pregnant black colombians.
Trap colombians in quicksand.
Crush colombians in the trash compactor.
Liquefy colombians in a vat of acid.
Eat colombians.
Dissect colombians.
Exterminate colombians in the gas chamber.
Stomp colombian skulls with steel toed boots.
Cremate colombians in the oven.
Lobotomize colombians.
Mandatory abortions for colombians.
Grind colombian fetuses in the garbage disposal.
Drown colombians in fried chicken grease.
Vaporize colombians with a ray gun.
Kick old colombians down the stairs.
Feed colombians to alligators.
Slice colombians with a katana.

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Anonymous No. 925473

that doesn't pay the bills.

you'll get older my dear younger one.

Anonymous No. 925476


Anonymous No. 925489

This is a generalization and it depends on the position. Maybe you’re a pipeline monkey who only works on one area of the model, but that’s not the case for everyone.

Anonymous No. 925540

>you are also revealing that you are looking for shortcuts - a sure sign that you are overwhelmed with the complexity of the field.
Nobody cares what you did to get there just that you get there. Your best bet is to keep a usb of unused assets from scrapped or reworked studio projects and keep making more of your own or acquiring them somewhere be it through quixel mega scan, use of AI. Whatever save time. You're just bitching about redoing topology like it's a big deal when you've saved yourself alot of work especially if the studio redoes the script and scraps your work with a crunched deadline.

Also what is a matter of priority and quality depends on context. This shit doesn't matter if it's in the background and not deforming. Trace studio's gun modeler really does not give a fuck about his wireframe (which you should for your portfolio.) Not every model is going to be a Kratos,

Also if you're really good and the art directors love your platonic massage skills, other people in the studio will be doing those fix ups.

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Anonymous No. 925543

>this is just a generalization you racist
>it...ummm oh yeah and depends on the position which is...
>welll it's not a pipeline monkey which you possibly are... maybe
>but the ones who aren't doing it are... well not everyone
Keep feeling around all you want but your writing style gives you away like you're just learning how to cold read.

>Kitbashing is taking premade parts and using them to speed up the modelling process. You can't use them on areas that need to match on set but they are invaluable for quickly detailing out less obvious areas. A lot of studios will have premade model parts like pipes etc to use on assets to speed up the time, there is no need to make pipes over and over if you already have some nice UV'd ones. Reuse anything you can, even if it involves taking another part and modifying. Building a bunch of spaceships for a show, there is bound to be plenty of details and small components you can copy between them even if the shapes of the ships are quite different. Kitbashing is more of a dressing thing to add that extra level of detail fast. Also dont look at each piece as a whole but the smaller components. There are plenty of times I have brought in a whole engine to take a small component that I wanted and deleted the rest.
Andrew Hodgson articulates nicely the efficient reality of the production workflow.

Anonymous No. 925659

You just everything you can. Use your time to model unique stuff instead of spending a day on a chair.

Anonymous No. 925667

What sick bastard would report someone to the irs.

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Anonymous No. 926921

>the Fuck you mean, deadlines?
all the best games & even literal trash have been delayed for years past their initial projected deadline you mongral. Many projects that became icons even had complete revamps and redesigns from the ground up on multiple occasions.

Also listening to a boss who knows nothing about modeling that acts as the visionary for the project is fine and dandy but they should be willing to give extra time to fine tune/complete good work. Fans don't want half-ass'd dumpster fires like cyberpunk 2077, no matter how good the graphics, models, and textures are every lil thing that goes into a project matters.
>you can decorate a shit pile as much as you want with cake decoration frosting but that still be a shitpile

Anonymous No. 928543


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Anonymous No. 928707

I morph bunch of shit from paid 3D models, or just use them as base mesh. Yes, there's some good models out there