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Anonymous No. 925492

Give me some life changing advice (3DCG related)

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Anonymous No. 925510

>Nobody cares how you made your finished piece. They just care that you made it
>save your assets and work on little projects, as well as throw in unused assets, and put it on your key chain and industry will think you're a time lord
>start playing around with AI don't get left behind
>bools are awful hidden coplanar fragment generators that prevent more bool ops and are and destroyers of circular edges so use project primitive when you can instead
>If you're tired, procrastinating, or insist you need to slog through more theory afyer hitting you limit, just play around and just do whatever with your stylus in zbrush just to keep the consistency momentum.
>challenge a worthy opponent in mortal kombat with rebar or whatever to regain you long lost pneuma since life isn't worth living withput it as Hemmingway would say.

Anonymous No. 925891

I heard a lot of artsyfartsy types say shit like
>I never erase! all my art is an adventure.
It's bullshit. My form teacher said this and it's poignant and key
>If it's not right, it never will be until you erase it.
Fix your mistakes. Analyze your work. If something seems wrong to you it looks 100x more wrong to everyone else. Fix it.
If you have to delete a whole bunch of hard work and do a bunch of tertiary details over again in order to do it then do it.
If the whole thing is shit and it'd be less work to start over than to go back then start over.

Anonymous No. 925977

Dont coom if you coom you lose all your motivation

Anonymous No. 925994

Or, you can reward yourself with cooming
After an hour and a half/2 hours of meaningful production wank one out.