๐งต Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Nov 2022 01:54:00 UTC No. 925527
>make a secondary portfolio under internet sex name
>send AI renders to the male art director's portfolio directly bypassing HR diabetics
>If he refuses send them to his father in a polite nuanced socially appropriate manner
>"I'll talk to my son about it"
>"I didn't want my dad to know I'm gay! Fine fine you're hired but make the prompt a trans gay man sucking his other dick off in a context that looks like it defies spatial reality"
>It's his birthday so I already had that super deluxe heated blue tooth AI danbooru activated p spot dildo massage piercer wrapped up for him
>be named heir to the throne and sole inheritor or the will while have lackeys retopologize I work as I shill the wonders of AI
And all you have to do is take drugs that bend reality and redose a few more times just for save measure
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Nov 2022 02:00:00 UTC No. 925529
thank you anon, very cool.
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Nov 2022 02:01:19 UTC No. 925530
Was this entire fucking post written by an AI? Jesus Christ
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Nov 2022 05:22:34 UTC No. 925565
>make a secondary portfolio under internet sex name
>send AI renders to the male art director's portfolio directly bypassing giving HR diabetics a pap smear
>If he refuses send them to his father in a polite nuanced socially appropriate manner
>"I'll talk to my son about it"
>"Mehmet my son...."
>"I didn't want my dad to know I'm gay! Fine fine you're hired but make the prompt a trans gay faggot man sucking his other dick off in a context that looks like it defies spatial reality"
>It's his birthday so I already had that super deluxe edition rich dad poor dad heated blue tooth AI danbooru activated p spot dildo massage piercer wrapped up for him
>be named heir to the throne and sole inheritor of the will while grumbling lackeys (rendered passive and aroused due to their autogynephelia) retopologize my work as I shill the wonders of AI, as I set my third eye on training AI-Kun on Sakimachan
And all you have to do is take drugs that bend reality and redose a few more times just for safe measure to not gacha the timeline.
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Nov 2022 10:05:42 UTC No. 925580
unironically many posts on 4chan are.