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Anonymous No. 925571

ITT: your first 3D software

Mine was Milkshape3D around 2002

It was popular for modding quake/unreal at the time

Inb4 blender

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Anonymous No. 925574

3ds Max 5, probably around 2002-2003. Used to hang out and annoy people on #3dsmax on QuakeNet, which was fairly active at the time. I also remember hearing about Blender and screwing around with it for 10 minutes, though I don't think it had much of a community, and even back then it was already infamous for its interface.

I guess technically my actual first program would be Bryce, though it didn't even come to mind at first since it was mostly just a toy. Also screwed around with Terragen but I really didn't know what I was doing.

I remember modders (at least the ones who couldn't/wouldn't pirate) at the time used gmax and zModeler, but I never tried them.

Anonymous No. 925579

same but for Morrowind

Anonymous No. 925599

Imagine 4.0 back in 1996, I think. Came on a coverdisc. It was a bitch to use and took a lifetime to render anything.

Anonymous No. 925611

My first 3d was MODO

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Anonymous No. 925613

Warcraft 3 model editor.
Never made anything worthy in it, but it was fun stretching peasant mouths and toes to extreme degree and adding them to custom maps as horrifying mutants or enlarging female peasant booba.

Anonymous No. 925857

Millenial's first 3D was probably Max, now zoomer's is Blender which is tragic.

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the chair nerd No. 925871

Word art 3d.
No seriously I made some cool shit like custom birthday cakes with candles and shit and 3d lettering for my family.

Anonymous No. 925873

cinema 4d

Anonymous No. 925900

golden source editor
my first any thing done in 3d was some "3d model" in source, then zbrush, then modo, then maya
now when i work as a lead in a studio i somehow use blender most though modo is by far the best modeling package i used, a decade ahead of the rest, shame it died years ago so foundry could focus on nuke

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Anonymous No. 925908

I think I was the only one who used it

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Anonymous No. 925910

Houdini like 3 years ago.
I have no idea why in the fuck I started with Houdini, but it ended up being a blessing cause everything else after that was piss easy to learn. The first project I made was a procedural donut and all kek. With chocolate sprinkles generated randomly that attached to the donut. Looked like shit but felt soo proud that it wasn't the regular Blender donut. But I haven't touched it in a while now and it feels kind of sad.

Anonymous No. 925925

Unreal Engine 2, back when it came along with a copy of UT2003

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Anonymous No. 926422

Does Poser count? I remember pirating it sometime in the early 2000s, but I mostly used it for messing around rather than for actual projects. If not, then 3D Studio Max.

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Anonymous No. 926439

>tfw used to animate shit in brawlbox painstakingly without ik using shitty broken rigs
ahh the ignorance of youth.

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Anonymous No. 926448

Sketchup 8.
Made some very strange looking and broken Mario 64 levels when I was a kid, but man was it fun.

Anonymous No. 926564


Anonymous No. 927049

I wasn't ready to feel these feels. I used ms3d for Half-Life mods

I remember trying anim8or briefly

Anonymous No. 927052

I used fuckin mine-imator and made a bunch of retarded minecraft videos.

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Anonymous No. 927072


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Anonymous No. 927091

Valve Hammer Editor

Had fun making basic maps to CSS when I was a kid. I even were planning on making a playable map of my neighbourhood for me and my friends to play during our LAN parties. Maybe I should finish that map someday...

Anonymous No. 927099

3D Studio (DOS)
I still have the floppies

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Anonymous No. 927127

Swift3D. I used it for a short time. My main interest in it was its vector rendering.

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Anonymous No. 927331


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Anonymous No. 927332

and later mine-imator (way back in the day before they added shadows)

Anonymous No. 927367

3dsmax. Still use it.

Anonymous No. 927368

Lol are you form the Hive? small world

Anonymous No. 927369

sketchfab, around ~2015. No ss sadly

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Anonymous No. 927453

Amiga oldfag reporting in

Anonymous No. 927455

heh, w3 reforged used that too. Kinda cool that you cant count it as "not outdated".

Anonymous No. 927456

MikuMikuDance. Barely counts I know. Second was 3ds max now I'm on blender

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Anonymous No. 927475

Wings 3D. Found it back in 2006 back when I was a very curious 15-year-old excavating through the Ubuntu repos through Synaptic.

Anonymous No. 927477

SketchUp. I remember designing a skate park in it.

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Anonymous No. 927550

MaxED - Max Payne Level Editor

Later succeeded by MaxED2 for Max Payne 2. Creating your own levels with Havok physics, shooting and blowing stuff up. What more do you need?
Shame Remedy went to shit after MP2, going console first, and basically locking out any attempts to mod their later games.

Anonymous No. 927595

I didn't even know max Payne had mods or custom maps. Gonna have to try this now

Anonymous No. 927619

3dsmax (dos)

Anonymous No. 927656

They made Control on top of what you have already mentioned, and judging by the recent concept art i don't think they will go to shit anytime soon.

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Anonymous No. 927772


Anonymous No. 928184

>3dsmax (dos)
LOL there was no 3DS Max for DOS, only 3D Studio.

Anonymous No. 928199

Anim8or was the first 3d program I ever used, I made some really trash models and scenes with it as a 12 y/o, and waited hours while my potato PC tried to render flythroughs of rudimentary landscapes to a .avi.
I thought that bird model was really high level, something that would require great modeling expertise to create.

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Anonymous No. 928246

fellow level editor bro reporting in.

Anonymous No. 928305

sketchup 8 with the sketchyphysics plugin

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Anonymous No. 928326

Valve Hammer Editor chad reporting in

lol i did my highschool and the residential area of my cousin
check cs_chufin in gamebanana

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 928357

check out this

Anonymous No. 928429

3ds max 8 or 9 can't quite remember

Anonymous No. 929898

I remember my middle school homeroom teacher had an after-school course teaching this stuff. I was a lil introverted shite and couldn't start a conversation with adults so I never applied. I really wish I had.

Anonymous No. 929899

Oh fuck I think I remember this.

Anonymous No. 932566

Your mum iz tragic.

Anonymous No. 932569

Kahootz. It was basically 3D Movie Maker, but Australian.

Anonymous No. 932577

Holy shit this might have been my first. I got it from a cousin's USB stick.
I remember it being Japanese and having base meshes for Second Life

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unreal ed ut99.jpg

Anonymous No. 932653

The level editor that came with unreal tournament 1999.

Didn't ship with a damn help file, and I didn't have the internet. I tried to make a map a few times, but really couldn't.

When I did go to the library or some place that had internet, I was downloading skins, maps, the simpsons characters etc. and saving them to 3.5" floppy discs to take home.

Really wish I had spent more time learning it.

Anonymous No. 932686

IIRC it was recommended a lot within the Game Maker community like 15 years or so ago, so that's why I used it.

Anonymous No. 933031


Pretty damn good software, if you just want to model.

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Anonymous No. 933068


Anonymous No. 933479

3Ds Max R3. Downloaded on dialup.

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Anonymous No. 933502

Bryce 4

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Anonymous No. 933507