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Anonymous No. 926240

Is it correct that Nuke can't do HDR color correction like Resolve and yet its orders of magnitude more spensive? Is the comp graph just so much better than resolves built in fusion tab that its worth being spendy? I'm at a crossroad where I do zero comp and just completely rerender everything every time, not even using cryptomatte, potentially wasting a lot of time.

Anonymous No. 926273


Anonymous No. 926282


Anonymous No. 926286

would you care to elaborate?

Anonymous No. 926287

You can do HDR color correction, better than resolve.

You have both resolve and Nuke studio who act the same as resolve, graph is Nuke/NukeX branch.

Nuke Indie is like 500a year, expensive but also not necesary, you can get non-commercial for free, so just keep practicing with it if you want.

Nuke is strictly Comp software, if You do just video editing, stick to Resolve.

Anonymous No. 926288

why everyone says EXR multilayer workflow even with Reactor is terrible in resolve?

Anonymous No. 926289

who is Everyone?
and IDK, I mainly use nuke.

Anonymous No. 926295

wesuckless forums, reddit

Anonymous No. 926297

>You can do HDR color correction, better than resolve.

if this is the case, I see no evidence. You look up "nuke HDR color grading" and get zero (0) results in youtube. You do the same for resolve and get tons of results, step by step, and you even have to use a new workflow that requires a hardware dongle. Explain yourself.

Anonymous No. 926302

>youtube tutorials for nuke
thats where you go wrong.

Anonymous No. 926303

anon, the HDR grading in resolve looks highly advanced from the dozens of videos ive watched on it and people all over the internet speak very highly of it. I'm just hesitant over spending big money on a new monitor and hardware dongles.

From what I've seen with the "grade" node in Nuke and the fact that you cant give me any more information, it looks like Nuke is in the dark ages. Your response?

Anonymous No. 926304

>I dont know if its worth it.
I told you to use non commercial for free - then you can do a test drive, how much more info do you need retard?
>you are no giving me info for free
buy my course faggot. or keep watching your pajeet tubers.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 926306

You are not white, get out of my board.

Anonymous No. 926308

>ESL Tells me to Get out because he think im not white

sure, rajash.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 926310

You can't even capitalize letters properly, let alone give advice on any topic. Get out and stop shitting up this board like you do on the street.

Anonymous No. 926312

>being this retarded
touch grass, but be careful for cow shit

Anonymous No. 926314

I dont have a true HDR monitor yet, only fake HDR, I will have to buy one. And it will be very expensive and likely very very big on my desk.

I am also looking into Vegas

Anonymous No. 926316

if You dont have HDR monitor,why do you think You can see HDR images correctly?

you are arguging about shit you cant even use.

Anonymous No. 926317

Reading comprehension - I do have an HDR monitor and I can see HDR10+, its just HDR400

Anonymous No. 926334

>reading comprehension idiot
>I have fake HDRI, and I cant truly use either of software correctly

you cannot even comprehend your own retardedness.

Anonymous No. 926339

You should just kill yourself and stop shitting up the board.

Anonymous No. 926341

be the smart person and do it first.

Anonymous No. 926348

what part of "I can view the multiple added stops that HDR10+ provides while having an HDR10+ monitor" do you not understand, kid?

>current year,
>cant answer a direct question without telling the other person to kill themselves.

It's like you're underage and posting on /b/ circa 2010

Anonymous No. 926350


Anonymous No. 926357

Self-jerking retard

Anonymous No. 926378

turns out Vegas Pro is "It".

>I don't have to use a dongle like with Resolve when doing live HDR preview (someone mentioned this on Resolve forums),
>multiple advanced color correction tools that work in nits,
>cheap as hell now

Even with my lowly gear, I can see a big difference with the the increased HDR10 17 stops compared to SDR 6 stops.

It feels so fucking good boosting above the traditional sdr 100 nits and into the territory that my equipment can handle, which is 450 nits.

Anonymous No. 928500

you can't

Anonymous No. 928502

I can see it clear as day when I toggle HDR10 mode "on" in the Vegas preview window while having HDR turned on in windows 11