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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926294

can ur "industry stamdart" software do this? no? that's what I thought.

chuds btfo

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Anonymous No. 926299


Anonymous No. 926307

it could have done so couple of years ago.
do you think Blender - stealing concept from Houdini/maya is anything 'new'?

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Anonymous No. 926345

>thinks blender is even 10% close to catching up to houdini (it isn't)
>can't even spell "standard"
>idolizes software of choice (leads to stagnation/comfort zone) instead of idolizing his dream (leads to being perfectly software-agnostic, aka using whatever produces the highest quality)

you are pathetic.

Anonymous No. 926346

>instead of idolizing his dream
post your idealized dream or shut up indian chud

Anonymous No. 926349


Anonymous No. 926351

this person is certified non-white (= no soul)

Anonymous No. 926354

i accept ur confesion

Anonymous No. 926356

post work

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the chair nerd No. 926362

>You all fucking faggots are wrong Software X is better than software Y. I don't understand why people keep choosing Y because X is obviously superior.Hurr durr.
>I can only defend a piece of software made by others because I can't stop procrastinating and do actual work with the tools at my hand.

>Here's some of my work. INB4 It's shit. INB4 Imma noob. INB4 What software did you use? 3ds max and photoshop.INB4 I ACCEPT EVERY CONCESSION

Man this is why I love /3/ I tour here every couple of years for 2 or 3 months or so and the discussions never change. Feels like home.

Anonymous No. 926368

Not at all what that video is showing u retard

Anonymous No. 926388

can any other software voxelize a mesh? and then swap the voxel cubes out with another arbitrary mesh like a lego block?

no dude that's totally new to blender! wow! thanks for the great find! bookmarked and added to my rss feed, chum

ps: sent you a dm ;)

Anonymous No. 926486

It’s called 3D Magix