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Anonymous No. 926377

I am a brainlet fucking around with 3D. I want to make cool low poly dragon. Idk how to attach wing "fingers" to one point without clipping so it looks good. I am manually placing all the vertices. This seems easier with high poly since you can just kind of stretch the model wherever like putty. But how do I make this? Please give idea because I have no idea how to make this joint.

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Anonymous No. 926401

At this sort of poly count, you don't have to connect them at all. But still, if you want to...

Anonymous No. 926442

Thanks anon! I'll try this as soon as I get home. I'm shit at topology/geometry.

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Anonymous No. 926461

Werx :D

Anonymous No. 926669

Actually look at lowpoly models from games you like. Find them on the web, import them, inspect them.
They're full of floating geometry, disconnected stuff etc.

Nobody gives a shit if there are no visual problems. They're too immersed in the game / cinematic, nobody is going to stop and think about it.

What I'm trying to say is, in lowpoly you can perfectly keep some things physically separate and interpenetrating, if it doesn't make a visual difference. Like a house chimney clipping on a roof.

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Screenshot 2022-1....jpg

Anonymous No. 927212

Not OP, but I want to thank you - I hadn't considered just intersecting meshes, in my mind they had to all be joined up and carefully put together.