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๐Ÿงต What are the average speed rates to finish an animated game character from scratch

Anonymous No. 926391

It's being able to finish these characters in 3-4 days, complete with 6-7 animations, fast compared to other artists and style in the industry?

I mean these models at this style takes me 5-7 hours to make.

Anonymous No. 926392


90 minutes to model.
90 minutes to texture.
90 minutes to rig.
90 minutes to animate.

More or less my time is between 45-50 and 70-90 minutes per step.

Not possible for me to go lower without using some AI solution that honestly gives more issues in the end than the time It saves me fixing it.

And honestly, those are my time ranges.
Can't go any lower without compromising quality.

Anonymous No. 926393

Fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 926396

>Can't go any lower without compromising quality.
>implying there is any in the first place

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 926398

Can u make anything better in 20 minutes?

Anonymous No. 926403

Bro people wont pay you for this quality even if it took u 60 seconds to make

Anonymous No. 926412

This is so shit, almost "claus"trofobic I get a bad feeling about your models and they all look similar to my first weeks of modeling over 10 years ago when trying to add some shapes to minecraft styled art. I could not play a game with these models, they look bad and the style is not original at all. Why even model santa as sitting down? It looks weird. Stop shitposting and post when you do something where you have put in some effort because here clearly you have not.

Anonymous No. 926415

he's not even hiding it anymore

Anonymous No. 926417

You are asking this as someone who has done it for 10 years? Please someone cutoff the manโ€™s access to his internet.

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Anonymous No. 926433

Are u stupid?

Can't u see hardcore skills will be made irrelevant by what It's fucking coming?

Also, look at this.
My crappy style, ironically, for some cosmical reason was made at the perfect spot and time to be used with AI.

And yes, I will use AI from now on.
You can cope how you have le hardcore skills when I will use AI to leverage my quality.

And yes, right now it's still an early tech.
But look at this quality It can do now.

Imagine a year from now.
You will cope by then.

Anonymous No. 926437

>Imagine a year from now
we've been imagining for 10 years now. we can handle 10 more.

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Anonymous No. 926462

So how much python have you learned Cris?

Anonymous No. 926469

assuming gdscript is the same syntax, I can say I know python.

Anonymous No. 926471

You can see that it's completely inconsistent at every angle, right? What the fuck is wrong with your glasses?
If you're going to give every single asset the same treatment, your game is going to look like some nightmarish fever dream.
>Imagine a year from now.
Why don't you focus on a month from now instead? Christmas is coming.

Anonymous No. 927635

Can I see your wireframe sir?