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🧵 i have no idea where to start

Anonymous No. 926420

all i have is a pc with a 2gb graphics card
any help for a complete begginer like me?

Anonymous No. 926425

blender dot org
download .exe
youtube dot com
'donut tutorial'

🗑️ Anonymous No. 926426

ponut tutorial*

Anonymous No. 926427

your hardware is quite old, but it shouldn't be a huge factor if you're a complete beginner. start by learning hard-surface-modeling in blender, preferably something that actually interests you.

that's the thing, though: what are you trying to achieve?
if you want to mod a game, watch a tutorial series on game character creation. if architecture is your thing, you'll find tutorials on how to do that.

when you have the basics of asset creation down (blockout, creating a clean low poly, creating the high poly, unwrapping, UV-mapping, texturing, rigging, weightpainting, animating), you can think about getting into more advanced stuff such as sculpting (zbrush only).

you don't really need a modern machine for 3d modeling. zbrush for instance can handle millions of polygons on a potato. the only real problem I see is that you'll be possibly quite limited when it comes to baking textures, as low video ram might be a bottleneck - but then again you're a beginner - it's about learning the basics, not finishing industry standard stuff.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 926429

>zbrush only
blender is fine for sculpting though

Anonymous No. 926443

What do you want to do?
Download old software if you have an old computer. it's not that difficult
optimize ram usage by de-fucking if you're on winblows, if you're a linxuck just use the bare minimum.

Anonymous No. 926444

it really really isn't. considering that blender viewport performance is comically bad and that OP has a 15-year-old potato PC, it's completely out of the question. stop making apologies for shitty software.

Anonymous No. 926483

You could install old blender from 2007 and use the ‘noob to pro’ free wiki book to learn. This is how I started, learning every day a different page. New blender is shit anyway. Nothing I use it for changed in 20 fucking years, the interface changes are stupid, I just use keyboard shortcuts and they work for the past two decades while the retarded UIs come and go.

Anonymous No. 926484

if ur that broke get aseprite and do pixel shit until u get ur budget up

Anonymous No. 926511

glad to see I'm not the only one who hated the blender UI update. I heavily learned on 2.79 and the update was one of the reasons for me to switch to max.

Anonymous No. 926555

Depends on what you want to do.
If you want to make characters I suggest getting an older iPad and Apple Pencil and using Nomad to learn the rudiments.
Speedchar on YouTube is a good start for anatomy. I also recommend Tony Cipriano, he’s a boomer trad sculptor who learned zbrush late in life and a kindergartner could follow his videos. Both of them also have very inexpensive paid courses.
Get Anatomy for Sculptors and those strength anatomy books.
Good luck.

Anonymous No. 926574

Mark Ching is the man, 10 minute drawing techiques and no need for a fucking computer just pencil and paper

Anonymous No. 928512
