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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 927018

Is this the /3/ equivalent of SOVL?

Anonymous No. 927176

Yes, yes it is.

Anonymous No. 927309

infinitely more soul than cris thats for sure

>inb4 infinity * 0 is still zero

Anonymous No. 927472


Anonymous No. 927558

>Shitty story
>Shitty backgrounds from his modded minecraft worlds
>Shitty animation barely conveying what is going on
>Shitty models that are impossible to decipher what they are supposed to be
>Shitty dialogue
>Shitty voice acting
>Still beautiful to watch and every second is pure joy
Yes, I think this is one of the most soulful 3D animation projects on the entire internet

Anonymous No. 928445

Ratboy Genius is unironically one of my favorite artists and I consider him to be an actual genius. His music is unbelievable.
My favorite piece of music of his is 'Meet the caveman'.

Anonymous No. 928798

The story isn't that bad, it's just very innocent. And the music is fantastic.
Ratboy genius really is a fucking genius, I respect him more as an artist than 99% of people in the industry.

Anonymous No. 929683

I don't care what you say, it looked ugly as hell and as a result I could not take it seriously enough to hear the story. That being said >>927309 is right.

Anonymous No. 929696

"more than" refers to addition, not multiplication

Anonymous No. 930506

I don't get it

Anonymous No. 930508

ikona świata na pustyni