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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 927534

She's convinced me sculpting in Blender is actually really good and ever since then I've completely dropped Zbrush. My question is how will Zbrush respond to this once more of their subscribers begin to drop them for Blender?

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Anonymous No. 927535


Anonymous No. 927536

as a zbrush user, I tried blender and its much more clunky than zbrush. Zbrush is still the best sculpt tool in my opinion.

Anonymous No. 927538

>tranny psyop by saying calling other women as men to confuse coomers

Nice try Herschel

Anonymous No. 927544

>being convinced by a tranny
Do blendlets even?

Anonymous No. 927545

>tfw no qt autistic 3D sculpting gf

Anonymous No. 927570

Is this a 3D modelers? Wtf I've never seen any girls take an interest in this especially the cute ones

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Anonymous No. 927573


Anonymous No. 927586

What came first Blender or the hormones.

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Anonymous No. 927588

Does Blender still have shitty viewport performance regardless of hardware maxxing?

Otherwise outgroom has a point especially with Zbrush not having 3d space cameras. Don't count on Maxonberg after the boring 2023 reveal.

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Anonymous No. 927590

>do one year French Canadian industry connected 3d program
>Eidos takes one look at your feminine benis and demo soldier
>start as junior 3D artist right away after Christmas break
>go on to sculpt Adam Jenzen.
The hormones

Anonymous No. 927611

>Does Blender still have shitty viewport performance regardless of hardware maxxing?
Yes. And ain't gonna change anytime soon.

Anonymous No. 927617

when they implement the new brush system, even more people will make the switch, no matter how much you kvetch about it

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Anonymous No. 927625


Anonymous No. 927629

Who's the semen demon?

Anonymous No. 927631


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Anonymous No. 927654


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Anonymous No. 927703

>when they implement the new brush system
IF they implement it. Look blender is great and all but they have axed/postponed projects before (looking at you animation 2020), so you shouldn't get your hopes up.

Anonymous No. 927704

Nobody will switch to a software that runs at 2 fps.

Anonymous No. 927706

so, instead of forming Your own opinion, you rely on influencer to do it for you?

Anonymous No. 927712

She's influenced me enough to try out and then form my OWN opinion

Anonymous No. 927721

sure 'she' did.

Anonymous No. 927726

>being this obsessed with trannies

You're a schizo that's mind has been warped by the internet to the point that any woman you see on the street you automatically assume is a tranny

Anonymous No. 927728

>sculpting in Blender is actually really good
Performance is the main problem because it is not a sculpting app, yes it is usually even worse than what it can be because the program is poorly documented and the tutorials suck, multires has to work with the animation mode so it is not that good, some brushes like the clay are slow as fuck, you can't work with booleans or the pose brush in mid poly, the undo is shit etc... and you have to add the lack of some features that zbrush has, imm, vdm, fast alpha extractor repeat last/ repeat last relative etc...
Dobarro had plans to improve performance with a new viewport and an isolated sculpt mode and to add some of the other things too but he is not there anymore and the new guy is slower.

Anonymous No. 927738

I dont speak idiot, you have to learn before you can even try to insult me.

Anonymous No. 927940

>the new guy is slower.
He isn't "slower", he's just a programmer that's focusing on performance issues.

Anonymous No. 927952

>You're a schizo that's mind has been warped by the internet to the point that any woman you see on the street you automatically assume is a tranny

If it looks like a man, talks like a man, walks like a man, but is wearing a dress and make-up then it's a tranny. Not hard to spot, homo.

Anonymous No. 927980

I was born too late.

Anonymous No. 927987

we all know this is literally a spam thread by a schizo loser, but sadly jannie trannies don't care enough to ban you.

Anonymous No. 928048

>focusing on performance issues.
Yes, that too, the main problem is that the Blender fundation wants that he finish all the Dobarro prototypes and some of the ideas that he had for the Asset Creation Pipeline, and they haven't work together.

Anonymous No. 928213

He looks cute. His voice ruins the illusion. Would suk

Anonymous No. 928219

Hearing based Niko dunk on outgang and "her" alleged femininity is pretty funny

Anonymous No. 928227

I hope by fixing their atrocious UI.

Anonymous No. 928293

Zbrush really just doesn't care about their schizo UI. In a way it's almost admirable as it gatekeeps newfags.

Anonymous No. 928392

ZBrush absolutely has a 3d camera. Since 2019, you can modify focal length and everything else she says you can't do. She just doesn't know how to use those features.

Anonymous No. 928396


Anonymous No. 928397

Is maria panfilova a real girl?

Anonymous No. 928434

He's literally using those features in the video as they do nothing to remedy problem. The FOV slider isn't even working. I know you're excited because you just started your first udemy course, but linking the basics from the user guide isn't going to give you multiple simultaneous viewports.

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Anonymous No. 928937

I didn't say anything about multiple viewports, but there's a couple zscript and plugin solutions that get you practical use of that functionality without sacrificing ZBrush's inherent performance uplift over other sculpting packages. Regarding the 3d camera, it works just fine for me, camera distortion and all. I can understand why she has trouble with it, this was added fairly recently in 2019 and Zbrush has an unusual interface, but a fully 3d camera is there and it's perfectly usable.