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Anonymous No. 927818

Imagine a site where you can "slice" a model of a human body to get anatomical references for gore, that are accurate
So you get a very helpful reference without having to look for irl gore or working under Naughty Dog
Maybe there's already a Blender addon where you can "dissect" human models for anatomy references

Anonymous No. 927905

There probably exists learning software for med students where you can take snapshots of cross sections of the body.

Anonymous No. 927915

That sounds very retarded OP, if you want gore references watch gore, is that simple. Also why the hell would you want to do gore if you can't stand it?

Anonymous No. 927937

Isn't that just an MRI?
I'm pretty sure there's software that generates a 3d model based on MRI scans, though obviously not for the public.
I'm sure if you look deep enough into scholarly avenues, you should be able to find some 3d scans or something available for science papers and shit.

Anonymous No. 927954


You people are hopelessly retarded.

Open your app store on your phone, search for "bla bla bla ANATOMY bla bla". You will see a ton of apps which not only do exactly what OP describes but some go in so much depth of info that not even medstudents can keep up.

Honestly, it's like you guys live in 2012 or something. Get with the times.

I CANT SOLVE IT No. 927957


Anonymous No. 927965

>using phone apps like a fucking nignog

Anonymous No. 928000

>not knowing how to rip apps on a PC

tell me you're low IQ without telling me you're low IQ

>not knowing how to read the title of a YT vid

tell me you're a negroid without telling me you're a negroid