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Anonymous No. 928177

>just learn from Arrimus 3D bro

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Anonymous No. 928182


Anonymous No. 928183

>Neverwinter Nights theme


Anonymous No. 928185

How can a man be so based?

Anonymous No. 928186

yep, Arrimus is that based

Anonymous No. 928188

the best artists have always been christian

Anonymous No. 928192

peak soul, artists benefit from spirituality

Anonymous No. 928194

Meanwhile 2022 years ago in JP: "We created Hentai"

No - source, you can trust me

Anonymous No. 928197

it was revealed to me in a dream

Anonymous No. 928198


Bowing down to a jewish god isn't based.

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Anonymous No. 928205

>Just use 3D Coat bro

Anonymous No. 928209

He lost it.

Anonymous No. 928212

Who is this nigger, does he owe you money

Anonymous No. 928214

Ted-Ed be like:

Anonymous No. 928248

The Christian God literally called the Jewish got Satan in the Bible.

Troll harder, degenerate.

Anonymous No. 928249

Where the fuck is his videos?

Anonymous No. 928258

>3 weeks ago
>one last gift from mike
>uh, i wanted to fix this model more but i'm out of time, i'm out of time guys...

>3 weeks ago
>i'm going on 'vacation'

>2 days ago
>i'm still on 'vacation' but my 'friends' will be uploading videos to this channel

>15 hours ago
>mirror of a video from a channel with 33 subscribers and 3 videos over 2 years
>This channel is dedicated to exposing people to the one true (Ante-Nicene) Christianity.

legitimately sounds like he's joined a cult

Anonymous No. 928261

I just spent $12 to get arrimus' udemy course. I hope he doesn't get CANCELLED now

Anonymous No. 928264

He is probably dying.

Anonymous No. 928284

All the money from the course is going to friends and family, I think. Or to "people who need it" or something along those lines.
It would be terrible if something happened to him.

Anonymous No. 928285

Stop idolizing him. He doesnt care about us.

Anonymous No. 928288


Anonymous No. 928289

you are hero worshipping someone who took DOWN all his vids and made an inferior workflow (auto retopo heavy) and basically said 'fuck it' and is now posting cringe

Anonymous No. 928291

>>This channel is dedicated to exposing people to the one true (Ante-Nicene) Christianity.

This sounds like a legit cult. I'm an Orthodox Christian and this raises some major red flags. Ante-Nicene Christianity is exactly identical to Post-Nicene Christianity. Colloquially we refer to it as Orthodox Christianity. Implying that Orthodoxy was somehow different before the Holy Councils is what muslims do which is retarded. The Councils were invoked precisely because "certain people" started putting their own spin on the theology and had to be corrected.

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what is this then?.png

Anonymous No. 928297

Early Christmas

>>daily reminder that there's no mention of the trinity or christmas in the bible
>>paul is a fake prophet

Anonymous No. 928299

We know.
I have never seen or heard anyone claim that he was. At best he was an apostle, but he was no prophet because he didn't get visions of the future, only occasional beatings.

Anonymous No. 928301


The Old Testament is full of references to the Holy Trinity. Just because the word "trinity" was coined at a later date does not mean the concept didn't exist before.

The argument is just retarded. It's like saying Oxygen didn't exist before the 19th century and that "early humans" didn't use to breathe prior to the establishment of the scientific method.

Anonymous No. 928307

It's called compassion, you subhuman nigger kike.

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Anonymous No. 928346

>shilling your brand of Christianity instead when people ask to atleast make your old videos available on udemy after suicide bombing your PR and making a cryptic passive aggressive exit
>shit in a box, call it a course and put it up for sale instead
This is peak Christian proselytizing. He's really tapping into those Judeo roots.
Yes cheer. He might as well be false flagging your religion.

/his/ would love you.

Anonymous No. 928375

What a waste of neurons, to use your brain to interpret religious fanfiction.

Use drugs, have sex, play games, travel, socialize, do anything BESIDES this.

Hail Satan.

Anonymous No. 928378

Same bro, i hope my money hasnt gone towards this church

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 928382

Why the fuck does religious schizo shit always destroys and perverts everything it infects

Anonymous No. 928385

Why the fuck does religious schizo shit always ends up perverting and destroying everything it infects

Anonymous No. 928426

it's a bit weird, but i'm not christian so ii'm not sure how weird it really is.

both the channels he's mirroring lead here:

it definitely feels a bit niche and cultic, but not sure if it's benevolent just from a surface read.
people who claim to have discovered the "trve" form of anything set off red flags for me, especially re: religion.

that video he just uploaded about men holding hands is strange as well. it's easy to read it as a sort of naive benevolence, but there's a part in it which is like:
>if your friend doesn't want to hold your hand (and go for a walk in a park) is that even a friend worth keeping?
and that's major red flag cultic behaviour usually designed to separate newcomers from their existing circles.

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Anonymous No. 928427

Why the fuck did he remove all his tutorials? years of tutorials and timelapse videos like the recent Half-Life 2 recreations. Even had a tutorial from around 2009-2011 about making weapon textures that I sent to someone planning to make authentic for the time textures for his models. Years of anything helpful gone down the shitter because of fucking RELIGION, anger does not begin to describe how much I fucking hate Arrimus and whatever sect of christianity or cult or w/e he got his hands on, or they got their hands on instead.

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Anonymous No. 928438

This is surreal. Literal clown world.
He doesn't sound very benevolent once he made the shift. The infamous quote aside, He sounds like he's saying "fuck this gay earth and fuck you" like he has something else on his mind when talking about his doom spider. It shows in the course he put out which really was an example of tricking people into buying satire. Seems rather spiteful or a roundabout way of saying to give up the toys of this world to seek treasure in heaven through Christ.

Anonymous No. 928455

I bet all the money he makes from jewing his videos go to this new cult and he is in some weird camp with the cultists right now

Anonymous No. 928486

Motherfucker joined cult for sure. Sad af. This is the reason why so many people hating on religion

Anonymous No. 928497

The main reason people are joining religions lately is because of liberals wanting to fuck children both in the literal and figurative sense. It makes conservatives and their religious speech sound really appealing.

Anonymous No. 928679


You sound retarded, exactly the kind of person that falls for religion.

Anonymous No. 928680

Please, do disprove any of what he's said.

Anonymous No. 928688


Disprove a nonsensical bad faith argument?

I won't waste time and energy with this kind of brain rot, making fun of you makes me feel good, trying to enlighten you stupid cunts would only make me depressed, the same reason you can't expect a monkey to understand anything you tell it.

Anonymous No. 928690

Spoken like a true Marxist zealot.

Anonymous No. 928691


Again, assuming a bunch of shit because you're fucking retarded and completely hopeless.

Anonymous No. 928692

And just like a deranged religious nutjob, you replied, because you literally cannot help yourself. Offending your precious religion of choice is too much to bear.

You sanctimonious types are so predictable.

Anonymous No. 928696

> defending the concept of Trinity
You know you're going to hell for that?

Anonymous No. 928720

Waiit whaat reaalyy

Anonymous No. 928721

Arrimus had it all - millions of views, hundreds of patreon backers, anons shilling for him on this site daily. And he threw it all away. He will never recover from this.

Anonymous No. 928722

I'll do you one better fren: Jesus (Yeshua) himself is a false prophet.

Anonymous No. 928725

Hello, mudslime.

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Anonymous No. 928733

arrimus does good work op

Anonymous No. 928744

you are retarded
please, learn how to sweep floors and clean toilets

Anonymous No. 928758

how long until he kills himself?

Anonymous No. 928766

> being this ignorant.
Bro Jesus is one of the most prophet in Islam, you should know this. I'll even go further, in 2k22, a muslim is more likely to defend Jesus if someone insult him than a Christian.

Anonymous No. 928784

Yea, they see jesus as a prophet but not the final prophet

Anonymous No. 928792

He is selling his course quite well, so I don't see it happening.

Anonymous No. 928800

Oh, oh, oh, I shit on you.

Anonymous No. 928815

Islam is what you get when you try to preach nestorianism to a bunch of dumb sandpeople who couldn't even read, write, and not fuck goats.

Anonymous No. 928829

I dont think he makes much at all, proly really poor

Anonymous No. 928830

You will never be a woman, transexuals are diseased individuals that are created by the corporate media (jews) to waste away all their money on mentaly ill treatments and surgery

Anonymous No. 928878

now that the yt is gone, should i pirate his udemy? it seems too fragmented over different software

Anonymous No. 929153

We are not here to make moral decisions for you. Be your own person and do that yourself.

Anonymous No. 929294


Anonymous No. 929381

Canonically, the God Emperor was Jesus and Buddha, as well as other major religious figures across history, in his efforts to guide mankind.