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Anonymous at Sat, 3 Dec 2022 04:41:47 UTC No. 928222
Should I bother pirating Photoshop or is using Krita good enough for 3D work?
the chair nerd at Sat, 3 Dec 2022 04:44:18 UTC No. 928223
Checked. It depends.Do you need Photoshop's capabilities? Do you need 32 bit exr editing or just paint freckles on a low poly character?
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Dec 2022 04:50:19 UTC No. 928224
Well I'm a hobbyist 2D animator that mostly just uses 3D models for props. I recently got a new PC and wasn't sure if I should continue using PS when Krita has advanced a lot lately
the chair nerd at Sat, 3 Dec 2022 04:58:04 UTC No. 928226
Well if Licencing is not an issue install both. If yes the Krita seems a good fit.
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 14:42:32 UTC No. 928403
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 14:53:49 UTC No. 928409
Explain your reasoning. What can it do that Krita can't?
๐๏ธ Anonymous at Wed, 7 Dec 2022 20:53:13 UTC No. 928892
I've used Photoshop for a while now as a digital artist. And I've attempted animation in photoshop a few times. Nothing more than like 8 frame loops. Personally, I think animation is photoshop is absolutely atrocious. At least, the default options are. I haven't tried any plugins.
I've dipped my toes into Krita, just to see what it was like. It appears Krita can do all the things I used Photoshop for. And it has a much better animation interface. So it's probably best to animate with Krita. Krita also appears to have better brush options, and is overall more art tool focused. While Photoshop lives up to its name, and offers options for quick image editing.
If I were learning from square 1, I would start with Krita. But I'm already too familiar with photoshop to see myself switching now. Still, if you don't mind learning a new program, I'd recommend making the switch for the timeline alone.
Anonymous at Wed, 7 Dec 2022 21:02:54 UTC No. 928893
From what I've read Gimp is still bad
Anonymous at Wed, 7 Dec 2022 22:02:03 UTC No. 928895
if you want for 3d work, buy affinity photo/designer. Have been using them for over two years, never had a need to get photoshop
Anonymous at Wed, 7 Dec 2022 22:06:51 UTC No. 928897
Imagine thinking that spending 1h of your time on pirating a software which will do nothing but help improve your art is such a huge time investment that you need expert advice to help you decide...
NGMI, sorry
Anonymous at Thu, 8 Dec 2022 01:05:23 UTC No. 928924
let me put this bluntly - affinity is not as "pro" nor is it as "clean".
Anonymous at Thu, 8 Dec 2022 02:17:40 UTC No. 928925
Yeah it's fine.