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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928319

Are there any beginner Blender tutorials that just point out all the important features you need to know to get started and give a short explanation on what each one of them does? The "walkthrough/explanation of making a specific object" thing most do doesn't really click with me.
Usually I learn software by just fiddling with it and seeing what buttons do, but Blender is way too unintuitive and arcane for me to even know where to start, so I basically just want a video where someone fiddles with it for me and says what all the buttons do and points out which ones I'd need to press to get anything other than a cube on my screen

Anonymous No. 928329

If you want to learn by just fiddling around, I suggest installing Wings 3D instead. It’s very well suited to just fucking around and learning as you do it.

Anonymous No. 928336

the donut tutorial apparently makes you learn about a bit of everything

Anonymous No. 928339

>still recommending the donut in 20fucking22 fucking kek
Fuck blender, install maya. Stop feeding the youtube algorithm.

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Anonymous No. 928361

3d zellig

Anonymous No. 928433

FlippedNormal's tutorial, split in two parts, learning the UI and what each tool does, and the actual modelling

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Anonymous No. 928442

I am simply staggered by how bad Blender is.
Every time I go to look up something on youtube about 3D, it is 90% blender content, and that does not sit well with me since I use actual 3D software (Cinema 4D).
I have come to /3/ for the first time in 2 years just to see someone else complain about blender because I am at wit's end with this shit.
The only reason I'm using it is to make CC for the Sims 4 and it's been the biggest headache in my entire life as a 3D guy.
Blender was 100% made by freelance Python trannies with pink hair and a 5oclock shadow.
There is simply no way a normal functioning adult would come up with such a bullshit interface.
I hate Blender. Why do troons insist that EVERYONE must use it?
I almost feel sorry for people who use blender.

Anonymous No. 928453

>too unintuitive and arcane for me to even know where to start
That's because you're new to 3D and have 2x the work. You're learning basic principles applicable to all 3D at the same time you're trying to learn the UI of one program - even if Blender is the easiest to learn.

You just need mileage. Why did you start learning 3d? Make a shitty version of what you wanted, and then go study something, and then try again. You keep doing this until you've made it.

Anonymous No. 928463

Blender is not the easiest to learn because the UI was made by freaks with blue head and chest hair + fake estrogen tits. It's subhuman trash tier. Absolutely the worst of any 3D program that ever has or ever will exist. Nothing whatsoever remotely acceptable about it - it's shit.
It's the worst software I've ever had to use. Absolute dog shit tier excuse for 3DCG software.
I'm pretty good at Cinema 4D and I'm only using this tranny software to make Sims 4 models because that too was made by trannies (who insist you use blender).
I could easily switch to Maya or 3DS or anything else, but Blender's UI is unspeakably terrible.
>had to look up a fucking tutorial to find the 'file' button.
Explain yourself

Anonymous No. 928477

a troll's escaped from the daz containment thread again

OP, if you're an absolute beginner and really need help with the ui, there's a playlist here by the blender foundation. The UI of 3D programs tend to be really crammed, but you don't need 99% of it as a beginner, but stick with it, and it will all make sense in a few months.

Anonymous No. 928573

>>928319 here you go anon

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Anonymous No. 928585

>$200 a month
Bit too rich for my blood
>That's because you're new to 3D
I'm not though, I've used Autodesk Inventor and a bit of Solidworks before. Those were both incredibly easy to grasp, Blender is not
I'll give them a shot

Anonymous No. 928589

You know that maya is 270 a year and like 99% of jobs require you to know it, right?

Anonymous No. 928595


Anonymous No. 928606

Just buy a beginners level course. I think this is the one I started with, though it is probably a bit too dated by now:

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Anonymous No. 928609

>>928319 This helped me so much.

Anonymous No. 928610

>Why do troons insist that EVERYONE must use it?
No one ever did that, it's just that it's free

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Anonymous No. 928886

...booth are great teacher, when you cant follow them, you should consider an other hobby!

Anonymous No. 928887

fuck you then you faggot
You're so smart figure it out yourself

Anonymous No. 928982

For fucks sake, go kill yourself. People like you are literally a plague to humanity.

Anonymous No. 928987

>modelling in Maya in the current year
lol lmao

Anonymous No. 929020

opinion discarded

Anonymous No. 929041

Daily reminder blender is only used as a modelling program. In the end, assets have to be converted into maya for interoperability across the pipeline. Thereefore, it is a complete waste of everyone's time trying to be an edgy blender rockstar.

Anonymous No. 929079

but Max is 100x better than blender

Anonymous No. 931235

have you tried "just fiddling with it and seeing what buttons do" and if getting stuck searching feature specific tuts?

Anonymous No. 931236

You want CAD software not 3D programs, there is a huge difference of modeling for the program. Just like painting is different in digital paint. You'll need to relearn some things.

Anonymous No. 932419

Yes and none of the buttons seem to do much of anything

Anonymous No. 932485

This is not the way to live you fucking idiot.

The real way is get inspired by artist/work and recreate that. Copy and paste searching in the web for specialistic solutions. You will develop general knowledge automaticlaly with time