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๐Ÿงต I can make better 3D game animations than most AAA pajeets

Anonymous No. 928494

>See modern games
>Nice PS5 models
>Model deform in the same way a psx model would do

I can't stop but noticing the limbs of models deform very much like ps2 limbs.
Which is kind of creepy to see such detailed models and the limbs being so stiff.

Also the physics and clipping issues are still the same as psx games.

It actually kills my inmiersion to see such details straight from 1995 and see no improvement over mario 64 and meshes really super detailed.

It really feels like watching one of those tv ads from india.

Also mocap animations are the most souless shit ever.

Honestly I can make better 3D game animations using low poly and pixel art and get something that looks better than modern GAYmer pajeet developers from LA.

Anonymous No. 928551

are you willing to be paid and buck broken as pajeet tho?

Anonymous No. 928555

Fuck off Cris

Anonymous No. 928584

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 928805

we all know you nut to donovan and guts scene cris. KYS

Anonymous No. 929054

I'll pay you $800 for a model if I think your work is good, let's see your portfolio OP.

Anonymous No. 929067

Show Portfolio or gtfo

Anonymous No. 929196

Well then? Lets see them.

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Anonymous No. 929223

Ok maybe I'm missing something because I'm in biomed and not animation but how is OP even wrong about any of this?
>I can't stop but noticing the limbs of models deform very much like ps2 limbs.
It's still extremely common for games to cheat on their rigging/blendshapes by covering it up with clothes or armor. And on the rare occasion they do put effort in, it's strictly limited to titillating body parts like Chun Li's realistic ass and thigh muscles.
>the physics and clipping issues are still the same as psx games.
Physics in games has improved in terms of efficiency but stagnated in terms of accuracy. Rigid body physics in current games still have similar limitations to older games because thrings like finding an objects drag coefficient are still not a solved problem in normal physics, let alone realtime simulations.
>Also mocap animations are the most souless shit ever.
This is a fact and you know it. Motion capture is and always will be full of unavoidable artifacts like webm related soft tissue artifacts. Yes you can correct for them, but most games don't do a good job of it. If you look at any game with a mix of human and nonhuman enemies to the nonhuman enemies obviously have more care and effort put into their animations. I'm sure AI driven markerless motion capture will solve this eventually because it doesn't have the same limitations, but the time being OP is 100% correct.

Anonymous No. 929349

Op is right in that modern AAA game studios are compromising quality and passion for a cheap buck, only thing that is a bit rich, is his statement, that his capabilities are better without showing for it.

Anonymous No. 932207

You are describing a skinning issue, not animation issue. Also most engines have very limited amount of vertices per bone because of optimization reasons.