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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928537

i guess jesus doesn't save after all, huh arrimus

Anonymous No. 928538

He's allowed to post what he wants

Anonymous No. 928540

you're allowed to eat your own shit, doesn't mean people can't notice

Anonymous No. 928550

did he ran ads on his videos at least?

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Anonymous No. 928556

No but he is indistinguishable from someone doing one big troll. That or he's acquired that signature Christian lack of self-awareness and thinks he can be taken seriously and can sell his audience on Jesus this way after making a bunch of sarcastic videos, censoring comments that aren't circle jerks on the Christ videos, and not taking his udemy seriously beyond yiddishly relying on people's expectation that he include his taken down videos. Regardless my sides are in orbit and those thumbnails are unintentionally funny.

Anonymous No. 928558

Joke's on you, nigger.
All those millions of views are me.

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average d&d n....jpg

Anonymous No. 928563

>Men should hold hands and hug
Dangerously based.

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Anonymous No. 928566

>hold my hand while we walk down the street and hug daddy on command or else I'll DEFOO YOU
Christians setting more conditions for having to associate with them to qualify for that official cult status.

Anonymous No. 928568

Lmfao the amount of assmad blendlet redditors im dead cuh... Maybe don't spend allowance on Funko pops and bad dragons

Anonymous No. 928571

What race is this poster and what is it trying to say?

Anonymous No. 928574

>poorfags seething over a youtuber
>too stupid to get into cgpeers

Anonymous No. 928576

>have to work your way up to cgpeers or pay for an invite

Anonymous No. 928578

Funny, I could always tell arrimus was based. angry tards.will never understand.

Anonymous No. 928579

Don't care you poor, embarrassing idiot. Keep crying over your youtuber bailing while I have free, unrestricted access to a massive collection of paid professional grade courses.

Don't worry, you'll always have donutman lol.

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Anonymous No. 928580

Child... We just find this whole clown show funny or absurd. Up your troll game without these womanly antics.

If you don't even contribute to the CGPeers thread these courses, then you're a non-entity in addition to someone who types like a 12 year old high on pixie sticks. You provide negative value. Your exclusive access to hundreds of hours of courses exist to gather dust or do nothing with except rote memorize without practice. At the end of the day none of those courses replace Arrimus's video for 3ds Max.

Either way much of what people want can be found on Persia and there have been nuclear dumps in the aforementioned thread, so your toys are now our toys.

Anonymous No. 928581

>all this cope
Don't care you embarrassing idiot. I don't care about your youtuber you worthless poor piece of garbage LOL.

Anonymous No. 928583

Keep going newfag. You have a few more to get through on your bingo card.

Anonymous No. 928590

Pretty based. A lot of 3D guys seem to be based, redpilled and wise for some reason. Myself included.

Anonymous No. 928591

>no argument
No problem, idiot.

Anonymous No. 928612

jesus saves our soul

Anonymous No. 928616

what is he going to counter-argue when you're just name calling? take your ritalin

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Anonymous No. 928617

Nobody cares that he's religious, arguing that point is a deliberate false flag against the fact that he could have made a new channel for the religious stuff and just linked to it on the main arrimus 3d. The point of contention is the fact that he deleted thousands of hours of useful topology based tutorials and timelapses on nearly anything you could have a problem making, and then replaced it with irrelevant religion videos.

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proko joins a rel....jpg

Anonymous No. 928619

/3/ is having a hard time with context. Please be patient.

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Anonymous No. 928625

Perhaps it does.

Anonymous No. 928642

I just blocked him, fuck god, hail satan

Anonymous No. 928643

Just people that got scammed by pharised tricks.

Anonymous No. 928646

>The point of contention is the fact that he deleted thousands of hours of useful topology based tutorials and timelapses on nearly anything
He put it there for free, therefore he is free to do whatever he pleases with it.
You can lament the fact, but you're in no position to make demands.
I have backups of a ton of videos of his, why don't you?
Don't bother to ask me to upload these - I won't.

Anonymous No. 928649

no you don't lmao

Anonymous No. 928701

it's no surprise your views drop if you don't have videos that can be watched though

Anonymous No. 929292

Two word.

Zbrush Welds.