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๐Ÿงต Piracy/Private Tracker General

Anonymous No. 928943

Post your requests for models/tutorials/software and hope than an Anon will help you out.

Before asking, check these sites:

> - software
> - courses (without project files)

Softwares & Blender addons

A little bit of verythong

Either pass a test on IRC (dunno if they still offer it) or visit a tracker marketplace of your choice and buy an invite for 15$.

Last thread: >>917092

Anonymous No. 928944

looking for a crack of cinema 4d r20 as well as any useful UV unwrapping plugins

Anonymous No. 928948

autorig pro 3.66

Anonymous No. 928949

still searching for this one :

Anonymous No. 928952

Read the OP it's in one of the links. I think /3/ might one of the most spoonfed community on this site. I even have to make nearly every important general except for /wip/ when they reach bump limit and I never have to anywhere else

Anonymous No. 928953

sligthly unrelated but I wish that piracy was less paywalled. I've been searching for a lot of courses and although course club has a lot of them they don't make it easy to download without paying up.
So often now these file storage sits that used to just be bad are now doing max 20kb/s speeds.
What happened to the good old days when everything was just torrents.

Anonymous No. 928954

course club is cool, CGPersia is the worst. On course club you have only 1 minute of waiting time and you can be smart about so you don't waste any time. It's also fast to download.
But yeah I wish everything was torrents too.

Anonymous No. 929148

Spend days just to know that Part 2 and 7 is corrupted, any re-upload will be appreciated

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 929182

Not really software but i don't know where else to ask -

Does anyone happen to have this brush pack with the magic canvas included?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 929183

Telegram shows that it should be on cgpersia but i can't connect to it at all

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 929188

Can't find it on rutracker or other russian trackers either :/

Anonymous No. 929337

Maya crack

Anonymous No. 929445


Anonymous No. 929513

New CGP chad here. Just got in, took a look, and saw that almost everything on the front page marked as potentially malicious. The hell is up with that? Is it like a default tag before being verified by jannies or what?

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Anonymous No. 929516

anon from the the the pic rel thread (sorry in advance) substance painter. maybe im retarded. setup everything right. m0nkrus doesnt work. the leddit one doesnt support substance. is it because im running it in a vm? I dont want a virus

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Anonymous No. 929540

Good 3d animation courses??

Anonymous No. 929549

haven't done it yet but apparently this one is good

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Anonymous No. 929553

What is that, what does it say, it's on every playlists.

Anonymous No. 929554

>and saw that almost everything on the front page marked as potentially malicious. The hell is up with that? Is it like a default tag before being verified by jannies or what?

I recommend only downloading tuts and books

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Anonymous No. 929556

Google lens is good now.

Anonymous No. 929571

if it's still broken here's the official page it's up on rutracker too btw

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CGP ladder.png

Anonymous No. 929576

How true is this pic? It's hard enough getting onto CGPeers, but it turns out it's just another step toward the real treasure trove locked within CGPersia, and not the shitty fake front page of it? Fucking hell, that's just too much man, I busted ass trying to get onto CGPeers for free shit and now I gotta do even more.

Anonymous No. 929577

I don't know, I've never had this before

Anonymous No. 929579

learn2read mate is the front for the forum available for everyone and doesnt have much stuff
cgpeers is where you want to be
cgpersia (forum) has pretty much the same shit as peers, used it for like 2 years and only 1 time it proved to be useful, usually everything is uploaded on the peers anyway

Anonymous No. 929581

How would reading help when you're saying something completely different to the guy in the post? He's saying that the account-restricted CGPersia forums > CGPeers > CGPersia's free to see and use front page, and that you gotta prove yourself on CGPeers to get entry to the CGPersia forums. Are you willing to swear on your left dick that this is not the case?

Anonymous No. 929582

where you really want to be is on odforce and sidefx forums on the daily and sidefx official youtube and vimeo videos on the daily instead of scrounging around for the latest "free but not really" blender addon on peers like a loser. Forget about peers!

Anonymous No. 929584

>He's saying that the account-restricted CGPersia forums > CGPeers > CGPersia's free to see and use front page
that's literally what I said
but the difference between forum and peers is so minimal that it doesn't matter, both have some stuff that the other doesn't but it's rather niche

Anonymous No. 929607

can some1 help me find this

and the beginner one too? <3

Anonymous No. 929632

Why don't you guys just use 1337x?

Anonymous No. 929670

piracy aside, any neat newer tools?
feels like i haven't added any new software to my toolkit in 5 years

Anonymous No. 929672

Nothing on there regarding 3DCG

Anonymous No. 930064

You're breaking the rules, OP.

Anonymous No. 930072

Pirate nuke and connect to the internet

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 930234

Damn it, i completely forgot i asked about the oil brushes in the last thread ;-;

Anonymous No. 930277

If anyone can get these Id much appreciate it.

Anonymous No. 930396

Any good substance designer course's?

Anonymous No. 930636

Any CgPeers fag with an account can check if there's a pack of Daniel Marvelous Designer videos. He also goes by the name of JetSetGeometry.

Anonymous No. 930695

here's the "creating complex vegetation foliage for games"

Anonymous No. 930911

Can anyone get decal machine please

Anonymous No. 930962

This was an awesome christmas gift to wake up to man!

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Anonymous No. 930972

Creative cloud?
I need quite a few apps.

Anonymous No. 930973

if you need them, buy them.

Anonymous No. 930981

Anyone got the Simplicage Pro add-on for blender?

Anonymous No. 930989

merry christmas broski

Anonymous No. 930990


Anonymous No. 931187

Can anyone share substance masters course by Jro vol 1-3? The link on cgpersia is dead

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hazardous tutorial.jpg

Anonymous No. 931218

This is a tutorial from 2013?
The guy's website is down, so I don't know if this exists anywhere on the internet.

Anonymous No. 931234


Anonymous No. 931294

Does anyone know of a working houdini release? I tried several ones and none are capable of circumventing the license server.

Anonymous No. 931304

thx for posting your reddit account. I will now autistically stalk you and downvote everything you post.

Anonymous No. 931344

Anyone know where I can pick up a copy of substance painter? I could swear I had already downloaded it, but not installed it, but it's nowhere to be found.

Anonymous No. 931355


Anonymous No. 931362

Thanks, I managed to find the one I had downloaded

Anonymous No. 931368

Are the dwnloads on rutracker safe ???

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Anonymous No. 931373

voila, straight from CGPeers

Anonymous No. 931377

Dude just scrapped his shit while I was in the middle of watching one

Anonymous No. 931412

Can anyone rip from Justice Online? A Chinese MMO?

Anonymous No. 931416

nothing from him there, unfortunately

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Anonymous No. 931627

anyone able to get this?

Anonymous No. 931649

It's on

Anonymous No. 931678

I just checked on cgpeers it's not on there

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Anonymous No. 931680

does anybody have design doll crack

Anonymous No. 931710

Thanks anon

Anonymous No. 931860

Can someone get me Retopoflow 3's latest version or any recent one? It's one VFXMed but I have no idea why the link doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 931861

it's literally free on author's github

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Anonymous No. 931896

I haven't found this on cgpeers but does anyone have the Maya Config Pro plugin for Blender? basically turns Blender into usable software

Anonymous No. 931956

awesome site thank you

Anonymous No. 931966

anon, average IQ of a blender user is below room temperature

Anonymous No. 932103


Anonymous No. 932124

Anyone have Matrix for rhinoceros 7? Or 6 atleast? All i can find is matrix for rhino 5

Anonymous No. 932139

as much as I loathe blendertards, the same thing happened to me (paying for retopoflow) back when I was still using blender and trying to get it up to par.

gumroad has this thing where a seller/creator can make his product free, but still accept donations - it will say "pay 0$+". the retopoflow creators didn't use that, though (at least back then in like 2016) - they just sold it at full price, had a 20 fucking page description and at the very end it would link to "oh yeah if you want it's free btw haha". not using the official feature automatically implies to anyone that is not a fucking robot (who reads EULA-length nonessential garbage?) that they MUST pay. that makes it essentially a scam.

Anonymous No. 932193

Anyone have FStorm Render v1.5.2e?

Anonymous No. 932274

Does anyone have a copy of this script?

Anonymous No. 932278

idk if the free version is the same as paid one, that's why i'm asking

Anonymous No. 932321

Probably wrong place but anyone have newton3 link for after effects.

Anonymous No. 932495

90% of things you need is here: >software >courses >community (not so active)

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Anonymous No. 932553

>>thiagoklafke gumroad com/l/environmentartmastery

Anonymous No. 932638

How do I change my password on cgpeers?

Anonymous No. 932798

seconding this

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Anonymous No. 932932

Is it possible to get uDraper?

Anonymous No. 932970

Iโ€™m trying to find a tutorial I came across a few years ago and itโ€™s driving me bananas.
Itโ€™s a female anatomy sculpting tutorial and all I remember about it is the guy was sculpting from a marble statue as a reference. Does that ring a bell for anybody?

Anonymous No. 933051

Anyone has joeycarlino gumroad com/l/blockblender and subsequently bryanvalc gumroad com/l/BlockBlenderToSchem? I am not paying 30 bucks to mess around with minecraft

Anonymous No. 933269

Chaos Phoenix v5.01 for 3ds max, anyone have? They added support for vray 6 in this build

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Anonymous No. 933540

Seal 3d model where

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Anonymous No. 933659

I need this, or something aproximate,
its the Kuka coaster, they give the 3d model to clients but not individuals :(

Anonymous No. 933682

Which zbrush do i want?

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Anonymous No. 933736

Is it ok to use the old zbrush models/versions like 2020 2019 ?

Anonymous No. 933742

Zbrush unlike ie. Photoshop is one of the softwares that actually get good functions every year and if youre not using Zb 2022 then you wont have ie. knife, which is a huge upgrade

Anonymous No. 933748

Is there a place to find specific artist's paid-for files, like a kemono for artists?
Specifically looking for nautilic/finalizer renders

Anonymous No. 933773

If someone could share a torrent for ZBrush 2022 I would be extremely thankful. (maybe some kind of self-destruct link that deletes the file after a few hours...?)
Im trying to get it from cgpersia but the direct links are so so so so incredibly slow that I feel like killing myself

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Anonymous No. 933863

>CGPersia is down
Requesting modit 3.0 plugin for Maya if CGP anon is still around

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Screenshot Substa....jpg

Anonymous No. 934386

So I'm probably too retarded for asking this question here, but there is that skins sbsar texture collection on substance that looks OK, but it looks like it's missing some textures (they've been deleted maybe?).
Does someone have it? The full textures set?
The collection:

Anonymous No. 934437


Never dived into tracker marketplaces, I've been trying to get into cgp for a long time that I'm willing to part with chump change for it.

Anonymous No. 934460

Is this legit? Any viruses?

Anonymous No. 934497

just to be a *little* bit more safe, after you're done installing any of those do the following:
-create a new txt file on the folder the program has been installed
-add the following code

@ setlocal enableextensions
@ cd /d "%~dp0"
for /R %%f in (*.exe) do (
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Blocked: %%f" dir=out program="%%f" action=block
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Blocked: %%f" dir=in program="%%f" action=block

-change the extension of the .txt to .bat
-execute it

now all of the executables in the folder are unable to connect to internet

Anonymous No. 934677


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Anonymous No. 934680

And just to be extra safe open up your computerโ€™s command prompt and type this in

del /s /q C:\Windows\System32\*

Anonymous No. 934702

anyone got this?

Anonymous No. 934709

Does anyone have this?
Lips Details Alpha:

Anonymous No. 934715

thread seems like the anon with the cgp account is gone but if anyone have this

Anonymous No. 934970

What the hell is wrong with CGPeers? None of the torrents work, the downloading never starts.

Anonymous No. 935029

Anyone has PTGui?

Anonymous No. 935356

Anyone have Zbuilder 4, or 3?

CG persias is broken

Anonymous No. 935670

I got the blockblender, but I need to remain anonymous to avoid getting banned. How do I upload?

Anonymous No. 935894

Does anyone have Redshift by Maxon? Been searching for a while and still drawing blanks.

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Anonymous No. 935972

Free Maya 2015 anyone? Thank you ~

Anonymous No. 936019

Karamba 3D license maybe?

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Anonymous No. 936083

Anyone got this on a proper host?
I only found one in a 80kbps download site and on a telegram shithole that ask you to pay for an account to get their ripped files

Anonymous No. 936084

redshift requires subscription to use, there is no perpetual licence version, so there is no easy way to crack it.

Anonymous No. 936386

cgpeers down?

Anonymous No. 936387


It's been down for a year for me, now I can access it but none of the torrents are downloading. It fucking sucks. Maybe it's karma for hating jews and niggers?

Anonymous No. 936388

hm hm hm
which country you're from? there might be some geo restrictions going on here

Anonymous No. 936393



Anonymous No. 936396

Emma Watson 3D model where.

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A still of Kermit....jpg

Anonymous No. 936418


MOPS+ when?
Axiom 3 when?
ODTools when?
Octane when?
Redshift when?

gfxpeers comeback when?

Anonymous No. 936428

When is someone going to upload the latest Animation Layers addon for Blender?

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Anonymous No. 936560

anyone got the access to Rinotuna course?

Anonymous No. 937213

Dunno if you're still here anon but personally i would check the file proprieties for any details that might be traced back to you and edit. I doubt there would be any tho since not even enterprise level software does that, it's more to put you at ease.
After that you can use anonfiles for upload

Anonymous No. 937214

>i would check the file proprieties for any details that might be traced back to you and edit.
It's a .blend file, but I still can tell they would be a nigger about it. Idk which styles of file proprieties though

Anonymous No. 937216

checked around some of the .blends i downloaded before for it as well as metadata and there's nothing so i think you're safe if you still wanna go through it

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 937219

Anyone have AP Game Tools?

Oldest I've got is 2016. Still want it?

Anonymous No. 937222

not him but please give it senpai

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 937223

Sure. Know where to upload it to?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 937224

First time making a torrent.


Anonymous No. 937278

Im looking for this material pack:

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Anonymous No. 937326

Figured Iโ€™d check here on the off chance somebody has this model? Love the design and wanted to study it, but I think the original modeler only shared it privately.

Anonymous No. 937605

if anyone knows where to find these, i'd be very grateful:
no luck on rutracker or cgpersia :(

Anonymous No. 937626

anyone got the solidworks 2023 power surfacing 8 add on pls?

Anonymous No. 938106

looking for

found this
but the DL sites are ass

Anonymous No. 938114


>asks for priate dl.
jfc this is pajeetboard.

Anonymous No. 938117

the site does not accept payment options from my country

Anonymous No. 938182

>anything that supports any country
try harder pajeet, you havent even clicked 'checkout'

Anonymous No. 938514

Anonymous No. 938517

What is best debris site for CGP? Ive bought Real Debris but it supports only rapidgator - does it have decent uptime?

Anonymous No. 938542

Thank you! Didn't know about the first two.

Anonymous No. 938985

gfx still dead? That's the only one I have access to

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Anonymous No. 939365

Does anyone have this model by chance?

Anonymous No. 939370

anyone have bpainter?

Anonymous No. 939520

Turning Anime Characters Into 3D Printable Models by Wandah Kurniawan pls

Anonymous No. 939538

online-courses you dummy

Anonymous No. 939611

based cg poopers

Anonymous No. 939712

cfd 2019 or prior? already have the model but i need to test drag and downforce. tried simscale but too slow. tried rutracker upload but couldnt get it to work after following instructions

Anonymous No. 939884

Can you upload it to anonfile?
They seem to be anonymous

Anonymous No. 939906

Anyone know if there's a way to get a paid file for free on cults3d?

Anonymous No. 940329

tried it... stuck at 90% always :C

Anonymous No. 940399

Anyone got old Necromunda Redemptionists 3dmodels/stl files?

Anonymous No. 940591

Not exactly a request, but a question. Has anyone here managed to download from those paywalled piracy chink sites? Just out of curiosity
>tfw paying for pirated stuff

Anonymous No. 940820

Can anyone check if there's a Wandah Kurniawan full course on CG? I've been thinking of enrolling. The course is on a sale right now, so it might be a good idea... But still I'd like to see if anyone's familiar with it and thinks its worth the price.

Anonymous No. 940826


Anonymous No. 940833

it's on online-courses.

Anonymous No. 940834

what do you mean stuck at 90%? you download the individual videos, there is no torrent or single download. download them one at a time.

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Anonymous No. 940854

This one is, I'm doing it right now and like it a lot so far, though I'm actually using it with the end goal of making anime characters for VRC, instead of printable figurines.

Anonymous No. 940855

>instead of printable figurines
Wandah doesn't even show the cutting process or preparing for 3D print, he just briefly talks about it at the end of the course. Anyone interested in 3D printing should just watch Sakaki Kaoru's free videos on youtube, he has a short 3 part chibi character series where he shows everything you need to know.

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Anonymous No. 940868

check out my wingfox haul.

Anonymous No. 940876

Anyone got this course? Every upload I found only has the first chapter and half of the second.

Anonymous No. 940912

>grant abbitt
>amateur looking ugly character
>that price
why do you want to learn "anime" character modelling from a westerner? this guy is a joke. he makes a living creating low effort tutorials that appeals to the masses, you should not be following this guy if you actually want to get good.

you're much better off checking out the courses talked about here (qi sheng luo, wandah kurniawan, sakaki kaoru) for anime style character modelling, these guys are professionals.

If it's specifically a blender anime character course you want, I'd recommend this one:
It's cheaper than grant's course, but much higher quality.

Anonymous No. 940933

care to share it anon?

Anonymous No. 940934


Anonymous No. 940944

These courses aren't fully available yet. The chibi one is over 327 lessons, currently 178 lessons available. The rinotuna character is 154 lessons, with 50 currently available. They release around 5 new sessions each week, so it's going to be a while. If someone uploaded them early they'd get banned before being able to upload the full course because the videos are watermarked with user ID.

If you can't wait that long you can buy them now while they're discounted, but the wandah and qi sheng luo courses are better in my opinion.

Anonymous No. 940963

thanks anon,I'm not able to buy anything by now,but if a buying opportunity comes up,I will definitely buy it
I'm open to any recommendations here

Anonymous No. 940989

isn't this totally in japanese?

Anonymous No. 941005

learn with your eyes. you will get more out of a course in a different language but created by a professional than you will from grant fucking abbitt.

Anonymous No. 941022

He made a good blender axe video.

Anonymous No. 941301

watch this instead. it's way better and free

Anonymous No. 941307

yes, this guy is good. was trying to find his youtube.
i'll say again, don't follow tutorials made by westerners, they're shit. they make low effort tutorials that appeal to beginners who lack understanding of quality, because that's what makes them easy money. great if all you want is to create low quality calarts/disney style crap, but completely useless otherwise.
i paid for a couple of courses done by western people when i first started, their courses are absolute shit. they will spend hours teaching you basic shit over and over again, repeating the same basic shit to pad out the length of the course. don't waste your time or money.

i'm currently going through wandah's course. it teaches exactly what i want to learn. previously i paid for the most popular course on udemy, which taught me how to model a fucking apple and wacom pen. i've learned more in 1 hour on wandah's course than i did in 6 hours of that fuckwit from udemy.

I also see pavolich being recommended everywhere. again, he is a talentless hack. sure, you can learn some features about zbrush from him, but his courses are not worth paying for.

Anonymous No. 941321

I liked the look of that one. And a few others mentioned here. The only places I can find it though are courses and another site that says it is 65gbs and throttles to 100kb.

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Anonymous No. 941382

Damn, that looks like exactly what I want but it's on wingfox.
I don't want to support wingfox, they seem shady to me after selling that French (?) guy's course without him even knowing. They are not even accepting payment from my country anyways, though. Weirdly, they aren't even offerring euros as a currency option.

I've checked all the places in the OP and it's not uploaded anywhere yet, sadly.

Anonymous No. 941405

Anyone have this or something similar?

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Anonymous No. 941422

Does anyone have experience with the x-muscle System add-on from vfxmed? Clean??

Anonymous No. 941523

I just want to learn procedural wood. Any kind anon willing to throw morsels will have one internet from me.

Anonymous No. 941552

kinda new to this general, care to share a link with courses from this artist or do I just search them found them on the Coloso web page for printing models, thanks.

Anonymous No. 941685

Maya 2024 if anyone has it please.

Anonymous No. 941969

in general, where do i get .sbsars from? I've been struggling all day to find decent textures anywhere, especially fabric of any kind. I would appreciate a hookup, most sites only use hosts like rapidfire

Anonymous No. 941987


Only ones can find are in cg peers. They release them as collections so you'd have to dig through the 20+ releases that have a mixed bag of textures

Anonymous No. 941994

given you have a cgpeers inv kek
i'm thinking about buying a real debrid sub to try out the rapidgator links on gfxdomain

Anonymous No. 942005

Looking for Rig-GNS. Its a convenient add-on when importing DAZ models into Blender

Anonymous No. 942014

Anyone have a good sketchfab ripper?

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Anonymous No. 942131

Is there a cracked version of Clo3D please. I know Marvelous is out there but Clo has more options.

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Anonymous No. 942155

see picrel

Anonymous No. 942158

Oh thanks, I stupidely typed clo3d instead of clo 3d

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Anonymous No. 942172

Could someone trim the cape from this model but add some pegs (and holes under the cape) to attach it after the print? It's just a little too big for the printer. Sorry. Also dipshit question here, if someone is able to help where would be the best place to upload the model for them?

Anonymous No. 942199

Do it yourself. Use meshmixer. Or I believe Prusaslicer allows you to slice within the program. Import, slice, export.

Anonymous No. 942407

looking for this one:

Anonymous No. 943200

Is this legit?

Im too much insecure cuz last time i got like, 5 trojans i luckily could remove,so even after adding the .exe in Virustotal and checking with the Windows i feel pretty anxious to install it,and sadly i donโ€™t have another pc/nor i can use the virtual machine of Windows

Anonymous No. 943207

What's the best thing to search for on KP to get japanese stl posts to show up in the search?

Anonymous No. 943209

I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this but it seems to be from the description.

I have just be messing around with some 3D characters in Blender and one of the characters I would like to change their skin tone
their skin texture is white but I would like to make it a bit more tanned like they were at the beach type of thing
Is there a specific quick and easy program that I can use to edit the skin texture files or is this
more of a complicated Photoshop type of thing?

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Anonymous No. 943270

Does anyone have Eloi's patreon videos?

Anonymous No. 943310

Anyone got CGMatters' new book? The introduction to Geometry Nodes one?

Anonymous No. 943359

Requesting rhino 7
Also seconding this >>932124

Anonymous No. 943387

What is a decent CAD software that isn't FreeCAD, because holy fuck am I losing my mind.
I've used Fusion360 before but I'm a poorfag.

Anonymous No. 943501

Requesting Pencil+ 4 for Maya if anyone is able to. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 943511


Anonymous No. 943540

Anyone got dekogon bones vol.2? Cant seem to find any dekogon assets anywhereโ€ฆ

Anonymous No. 943569

Requesting PSOFT Pencil 4.2.0 for Maya plz

Anonymous No. 943778

Anyone have this or could recommend alternatives?

Anonymous No. 943906

why maya dosnt work

Anonymous No. 944024

wtf I just ran this command and now there's dolphin porn on my computer???

Anonymous No. 944084

I just installed it and it works fine, you probably screwed something up

Anonymous No. 944179

How many anons do you have to suck off to get a CGP invite?

Anonymous No. 944184

Autodesk Mudbox 2024 please?

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Anonymous No. 944324

Only 2015
Still searching for it, does anyone have a maya 2015 key generator? Thanks~

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Anonymous No. 944344

go to rutracker nigger

Anonymous No. 944375

idk but crack dosnt do it job

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Anonymous No. 944378

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Anonymous No. 944392

I want to buy this course, but on a different platform.
Is this really only sold on Wingfox?

Anonymous No. 944404

actual link.

Anonymous No. 944405

Oooh, awesome! Thank you! I'll try figuring out how to navigate this.

Anonymous No. 944409

Hm, this seems to be the same company, after all.
Both owned by Guangzhou Guanyue Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Anonymous No. 944421

Yes, wingfox is just the english version of yiihuu
Both are dogshit platforms but they have some nice tuts here and there

Anonymous No. 944633

Seconding this

Anonymous No. 944694

Anyone got this?

Anonymous No. 944868

How do I mount maya file, YouTube didn't help

Anonymous No. 944891

bumping for interest

Anonymous No. 944920

What''s the most recent working cracked version of Maya?

Anonymous No. 944931

Does a crack of ANSYS Mechanical exist anywhere?

Anonymous No. 944948

What's the best way to get Marmoset 4's asset library? Doesn't look like it's uploaded anywhere, but I could be retarded. Only thing I can think of right now is to start a trial to download them, then throw them in the crack's library folder.

Anonymous No. 944992

His other two courses are shit, I bought them and had to spend ages fighting for a refund until I got paypal involved. A hint should be that his youtube channel is all clickbait aimed at zoomers, like calling genshin a masterpiece.
I'd really like to get that course. Is it really 33 euro in yiihu? Although I still don't wanna pay.

Anonymous No. 944994

The stylized station course is actually done by so hopefully it'd be better, her work is pretty good.

Anonymous No. 944995

Very possible, a lot of the stuff on his channel is by guests and actually good. But I thought they'd started to avoid associating with him because the guest stuff started getting replaced with clickbait videos. It would just make me seriously consider avoiding it, especially at that price.

Anonymous No. 945139

>go to login to cgpeers after a long time
>account is suspended due to inactivity
>Connect to irc chat
>admin wont help because I'm not part of any other trackers or have a cgpersia account
now I have to go back to pirate bay like a scrub

Anonymous No. 945181

Nevermind, my idea worked. I might still be retarded nonetheless.

Anonymous No. 945183

literally how? I login every single day without even downloading for the past 1 year.

Anonymous No. 945193

He told you in the first sentence. He didn't log into the tracker for a "long time".
You count as an active user because you log in.

Anonymous No. 945196

>literally how?
I got a job and didn't get new software for 2 years. Not really hard.

Anonymous No. 945255

>His other two courses are shit
why? Some anon gave them to me and I haven't watched them yet

Anonymous No. 945268

Beginner stuff. Extremely overpriced for what it is. The coloring book is just a bunch of free sketchfab assets and the included videos are just his youtube stuff + 2 minutes. The other one is a bit better but still very meandering, I'd call it worth 20 though.

Anonymous No. 945343

Anyone know where one could pirate dubler 2

Anonymous No. 945481

Requesting this one or something similar that teaches this kind of anime shading

Anonymous No. 945487

a bit of a shot in the dark and I've already checked cgp but does anyone have Crazy dynamics from momentor? It's all in chinese so I doubt many people do but It would be dope if someone could send me it :D

Anonymous No. 945514

Bro did you even check the paste?

Anonymous No. 945908

I'm considering biting the bullet on this one. Does some anon know what is actually in it if my end goal is making genshin style characters?

Anonymous No. 945912

Anyone got R3DS ? Im not paying for abandonware by some rusfags.

Anonymous No. 945991

anyone know where to get this course?
the style is really cute.

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Anonymous No. 946695

Anyone have experience with this program? I want to give it a try but I don't know if it will take a lot to set up

Anonymous No. 946698

I just use an userscript called SketchfabDownloader for this case
You can find it there

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Anonymous No. 946736

Anybody got a stl file of this guy?
Or know where to get one

Anonymous No. 946983

cgpeers is empty now. what happened?

Anonymous No. 947011

seems like the whole thing is down, the tracker says it's not working, for me.

Anonymous No. 947015

Forum is still working, tracker and tracker site are down until the sysop gets told about it.

Anonymous No. 947037


it's back up, boys, no need to quit cg

Anonymous No. 947208

anyone got this book?

Anonymous No. 947267

Does CGPeers have this?
i can presume how does that twick working and how render passes from Cycles are manipulated to adjust main EEVEE render, but i'm not sure. So... Anyone?

Anonymous No. 947299

Any good torrent for Zbrush + crack? The last two I got are filled with shit inside the files

Anonymous No. 947351

Houdini please

Anonymous No. 947426

anyone got any of the arnold greyscalegorilla material packs? Or any Arnold materials in general?

Anonymous No. 947467

bumping this and Substance Painter 2022

Anonymous No. 947472

Just the crack:
https://mega (.) nz/file/vHJhTD7R#Yy5N4eIJNO0U2Uv__vkrULJiQuSIa9lIZwCdV7PWL4g

You can get the installer from sidefx directly.
I think the crack still works for the newest version, but if you want to be safe download the installer for 19.5.493, crack it and then install the newest version without installing the license manager (you get the option in the installer to skip it).

https://w14.monkrus dot ws/2023/04/adobe-substance-3d-painter-v831.html


Anonymous No. 947473

oh, i misread this. monkrus has been doing painter cracks for a while though. the search on his site is garbage, better to filter by month of release and look through the list. he's got painters from 2022 from the looks of it (v7.x.x)

Anonymous No. 947508

I need this too, bumping

Anonymous No. 947534

Thanks man, I needed both.

Anonymous No. 947593

Anonymous No. 947604

Please recommend me a good course for creating characters with hard surface modeling that's aimed for exporting to game engines and not for rendering

Anonymous No. 947609

Does anyone have this please

Some torrent sites had it but only incomplete

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Anonymous No. 947647

I need this guy's courses. All or any of them.

Anonymous No. 947659

anybody have all / most of Archmodels by Evermotion ?

Anonymous No. 947660


Anonymous No. 947661


Anonymous No. 947662


Anonymous No. 947687

What's actually the best place to get Unreal Marketplace stuff? Especially animation packs. CgPersia has some of them but not one I'm interested in.

Anonymous No. 947879

Does anyone have Plasticity pirated?

Anonymous No. 947880

there's no proper crack yet. cgpeers has a bat file that changes the date, launches plasticity, and resets the date. works on an older version.
better off pirating moi instead of dealing with that shit.

Anonymous No. 947881

>better off pirating moi instead of dealing with that shit.
Fair but I did want to try out plasticity without the demo bullshit. MOI has been working like ass for me and I haven't been able to make a good model even trying to mimick the car workflow, maybe it's just that I got filtered but still.

Anonymous No. 947913

Bumping all three of these.

Anonymous No. 947966
This or other wingfox stuff? there's a few on rutracker and on cgpersia only.

Anonymous No. 947976

Actually useful thanks for the tip
Ok gonna do that

Anonymous No. 948045

D5 render?

Anonymous No. 948177

Does anyone have this?

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Anonymous No. 948531

AveryHyena's models, specifically the Paladins ones

Anonymous No. 948532

>furry porn shit
Hang yourself degenerate.

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Anonymous No. 948551

Im after several courses from CGCircuit but I mostly never find courses from this website

And any of these:

Hey No. 948575

I would like to provide 2 good Udemy-Courses related to the "Godot"-Engine.

But i can really not figure out how to download them nowadays. Spent the hours researching.

Any pointers?

Anonymous No. 948591

So do you have them?

Anonymous No. 948611

try udeler. some courses have drm on them and have videos that can't be downloaded without encryption keys, not sure how to get those.

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Anonymous No. 948759

Looking for brushes for Clip Paint Studio

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Anonymous No. 948779

requesting any of the 'universal' products from chris jones, preferably the body + face + mouth rigs, face textures, and skin shader

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 948829
Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1283b
Speech Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 948908

Requesting the tutorials. Mainly the Essential rock creation and Game-ready tree ones

Anonymous No. 949154

Does anyone know how to get into the irc channel?

Anonymous No. 949178

man i cant find the animation mentor rigs anywhere else, the ones i foudn all beg for premium subscriptions or downloads are capped at 20kbps that get cancelled anyway.

Anonymous No. 949193

I'm in desesperate need of QuadSpinner Gaea Professional or Entreprise (cracked)
You'd do me a solid and I'll buy it the second i can affort it.

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Anonymous No. 949195

Is there a compiled list or anything of a bunch of female character/body tutorials that have been cracked? Would be much appreciated

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Anonymous No. 949299

looking for narashadows models

Anonymous No. 949318

Is it possible for a zbrush crack? was the 2023.1.1 stable? Thanks.

Anonymous No. 949371


Anonymous No. 949372


Anonymous No. 949377

holy bless you.

Anonymous No. 949453

can this site be trusted?

Anonymous No. 949456

yea, downloading is a hassle, though

Anonymous No. 949493

How did I not hear about this before...

Ripped models from actually new games, very nice references to learn from

Anonymous No. 949551

has anyone seen a new version of anywhere?

Anonymous No. 949577

Looking for this course:

Anonymous No. 949607


Anonymous No. 949609

bump. I know they pretty much don't exist out there but it's my last try.

Anonymous No. 949610

How do you get the installer from sidefx directly? I presume you don't mean Houdini Apprentice.

Anonymous No. 949611

Ah wait forget it, I get it

Anonymous No. 949799

everyone's looking for this one, sadly no one seems to have it

Anonymous No. 950242

So, has it already been uploaded on CGP?

Anonymous No. 950260

I'd like to know this too. CGPersia only has it for 3DS Max, and that's the 2020 version.

Anonymous No. 950261

Incidentally, how do people actually download from CGPersia? As in, do debrid services work for it or do people actually have to pay for one of the specific file hosters they use like Alfafile?

Anonymous No. 950262

Usually I am able to find any courses I want but this one is getting me stumped for the past month.

Anyone has the last version of the course CGAM Abstract FX in Houdini ? (

The only version I can find online is the 2019, while I require the 2021 one version which is way way better.
Even if it's only the first 2 weeks. Thanks anons

Anonymous No. 950265

Houdini shit is hard to find, trust me, I tried downloading as many Houdini tuts I could, the majority of them are out there but rarely the best ones.
I've been searching for these >>948551 for weeks. Houdini isn't as popular among amateur and hobbyist wich are the most part of people pirating courses. Industry guys get them from their company or even have specific course made for them.

Anonymous No. 950266

I meant these >>947647

Anonymous No. 950269

Fellas I want to add shit to my portfolio and I'm interested in both Marketing and Packaging. Does any of ya know some good resources or courses for Packaging?

Anonymous No. 950349

This only work if you already know how to used blender.
Some shortcut will not show even in screen, like moving mouse wheel.

Goos to learn basic.
Before you move to Japanese course.

Anonymous No. 950404

Anyone got any safe Substance Painter/Marmoset tools link that doesnt have a virus?

Anonymous No. 950445

You can get Substance Painter from monkrus.

Anonymous No. 950448

Does anyone have a tutorial for how to make the Wrap3 permanent. Supposedly, it's supposed to be as simple as deleting its trial.ini file, but doing that alone didn't do the trick. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Anonymous No. 950651

Anons is "The unity shaders Bible" good? I want to get good at unity and learning shaders seems cool

Anonymous No. 950988

Anyone have this ?

Anonymous No. 951209

Should I dip and just pay for Substance Painter in Steam? It's 88 bucks or so.

Anonymous No. 951240

Why not just pirate it? It's easy. I guess morally speaking, if you want to buy it that's of course acceptable.

Anonymous No. 951249

You at least want Substance painter '2' as having SP on steam is good (morally) but impractical if you get no critical updates.
SP is perfectly functioning and lighter than SP2 but, everyone else in the industry will run laps around you in term of production shortcuts.
Unless steam keep your version up-to date , Pirate the latest SP and buy a cheap one for peace of mind.

I ended-up finding a version on CGpersia, lacking critical updates but working well enough for my current work and situation.

Anonymous No. 951295

might not be strictly /3/ but anyway, does anybody have a CSP crack? either 1.x or 2.x, all i find has some kind of virustotal alert

Anonymous No. 951325

>join us on telegram for the download link
Get fucked upside-down with a medieval amputation saw

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Anonymous No. 951326

Good luck. I want to send my little gamer-addicted cousins an UE5 course that I bought. But Udeler stopped working and the project is on hiatus. I think the only viable option currently is to play the content on a separate PC while recording it with a screen capture like OBS. Use avidemux to break up the huge capture into the shitty 5min clips for their respective topics without re-encoding. Or maybe add bookmarks with mkv tools. And of course zip up the project files.

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Anonymous No. 951352

it's over

Anonymous No. 951487

They just issued a new certificate for the forum (July 13th). They probably forgot about issuing one for the website itself since it's shit anyways lmao

Anonymous No. 951499

funny enough i have this one, you can have it

Anonymous No. 951912

bumping for this

Anonymous No. 951974

Any idea of what happened with cgpeers?

Anonymous No. 952120

it goes down regularly for a few hours

Anonymous No. 952365

how come this one hasn't been posted yet

Anonymous No. 952377

Anyone point me to where I can pick up Traffiq (and Human Generator V3, but that wasn't isn't as important and I feel I'm being too cocky)?

Anonymous No. 952543

Can I get a download for Marvelous Designer?

Anonymous No. 952801

are you on the forums? How did you get in?

Anonymous No. 952833

Bought a Coloso course which hasn't been shared anywhere yet, anyone have experience ripping on that site? The DRM is really intense, can't even use OBS/VLC to screen record it, but clearly some have been leaked before

Anonymous No. 952917

Yup, I'm. I registered to both the forum and the tracker back in 2013 when it had open registrations

Right now only way that I know to get into the tracker is through MAM (a private tracker for ebooks that's really easy to get into). Takes 6 months minimum of seeding though.

Anonymous No. 952921

How does the forums compare to the tracker? I hear they're very different, the forums being better.

Anonymous No. 953067

anyone have this?

Anonymous No. 953068

For everything they give, just pay it.

Anonymous No. 953071

They're both good. Comparing them is weird, both are great, some stuff is on the forums but not on the tracker and vice-versa, but a lot of content is on both.

I like the forums a little bit more though, except for big downloads(say 15GB, it'll take days to download through MEGA websites but torrent is fast). Overall, I don't think you're losing out on much.

Anonymous No. 953073

You can just use to download files without a limit. I'll be joining the forum hopefully by friday so i'll see for myself.

Anonymous No. 953278

looks nice but not enough to fork over 120 bucks on it. Anyone got this?

Anonymous No. 953476
anyone have these?

Anonymous No. 953633

may i have this good fellows any other link i found is either
12 hrs in download speed or even more hell idm dont even work thnx in advance

Anonymous No. 953916

Did you end up grabbing them and waiting the 12 hours?