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Anonymous at Sat, 10 Dec 2022 03:28:48 UTC No. 929134
Is this really worth getting into? How much do you guys pull in freelance/steady company work? How long for you to get where you are?
Anonymous at Sat, 10 Dec 2022 04:49:53 UTC No. 929141
Art is never worth it for the money. if you enjoy doing it for the process and not the end result then sure.
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Dec 2022 10:58:32 UTC No. 929299
if u want to make money why go in 3d stuff. People who do 3d make 3d because they want to make 3d, then people happen to pay them to do stuff. Get good by working 20h a day and they maybe in a few years you're making a lot of money but thats def not the point. Def passion job
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Dec 2022 04:47:37 UTC No. 929630
Create a low poly game and sell on itch io moron
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Dec 2022 05:54:04 UTC No. 929636
from a "how easy is it to rake in some money"-perspective there probably isn't a worse field. you would simultaneously have to have some talent and put in thousands of hours to get an income going.