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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 929734

youd think with all the money pixelogic is bringing in they could afford to hire a ux designer to make a ui tailored for actual humans instead of corporate drone 47-gamma

Anonymous No. 929735

>zbrush ui
lol, get a job

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Anonymous No. 929736

Just customise it.

Anonymous No. 929741

I'm sure Maxon will change the UI because it's obvious there isn't much else they can add or improve at this point

Anonymous No. 929744

it is designed for tablets not your mouse

Anonymous No. 929753

im using a tablet but the ui is still god awful
easily the worst out of any of my software suite

Anonymous No. 929754

theres nothing wrong with it

Anonymous No. 929760

Which should I use? Blender or Maya?

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Anonymous No. 929761


Anonymous No. 929762

Blender is a better all-purpose tool
Maya is a better specialised tool when used with other programs

Anonymous No. 929763

What if I want to make 256 polygon models which is better? I look at models resource and I don't know how they get those shapes

Anonymous No. 929769

>tfw can't leave the zbrush window open and leave the desk because the damn thing keeps showing NSFW stylized girls as a screensaver
>the state of modern artists

Anonymous No. 929772

zbrushes ui honestly feels fucking alien. after years of using it im still having to google where to find random settings and buttons. it doesnt fit any software paradigm that exists

Anonymous No. 929798


I`ve never understood this complain about zbrush... and i started in Maya. I find Zbrush pretty intuitive for the most part.

Anonymous No. 929853

>i am so retarded i cannot learn a new ux so i blame the software instead

Anonymous No. 929883

I am convinced that no one that complains about their toolset will ever make it.
>hurrr it's so unintuitive and hard

Anonymous No. 929884

just turn the screensaver off.

Anonymous No. 929910

show your work then

Anonymous No. 929920

I would revolt, zbrush ui is integrated into my soul at this point

Anonymous No. 929942

I like the ui for the most part, especially the fact that it's fully customizable

Anonymous No. 929958

that may be the messiest 3D related UI I have ever seen (yes, not even blender 2.x was that messy)

Anonymous No. 929962

Zbursh is the ultimate tool for 3d modeling. Just learn it and forget about everything else.

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Anonymous No. 930394

adapt or die or use blender and die regardless

Anonymous No. 931301

This is actually great for me and many others, its just like having the biggest personal pie menu around the viewport at all times.

"Muh clean userinterface" is bullshit, we see tools we can use at some situations at all times that we may not even think about sometimes if we don't see it in front.

I suggest you try it out.

Anonymous No. 931395

It's not designed for corporate drones, it's designed for the person who made it. It's like getting handed a 3D software suite that's already been used by a veteran with everything tuned to what they feel is visible or needs to be hidden, ignoring the fact they're a hotkey wizard anyway and barely look at it, and then being expected to learn that because you too should be a power user despite the fact you aren't using their hybrid drawing tablet-space explorer-footpedal-rotary phone setup.

Anonymous No. 931396

this is worse than old blender

Anonymous No. 931400

I like it, best retard filter

Anonymous No. 931405

>Which is better for drawing in perspective, a Pen or a Sharpie?
It's not in the tool- it's in your understanding of silhouettes. Practice and you can do it in either
(But Maya is better)

Anonymous No. 931407

The reason ZBrush's UI never gets changed is because the industry is already used to it and doesn't want it to change.

Yes, it is a mess and hard for beginners to learn, but if they fixed it and made it better, than all the pros who learned the old UI would have to re-learn the new UI, which takes time. A lot of production companies would unironically stick with the last version having the old UI.

Anonymous No. 931410

This. I love seeing newbies shit their pants over Mike pavlovich explaining things too fast.

Anonymous No. 931411

? he really takes his time, anon...

Anonymous No. 931840

>>but whatever are shortcuts?
are you very dumb and stupid?