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Anonymous No. 929766

New Blender open movie just dropped


Anonymous No. 929770

it looks really dated, its not animated well, its not mastered in HDR10+ / dolbyvision, and you're not in your containment thread.

Anonymous No. 929775

animation is fine, direction is great (though thats not software related), outdoor scenes look fantastic
indoor scenes didn't look that good and the robot looked like shit. i get they wanted to use greasil or whatevre its called for the paint texture but it just didnt look good

Anonymous No. 929782

>2005 level of prerendered videogame cutscene
so this is the power of open source software....

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Anonymous No. 929803

Autoshills cope.

99.9% of normies can't even tell this apart from pixar.


Anonymous No. 929804


Anonymous No. 929810

You're telling Blender is at best Cargo cult. If it has to looks like discount Pixar, then let Pixar do it.

Anonymous No. 929811

It's neat and I'm just glad Blender exists. That's all

Anonymous No. 929813


Anonymous No. 929814

I liked the barbershop one. The one with the girl in the forest was also cool. This one is much lower quality for some reason, IMO. From uncanny valley main character to architecture and prop design to texturing which is lacking.

Anonymous No. 929815

>This one is much lower quality for some reason, IMO
It's rendered in EEVEE so that's probably why

Anonymous No. 929816

Oh shit, didn't know that. Well, it still sucks compared to even Unity shorts, not to mention Unreal. Also, that doesn't explain low quality models and textures.

Anonymous No. 929831

There's more mind control than art in it.

Anonymous No. 929832

People are growing tired of these open movies

Anonymous No. 929834


Anonymous No. 929835

People never cared about this kind of sub-prime art. This is the same old musical chairs game that brings fresh blood and donation money from parents to the Blender Foundation.
Not to mention every single time they do a project like this they also ruin the software by bringing in broken and undocumented features made specifically to support their project.
Those same broken features also get in the way of any other project. Just look at the animation system which is incomprehensible. But it's in no way limited to that.

Anonymous No. 929836


...the people who made this movie, are programmers of the the software the movies is made with! you can screeeche about inperfect animation, lack of perfection and all the other shit, but you cant say it has no soul without revealing that you are complete idiot!

Anonymous No. 929838

it is soulless drivel and you expose yourself to be lapping it up and likely very very new

Anonymous No. 929840

I have no idea what you mean by soul. If it has any soul, it's that of the people who donated their talent and time in exchange for a vague promise of being one day able to work in the field.
That's not going to happen for the vast majority of them.

Anonymous No. 929844

why do you get so triggered when we say its soulless? Are you responsible?

Anonymous No. 929848

>people are growing tired of visual progress reports / demos
What fucking "people" are you talking about? What sort of retardation is that post?

Anonymous No. 929856

its not even "shiny". Even unreal shit looks better

Anonymous No. 929859

No. On the contrary I'm warning you the Blender Foundation is after your soul.

Anonymous No. 929860

painting the cameras makes no sense for a variety of reasons the big one being you cant sneak past them to paint them in the first place because they will be facing the way you are entering from (if you could sneak past them then why even paint them lol) also the guards would see that they have been covered with shit

the guards were sleeping so thats the only reason it worked (although it did nothing) but if they were awake it would be even more retarded

regardless bad guy hesitated so entire video is retarded nigger faggot shit

Anonymous No. 929869

Literally too dumb to be a criminal

Anonymous No. 929879

the worst part is the protagonist's plot armor
that robot would not have missed the first three shots when the guy's less than 10 meters away

Anonymous No. 929886

NTA but if I think I empathize with his state of mind, it's seeing other people being productive & successful with their lives, while I'm procrastinating and wasting time because I suck at what I'm trying to do, and also am afraid to fail.

So that's why it's painful and annoying to see "NEW STUFF, AMAZING!" coming from other people.

Anonymous No. 929888

looks like a videogame from last gen

Anonymous No. 929892


Anonymous No. 929893

some shoots looks like ass >6/10, I thought they were working with the crowd sim girl on this ......

Anonymous No. 929988

You gotta be shiting me...

Anonymous No. 929989

read >>929815

Anonymous No. 929990

Agent 327 full movie when?

Anonymous No. 929991

it is not only the render engine

Anonymous No. 929992

Fuck off Cris
Also this

Anonymous No. 930014

Looks awful.

Anonymous No. 930039

>I have no idea what you mean by soul.

...things you make by your own have soul! ...when people who code a 3d software make a movie with it, its the very definition of soul! when you dont get it, its on your own!

>... for a vague promise of being one day able to work in the field. dont use blender to find the cool cottonpicker job in the "industry", you use blender because it has soul! its free! there are no corporate interests behind it, just making cool stuff. is there better software around, ...yes, i am not even argue on this! ... but i rather go with a software i always can use, when ever i like - without paying for the "industry" standards, you have no access to all of your work!

Anonymous No. 930096

I agree. As long as you use Blender for what it is - a broken tool - then everything is fine.
Just don't fall for the delusions the Blender Foundation is trying to sell you.

Anonymous No. 930110

yeah the jerky start/stop animation is garbage, bump map looking skin textures. hiding things in fog, garbage

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Anonymous No. 930125

this is my most memorable open movie

Anonymous No. 930126

>Well, it still sucks compared to even Unity shorts, not to mention Unreal.
Eevee is like what 3-4 years old compared to unity and unreal but goddamn unreal's lumion is fucking insane but i have consistently only used cycles to compare it to and probably switch to octane since its a free addon for blender but i will probably wait until i get a proper desktop instead of frying my laptop's gpu

Anonymous No. 930225

>a broken tool

... it seem more you try to sell something! me shekelberg ...

Anonymous No. 930232

I'm not.
It's the only time the Blender devs get off their ass and actually work on useful features that aren't niche one-time use tools, and update shit from 2004 that's been half-implemented at the start and carried from version to version.
Literally only because they try to do something in the animation and run up against the issue that what they're using was implemented so long ago it's now old enough to vote.
If they have to make a meh animation (though I hadn't watched this one) every couple of years to actually USE the program and features they're developing, I'm fine with it.

I know they all use it without having to do the open movies, but I mean really use it and put it through its paces in more of a production setting than random little projects where a part of Blender being outdated doesn't matter much since you're only going to bother using that feature once for that little project, and not every day for the next few months - year.

Anonymous No. 931189

Is the robot at the end that dude's wife/gf?

Anonymous No. 931559

So annoying! Blender won't denoise with optix , render result is black. I'm actually using KCYCLES, so I've tried with ultra denoiser(checked everything except volumetrics) yet the result is still noisy.

Anonymous No. 931593

Character animation and movements were quite bad.

Anonymous No. 931671

Not bad, although I don't think a 5 minute short film is worth making unless the idea is something really novel and genius. I get the idea though, it shows the Eevee renderer being capable of fairly decent visuals entirely for free.

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Anonymous No. 931983

Be careful about pausing.

Anonymous No. 932239

The idea isn't to work in the field it's to bring the field to your work.

Anonymous No. 932322

i hate that editing style, i don't know what its called, but where everything has to be really snappy.

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Anonymous No. 932510

inspired by

Anonymous No. 932511


Anonymous No. 932518

>update shit from 2004 that's been half-implemented at the start and carried from version to version.

Give me examples. I'm learning** c/c++ and am planning on spending lots of time contributing to Blender because I use it a lot.

**I've made plenty of python/js webshit also with webgl, so not totally my first rodeo.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 932519

wouldn't it be a lot more efficient to just pay the $300 for maya and move on with your life?

Anonymous No. 932522

I was being a bit hyperbolic, but a few things come to mind that feel really dated.
NURBS is a big one in that it's only really implemented, but not in a way that you could actually use it to model anything complex (like a car). It's simply implemented in the sense that the shapes display and nothing more.

Particles is another one that's a bit old. It's gotten updates, but it still feels fundamentally the same as when I had fucked around with it back in 2.49. I mean I guess that's kind of the point that it's fundamentally the same, but it still feels lacking in some aspects. Boids as an example is a neat concept, that's decent for making flocks of birds, but doing anything advanced with it is a lesson in patience. Doing anything more than birds/insects with them is asking for trouble. Particles isn't really where I'd put "crowd simulation", but something along those lines would be pretty interesting.
Particles are definitely going to be getting some love with Geo Nodes, so I'm not too worried about that though.

NLA editor is god fucking awful. It's gotten a few updates, but it needs to be ripped out by the root and replaced with something less obtuse. Hell, I'd even welcome logic-based animation solutions like you'd find in Unreal. x moving at "speed", play "this" animation, as an example. To say nothing of animation layers, which needs to be a native feature imo.

The whole "Texture" panel of Blender still feels like a holdout from the Internal renderer though. It just seems like a weird, gated-off section of the software that interacts with other things, but you have to do very specific things to use it. There's a weird split between texture nodes in the panel, and texture nodes when shading, and they have little to no overlap or interaction with each other. Not to mention that the actual texture node editor is pretty dated on its own and limited.
And on the subject of textures, I'd love to have some more generators and noises.