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Anonymous No. 929945

What does /3/ think of Makehuman and mpfb2?

Anonymous No. 929952

in my opinion

Anonymous No. 929960

it solves a non-problem.
Probably great for vomitting models into an exec's power point presentation

Anonymous No. 929972

It's really dated. The characters and all the assets are Half Life 2 tier quality at best.

Anonymous No. 929973

Hl2 is arguably the greatest single player fps of all time. Your point?

Anonymous No. 929974

The texture sizes and polycounts and overall level of detail in Makehuman is comparable to a game released in 2004. Makehuman is "dated".
Im checking out mpfb2 and it looks better.

Anonymous No. 929985

What does /3/ think of Character Creator by Reallusion?

Anonymous No. 930006

>The texture sizes and polycounts and overall level of detail in Makehuman is comparable to a game released in 2004.
doesnt matter when it was released. The game has stood the test of time, proving that 2004 games are still visually good, (many examples like this) as well as being for many people the #1 solo fps shooter

Anonymous No. 930009

I uninstalled it and did a deep scan for everything reallusion put on my computer like a year ago and it still keeps making new fucking empty folders and programs to run at startup. It's like fucking malware.

Anonymous No. 930011


Anonymous No. 930027

this is /3/ not /v/

Anonymous No. 930577

Nothing wrong with that. 3D tech as a whole is a tool for cutting corners. Instead of manually drawing the same object multiple times for each different angle, you create a model and let the computer render it for you. Peak laziness.

Too outdated and limited. Just look at your own screenshot. Do you think that's acceptable? You're better off downloading a free human body model and customizing it with your tool of choice. I'd quite literally rather use a character creator from a video game and import the model later than use those apps.

Anonymous No. 930732

i pop a guy and set him to my height as reference when im doing archi, like blenderman taught me to
other than that it's useless

Anonymous No. 930759

I recommended it to someone on /g/ a few days ago.

It's decent for doing a first pass on a character but it's still pretty borked.

That being said, it's the only character creator that gives you a CC0 licence for your creations so in that sense I think it beats everything else

Anonymous No. 930898
>Getting Started with MPFB2

Anonymous No. 931748

tried to access
> and the link is dead