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๐Ÿงต Anim8or master race

Anonymous No. 929957

If you have ever used this application you are part of an elite race of 3d modelers and general computer hacker nerds in general. I'm talking about Anim8or. I used it when I was a kid, it was my first experience in 3d, before I got the copy of Maya 5 PLE with Unreal Tournament 2004.

Anonymous No. 929961

MODO was the true masterrace

Anonymous No. 929963

based 3d software. based anon.

Anonymous No. 929968

I used it in 2004 and I modeled cool swords. I liked to use the environment map textures to make them look shiny.

Anonymous No. 931539

I completely forgot Anim8tor! I loved this when i was a kid. We did a lot of work in this in high school when it was still kind of new. I loved making the ugliest characters i could think of. (I was terrible at it.)

I wish i still had my old creatures.

Anonymous No. 931586

the GUI is so comfy

Anonymous No. 931914

Animated my first film in it ages ago for school. Fuck me I want to die.

Anonymous No. 931920

Never used it as a kid, but I'm using it right now and I love it.

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Anonymous No. 931947

that reminds me a whole lot of Eastern Mind

Anonymous No. 932147

It may not be able to do anything complex, but the fact it could get something simple done quickly puts it in my top 5 list of 3D graphics software.

Having to boot Blender or Maya for anything 3D feels retarded. It's like booting up Photoshop when all you need is MSPaint.

Anonymous No. 932402

>Using it in middle school because my computer couldn't handle Maya PLE
Godsend, but without any good tutorials, I feel like I lost years of potential progress. I think there was some sort of issue in one version or another with the way it calculated transformations, too. Still, best starter package until Silo and eventually Blender.

Anonymous No. 934330

yeah I was such a dumb kid, well, I was a smart kid because I have a real job right now, but I could have been so much more if I just knew where to spend my time (not vidya)

Anonymous No. 935194

holy shit I remember this pivot and sam animations was not cutting it anymore

Anonymous No. 935266

Same, except 3dsmax and UT2003. Shoulda went with Maya. I used the first release of MODO, besides crashing constantly, it was legit. Thanks for sparking a memory I forgot I had

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Anonymous No. 937051

It's not exactly 3d, but it taught me animation better than any 3d tutorial could, does anyone remember tisfat? "This is Stick figure animation theater"