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๐Ÿงต Easy Button Applications bad

Anonymous No. 930057

How come 3d Character Creators like Mixamo fuse or make human suck so bad? You can only make the same 5 characters Makehuman would suck less if they had actually good hair options but they only have like 3 presets

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Anonymous No. 930059

There isn't a proper set of best practices for open source in the art assets department. MakeHuman is perfectly fine functionally, but all the meshes and materials are rather sparse and extremely dated. Pic related is from one of the MakeHuman asset packs. Why is this even in there? Who would ever use this? I wouldn't even want this if I was making a Morrowind mod.

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Anonymous No. 930087

not only that the textures are hard to edit, pic related shows that the texture images are skewed/rotated making it harder to edit there is no reason they couldn't just uvmap the model differently

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 930305

I think it's pretty clear these textures are being baked from somewhere else. Nobody would want to create textures on these fucked up UV maps. I get that it's free, but I feel like below a certain quality threshold, you're just being destructive. You're putting out noise.

Anonymous No. 930314

such editors only serve 2 purposes:

(1) rake in money from NEETs that are """totally""" going to solo-dev their dream FPS (same business model as blender tutorials) before they inevitably give up because they have neither talent nor ambition
(2) as a quick placeholder before you've made the actual character

tl;dr: just learn how to sculpt, bro.