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Anonymous No. 930405

How long would it take me to create a vtuber like this If I've never made one.

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Anonymous No. 930406

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LoveStar No. 930410

You didn't say if you have experience with modeling things.

Humans / humanoids are fucking difficult to model, because they're a whole bunch of difficult parts joined together.

If you've never modeled a hand before, if you're "learning on the job", it can take several days for you to model one if you don't like the result and have to keep redoing it (and if your modeling sessions are at most 3h long).

So it varies a lot. If this is your dream project, don't use it for learning -- rather, do several small projects before this, by modeling other things (a head, a foot, a hand, a Plumbus), then finally go to it once you feel you're ready.

the chair nerd (banned) No. 930412

We have a retard named Chris that would make this character In a few minutes with his AAA workflow.

Anonymous No. 930414

>>930410 rephrase, if it's your dream project, it might give you some good motivation to learn difficult things.
So it's up to you, you have a choice... if you won't mind doing a poor job modeling your character (since you're still learning), then use it as motivator. On the other hand, if you want it to turn out great, then practice with other things first.

Anonymous No. 930429

how good do you want to make it? what are all the functions you want it to have?
You could make a really shitty model-textures-rig in an afternoon.
Spend at LEAST 200 hours on it. That's 40 5 hours sessions.

Anonymous No. 930433

To model and rig it if you know how to model and rig: hours, maybe a day at most

To get up to that level if you've never touched a 3d software before: maybe like a month, 3 months if you're lazy, a couple weeks if you are focused. A lot of people will be like "naaaaaah bro, you can learn that shit in an afternoon", and I think these people often forget what it was like to be a complete beginner who had never touched a 3d software before. That said, there are MUCH more and MUCH better tutorials available now, most of them free on YouTube, than when I went to school, so it is significantly faster and easier to get up to speed than it used to be, and despite what the meme lords on here would have you believe, blender is actually a very good and competent software for everything 3d in the entry to mid level. You won't notice the differences until you get to advanced levels of work, and by that point you'll be informed enough on your own to make up your mind about which software best suits your needs, but until that point blender is solid and a lot easier to use than it used to be, and definitely good enough to handle jobs like the character in your pic

Anonymous No. 930527

>Westshitter makes a design
>Anime but ugly
Every time

Anonymous No. 930536

Worth mentioning that having a model sheet image and the software skills isn't enough.
You need to know your art fundamentals.

Color & light theory. Sculpting skills (how to see and understand 3D form and how to replicate it), narrative (storytelling) skills, character design skills etc etc.
Look at things you like, and try to understand why they look like that, and what makes you like them.

Anonymous No. 930780

why do her arms reach her knees

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Anonymous No. 930822

I'll do it in a day

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Anonymous No. 933538

You just have to see Arrimu\s latest video. He has a lot of experience and maybe it's a joke video but idk man his model just looks awful. It takes more than just 3 months if you have zero knowledge.