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🧵 I made this in blender

Anonymous No. 930619


Anonymous No. 930620

Lmao really nice love the bubbles

Anonymous No. 930623


Anonymous No. 930639

Nice Piggy.

Anonymous No. 930652

this KILLS the Znigger

Anonymous No. 930662


Anonymous No. 930734


Anonymous No. 930739

stop making new threads, attention whore.

Anonymous No. 930740

dunb negroid, this is literally my first thread on /3 in the last 6 months

Anonymous No. 930750

nice self portrait OP

Anonymous No. 930754

fantastic shit

I only wish the bubbles were more transparent. more samples?

Anonymous No. 930756

>Noooooooooooooo don't flush out my faggy software wars and AI whining threads with actual 3D work nooooo
Absolutely kys

Anonymous No. 930758

Did you animate the pig?

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Anonymous No. 930762

Yes, rigged, animated the main movements, and added some noise modifier to axis's to make it bit more alive

Anonymous No. 930763

Yeah, i've tried animating voronoi testure, then dynamic brush, but they all looked bad, and then I just added simple particle bubles. Looks like shit I agree

Anonymous No. 930768

woah russians look like THAT?

Anonymous No. 930777

Imma keep it a buck 50 with you...
I would fuck that pig.

Anonymous No. 930784

You can't get a job with this though. Try again.

Anonymous No. 930786

>doing 3D for money
You failed, try again.

Anonymous No. 930854

It's cute, my gf loves it. Post on social media if you haven't already :3

Anonymous No. 930857

You have to be 18 to post on 4chan, kid.

Anonymous No. 930868

Post your work grandpa

Anonymous No. 930952

>>human eyes

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Untitled-1 copy.jpg

Anonymous No. 931016

>>>human eyes
Go take biology class

Anonymous No. 931017

I love russia

Anonymous No. 931152

Guys stop

Anonymous No. 931172

Nice work, anon. The pig thread on /an/ will appreciate this.

Anonymous No. 931178

lol they didn't

Anonymous No. 931179


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Anonymous No. 931447


...on LSD, i could watch it for hours! the lightning, the colors and the pig! its fascinating on its own...

Anonymous No. 931492


Anonymous No. 931585

Nice work, reminds me of someone

Oпчик paccкaзывaй кaк блeндepить yчилcя

Anonymous No. 931618

he will be boiled soon Alhamdulillah


I came here to complain about blender

> Wrongly press a mouse button. The cursor moves.
> I want to undo this.
> Basic usability, design principles, and common sense dictates that every action should be reversible and non-destructive.
> Press Ctrl+Z
>It undoes something completely different from my last action.


Oh, maybe I want to set the position of the cursor? "Just open the *View sidebar*" according to blender online manuals.

>Manual even shows a pic what the menu looks like
>Does not show where to access that menu
>There are multiple menus stacked on top of each other on the side
> The one button you need has the letters standing rightside up, making it unreadable
> Button also is the exact same color as the background

I fucking hate, hate, hate hate hate hate hate the blender interface. Pure hatred.
I want to mutilate, cannibalize, shit them out and then stomp the rest of their processed waste of matter into the ground of all the people involved in making this shit UI.
I can literally make a better UI myself,
because I am incapable of committing so many retarded decisions even if I want to.

"This is just the fault of the artist, not the artist's tools" if thats the case then blender is a flathead screwdriver in middle of entire woodworking workshop powerhouses. Yeah you can make great art with nothing but a screwdriver, but you are limiting your capacities thanks to that tool being shit and limited.

The 3d works fine in blender, but manipulating anything in it? I'd rather explode my own balls with a hammer

Anonymous No. 931628


Anonymous No. 931684


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Anonymous No. 931733

>I fucking hate, hate, hate hate hate hate hate the blender interface. Pure hatred.
>I want to mutilate, cannibalize, shit them out and then stomp the rest of their processed waste of matter into the ground of all the people involved in making this shit UI.
>I can literally make a better UI myself,

...kek! shift+s opens a pie menu, <3d cursor to...> or press "n" -> view -> 3d cursor -> location or ...

a littel tip for anyone starting with blender! whenever you face a impossible task or a mechanism that works not like you expect, formulate the issue, a short pregnant question, open your favorite browser, visit your favorite search engnine, type in your prepared question, profit! ... when you arnt able to do this, or willed to do the things in the blender way when working with blender, you can rant about it as long you want ...

...not blender is the issue, you are!

Anonymous No. 931911

why is the fucking cursor even a thing. it may be the most retarded part of the entire blender ui along with the transform non-gizmo design

Anonymous No. 931912

>why is the fucking cursor even a thing.

...dont know! shift+s move to selection does the same! mabye some legacy shit! ..its just cringe when you base your critique on the most irrelevant shit!

Anonymous No. 931944

You can scale or rotate relative to the cursor, it can be pretty useful

Anonymous No. 931989

if they made the transform gizmo easily detachable like it is in Maya, there would have been no need for a cursor. It's fixing UI retardation with adding one more retardation on top of that

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Anonymous No. 932006

>>931989, when you have, lets say six objects that should use the same pivot for rotation/scale etc ... you must place the pivot everytime for every object and when your done you reset them to the center of the object? great! ...

...yeah, blender foundation should realy skip the cursour, you can use as a pivot for any number of objects just with one click globaly on every object in the scene just to make people like you lucky!

Anonymous No. 932007


Anonymous No. 932009

I group the objects like any sane person you retarded blendlet

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Anonymous No. 932017

>I group the objects like any sane person... question implied that you have, let say six objects, can be more, or less, but they all need the same pivot, but should be seperate because the taks requires it that you need to change something or prototyping something, what ever, ... this grouping of things, did you came up with it on your own?

Anonymous No. 932021

does blender really not support object grouping or are you making idiot out of yourself for the sake of replying to me?

Anonymous No. 932026

>does blender really not support object grouping, ofcourse, its called collections, select it and you can move/scale/rotate all obejcts inside of it, deselect, move/scale/rotate any object alone, when set to cursor, the single element uses the same pivot like the whole collection.

>you making idiot out of yourself

...glasshouse, throwing stones, etc ...

Anonymous No. 932104

>Group the objects and then change the group pivot point
Seems unnecessarily complicated compared to the simple, natural Blender approach
>Choose the point you want to rotate around, and then rotate any selected objects around it
Doesn't that just make more sense?

And of course if you have a set of objects that really belong in a group and have a natural rotation point, you can use parenting and put the object origin wherever you want for easy rotation

Anonymous No. 932181

>Doesn't that just make more sense?
Except with groups you can have as many of these "cursors" as you want and just switch between them. There is a reason no other industry sw uses redundant hack named cursor.

Anonymous No. 932258

I came here to complain about blender

> Wrongly move my mouse 1cm to the right. The cursor moves.
> I want to undo this.
> Basic usability, design principles, and common sense dictates that every action should be reversible and non-destructive.
> Press Ctrl+Z
>It undoes something completely different from my last action.


Anonymous No. 932262

Not a realistic scenario, won't prioritize this until the user provides logs and a screen recording.

Anonymous No. 932269

The pigs in 3D... it is a time consuming process, no?

Anonymous No. 932532


Anonymous No. 932533

looks cute doesnt it

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Anonymous No. 932771

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Anonymous No. 932772

Anonymous No. 934253

bump just once

Anonymous No. 934351

My god