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Anonymous No. 930707

>buy fancy GPU
>realize rendering is all done by CPU, and only on a single core

Anonymous No. 930708

Get Karma

Anonymous No. 930718

Change your render engine then to something GPU based.

Anonymous No. 930727

V-ray can be pirated. Redshift seems impossible to be cracked. Cycles is nothing but a toy renderer.

Anonymous No. 930730

>realize rendering is all done by CPU, and only on a single core
What kind of retarded render engine are you using?

Anonymous No. 930757

inb4 OP using something retarded like Daz Studio with its Renderman

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Anonymous No. 930871

Try Vulkan

Anonymous No. 930877

Vulkan is not a rendering engine

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Anonymous No. 930879

Install Unreal Engine™. The future is real-time.

Anonymous No. 931000

how about You realtime some bitches on your dick.

Anonymous No. 932266

Unironically this is what they are teaching currently at pajeet game colleges

T. Brazilian who studies in a pajeet video game college

Anonymous No. 932270

You’re saying it like that’s a bad thing.

Anonymous No. 932603

How is renderman retarded? Isn't that what pixar is using for their movies?

Anonymous No. 932658

>Isn't that what pixar is using for their OLD movies?

Anonymous No. 932660

CPUs handles complex tasks
GPUs handles trillions of simple tasks

Anonymous No. 934476

because you don't use cycles

Anonymous No. 934478

what did you buy?
what is your renderer?

Anonymous No. 934537

Sweeney pls go

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Anonymous No. 934563

Post your model, NOW!