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🧵 How the fuck do I get attention?

Anonymous No. 931008

What exactly am I supposed to do to get attention? With drawing it's fairly clear: draw anime shit, post it on twitter and you might get some followers. What's the closest thing to that but for 3DCG, provided that I don't want to do either of those:
>make porn
>make kid content for youtube
>make a netflix movie

Anonymous No. 931009

actually be good and post on artstation.

the chair nerd (banned) No. 931010

Fuck off Chris. And merry christmas.

Anonymous No. 931011

Pretty much everyone is saying not to post to artstation since multiple ais are actively scraping posts for their databases and using it against you

Anonymous No. 931012

Forgot this option existed. Does anyone actually enjoy looking at renders posted there?

Anonymous No. 931013

>using it against you
AI's can't do 0.1% of what top artists can and probably never will. your post is pure random crab-bucket-mentality demotivation.

Anonymous No. 931037

Art websites will always like 2D art, the only thing 3D has is amazing animation. 2D can do the same thing but the artist becomes tired or requires a team. 3D can do it alone but maybe should learn about rendering otherwise you end up with great character movement but bad style.

Anonymous No. 931054

Porn is always the easy route to the big bucks.

Anonymous No. 931070

Go on discord and pretend to be a mentally ill hello kitty semen demon

Anonymous No. 931078

Polycount is compromised. Again, whatever you post IS being scraped, analyzed and used against you by AI. There are multiple threads about this on polycount and blenderartists

Anonymous No. 931079

I literally don't care, I try to license my work under CC BY 4.0 when possible anyway.

Anonymous No. 931080

make porn for kids and publish it on netflix
you'll definitely get attention

Anonymous No. 931081

Anything and everything published on artstation is free and fair game to use in ai databases as they just scrape all the images

Anonymous No. 931082

Yeah, I said that this is fine with me

Anonymous No. 931083

Fine for You, but not by the majority of the industry

Anonymous No. 931084

Well the question was about me

Anonymous No. 931085

Nobody cares about you

Anonymous No. 931086

Cope reply, the question was obviously about me, if you don't care, why reply at all?

Anonymous No. 931087

I dont care about you or your shit thread, i care about informing other anons about the consensus about artstation that was formed amongst industry vets on other boards such as PC and BA

Anonymous No. 931088

>i care about informing other anons about the consensus
Fair enough

Anonymous No. 931094

>consensus about artstation that was formed amongst industry vets

Anonymous No. 931105

>otherwise you end up with great character movement but bad style
What do you mean by great movement but bad style? Art direction, cinematography?

Anonymous No. 931112

Do your own thing without apology and people will eventually follow you

Anonymous No. 931113

Recreate cool anime fight scenes in 3d

Anonymous No. 931114

You make 3d animated models doing tik tok memes. Instant 500 views if you follow the latest trends and tag accordingly.

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Anonymous No. 931118

Yeah bro same on DeviantArt

Anonymous No. 931153

They also stole from rule34 theres a github of at least 50k worth of pictures.

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Anonymous No. 931155

>muh AI
You guys are trolling, right? Nobody can be that stupid. Artstation etc. just host pictures. If you post your art on a personal website, it can be scrapped and used for tuning just the same. It's like saying "no bro don't post your work in /wip/ the hacker known as AI will steal your bike and work". And the Diffussion models already have tens if not hundreds of thousands of high quality, professional artworks. Your scribbles won't make a difference at all, not to mention that I sincerely doubt that a person asking such questions has work so good that it would warrant someone fine-tuning the model specifically on your work. Besides that all, we are on /3/ goddammit, the best current 3D AI that gets spammed by a 3rd world schizo every few days is barely better than cris, and while I didn't read the paper behind it I'm fairly certain that it works differently from the scraping system of Stable Diffussion.

All that being said, if you want to get noticed for the quality of your work, ArtStation is probably your best bet. If you ever say "fuck it, I'll do anime porn instead", just upload everything on reddit / twitter.

Anonymous No. 931160

>if you want to get noticed for the quality of your work, ArtStation is probably your best bet.
you are wrong. If you want to get noticed for the quality of your work, simply start selling your work or make a demo reel and show it to someone and start selling your labor

Anonymous No. 931162

This is what i mean:

As you can see, the style is ruin. The way the characters and monster move are great but you are looking at how bad the art style went. Too dark, less things seen, special effects cant help, etc.

Now look into a anime that has thought of all the things:

Article on how it was done:

As you can see it's all made in 3D, not every cutscene but you can understand what i am saying. This is how style should look for the viewers, there should be no questions on the look.

Anonymous No. 931166

>If you want to get noticed for the quality of your work, simply start selling your work
If that was the case, the most popular work in any medium nowadays would be the objectively best one, which clearly isn't the case. Marketing exists for a reason.

Anonymous No. 931171

Whats objectively the best for a female audience or a certain racial group differs from what is objectively the best for a 45 yo unmarried white male for example

Anonymous No. 931192

and then what? a scraped 2d image is not a 3d model. AI is a useless hype.

Anonymous No. 931193

idiotic post.

Anonymous No. 931313

Stable diffusion for 3D models will be a reality too. You already have stable diffusion texturing.

Anonymous No. 931712

The fuck are you talking about. That first one also has a style and doesn't look bad. You're just a weeb. Muh animu!!!

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Anonymous No. 931713

thats for nigger 2d artists that make png's this is /3/ if your job can be replaced by a few lines of fucking code then you are a dirty porn artist that lives off of welfare or in their parents house with no actual talent

Anonymous No. 931717

Bro a few months ago there were functioning ai that create 3d content, soon there will be a dall-e for everyone to use with a few clicks, what I'm saying is not that it can happen but that the multiple ai that will be available already exist in some nerds computer lab, multiple ones

Anonymous No. 931718

You're an idiot

Anonymous No. 931721

Stop fucking discussing AI, this is not an AI thread.

Anonymous No. 931760

>it has style
It's nothing but dark shaders and out of style rendering, they do not look right. It has the feel of being out of the world, there is no worse feeling than characters not belonging to the world.

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Anonymous No. 932125

you model the current thing

Anonymous No. 932130

>How the fuck do I get attention?
>uses coomerbait to get attention FOR THE QUESTION OF HOW TO GET ATTENTION
i think you already know.

Anonymous No. 932137

You do not need attention, you need a good portfolio that demonstrates your skills and you need to apply to whatever 3d jobs are near you.

nobody cares about social media followers when they hire you.

Anonymous No. 932155

Wednesday? More like Miércoles.

Anonymous No. 932164

where the Discord circlejerk will updoot their sekrit klub works regardless of how good they are?

Anonymous No. 932165

who gives a fuck if some retarded losers do that? every respectable artist has an artstation account.

it's like arguing against underwear because murderers also wear them.

Anonymous No. 932170

You dont need an artstation just like you dont need a facebook. If anything, maintain your OWN domain

Anonymous No. 932185

This is actually false, there are god tier lead artists from big studios who never heard about. There's one guy working in Sony Santa Monica that's like that. God of War artists mentioned his influence during the production, but nobody knows about him. Many people like that, I had client leads with tiny ArtStation accounts with barely any followers.

And then you have some students with just a little bit above /3/ quality work having literal thousands of followers on linkedin, twitter etc.

And some juniors that are good, but their artstation numbers still are insanely high all things considered. Discord communites definitely helped push those guys to the top.

Anonymous No. 932194

Nailed it

Anonymous No. 932197

Kek, me hizo reír

Anonymous No. 932244

>who never heard about
thread is about getting attention, retard. maybe pay some?

Anonymous No. 932250

It can get scraped from anywhere but from artstation it's legal to use in ai because you agree to it by using the platform. If you host elsewhere it's a gray zone and companies would rather not get in trouble down the line

Anonymous No. 932271

Lol, read the post I responded to. It’s not true that all pros have an artstation account.

Anonymous No. 932277

>Lol, read the post I responded to
i have and my post was correct. didn't read the rest of your post. lol

Anonymous No. 932289

As expected, you’re a manchild wasting my time.

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Anonymous No. 932295

Things to call the attention without the need of being or trying to become a woman (which btw, you'll never be):

>Mod a famous game, and post a click bait video like: DESTROYING ____ WITH MODS, MAKING MYSELF IN ____, FAMOUS PLACE NAME IN ___

>Make good levels in csgo, and let some y*utuber talk about it

>Make deepfakes of famous people, then show how you did it

>Make fanart and alternative content of famous games or TV shows

>Make tf2 gmod/sfm master pieces

Sorry for the reddit format, but if you're a /3/ enjoyer and don't make porn, I assume you're a redditor

Anonymous No. 932744

I love /3/ and dont make porn, just enjoy the technicall aspects of CG. Dont insult me with that reddit shit