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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 931048

What exactly makes Cycles a "toy renderer"? Is it just that it doesn't conserve energy?

Anonymous No. 931108

People who paid money for renderers say that because they lost money

Anonymous No. 931111

Idk much about it but what I've picked up is every render is grainy unless some setting gets set to a million bajillion and then it takes forever.

Anonymous No. 931130

It looks like garbage Cris. I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings but that is reality and it won't change because it makes you feel bad.
Rendering is not Blender's strong suit. Read that statement as many times as it takes to sink in.

Anonymous No. 931131

Have you finished your Christmas game yet, Cris?

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Anonymous No. 931145

Cris, just give up.


Anonymous No. 931151

It makes it toy, first people are using measly 15 samples, and then denoiser on top, so fine details and lighting won't render properly. And usually they are using shit textures, and simple PBRs.
Cycles is just a regular render, it's just free and used mostly on potato pcs

Anonymous No. 931157

cris didnt post this thread. Stop thinking that pepe = cris. Pepe is posted by many many different anons

Anonymous No. 931168

>What exactly makes Cycles a "toy renderer"?
KeyShot looks better

Anonymous No. 931207

Name a good renderer (fast, gpu, hydra)

Anonymous No. 931282


Anonymous No. 931379

>No caustics (this is getting addressed)
>Slow render times (this is also getting addressed)
>Principled shader is missing some autismo features like Oren-Nayar for high roughness surfaces, or diffuse lighting not being reduced appropriately from some of the rays going specular instead (you can add this stuff yourself but it should really be in the principled shader already)
These are the only valid reasons I can think of.
The reason why images look so shit is because it takes a ton of work and expertise to make a good image, and few pro studios use Blender whereas a ton of hobbyists do.

Anonymous No. 931380

Delusion. If you rip out tonemapping, the same scene should render almost exactly the same, especially if you deal with straightforward surfaces and lights (which is honestly 95% of CG work).

Anonymous No. 931437

It doesnt conserve energy

Anonymous No. 931454


Anonymous No. 931470

the best word to describe those who are sexually attracted to Blender

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Anonymous No. 933702

Eight inches of cut caulk with a big ole mushroom head big bawlls.