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🧵 FrameDebugging, RenderDoc

Anonymous No. 931195

Is there a way to capture and debug frames in games that are not development builds? (Yes I literally wanna analyze someone's else game for fun)
Tried running couple games through RenderDoc, no luck. Also tried RenderDoc with Android games, still no luck. Any alternatives?

Anonymous No. 931420


Anonymous No. 932256

Renderdoc works fine with release builds. What kind of problems are you encountering?

Anonymous No. 932276

Tried random games from my Steam library. RenderDoc didn't see them as opened

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Anonymous No. 933757

Is there a DX9 equivalent to RenderDoc? I'm working with a janky retro engine and want to see what the hell it's actually doing

Anonymous No. 933761

knowing what dx state a release build of an engine without the source is in != knowing what it is actually doing.....jeez

Anonymous No. 934158

>debug frames
just say you want to rip the models for lewd purposes, anon. its okay.

Anonymous No. 934280

Right now I'm mostly interested in Genshin Impact’s enviro

Anonymous No. 934294

if you want to "extract" the environment so you can navigate them with a free camera to look for secrets/out of bounds things, RenderDoc probably not the way. frame debugger usually just allow you to extract what's already rendered in a single frame thats already processed by LoD and frustum culling so you cant get the unseen stuff

Anonymous No. 934376

Just curious what's behind storm effects and such