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Anonymous No. 931203

as a complete beginner, which software should i use to sculpt? i want to move onto 3d modelling to resin print stuff i sculpt

Anonymous No. 931208

if sculpting is what you mainly want to do, you should directly start with zbrush.
sculpting is a lot about intuition/muscle memory, and you don't want to pointlessly get comfortable with inferior brushes (in blender) that you'll just end up forgetting in the long run.

for hard-surface modeling you can name some pro's and con's between the most popular ones, but when it comes to sculpting there is only really zbrush.

Anonymous No. 931248

I concur that you should start straight with zbrush. zbrush has a lot going on and the sooner you get started learning it the sooner you'll master it. Like the other anon said, when you need to highest end sculpting tools and functions you'll need to use zbrush anyways, and by learning zbrush you'll automatically gain proficiency with the various imitations of zbrush

Anonymous No. 931274

Nomad Sculpt then Zbrush.

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Anonymous No. 931414

>sculpting is a lot about intuition/muscle memory,
>but when you not use "my specific super software" then you will forgot everything when you use software i dont like

Anonymous No. 931417

fuck off, cris.

Anonymous No. 931421

I'm not the OP but I also wanna get into sculpting, I 3d modelled a nice bed before but I want to push my limits and sculpt a human, do I have to learn 2d drawing in order to sculpt something? Or can you just stick to using mouse and keyboard for sculpting? I wouldn't mind getting an art Tutor to learn 2d art before sculpting, just need to be sure about it.

Anonymous No. 931422

>do I have to learn 2d drawing in order to sculpt something?
>Or can you just stick to using mouse and keyboard for sculpting?

Anonymous No. 931423

Ignore Zbrushtards.
What matters is learning the fundamentals of sculpting, and that is software agnostic. Learning about planes, volumes, anatomy, gesture, etc, isn't related to a software and you could very well learn that with traditional sculpting.

I say you start with blender (it's sculpting has come a long way and it's pretty decent nowadays), and focus on learning the mentioned fundamentals.
If you manage to keep at it, enjoy sculpting and want to get serious about it, then give Zbrush a try (you may even decide to stay with blender)

Anonymous No. 931428

every single word in this post is detrimental to the truth. zbrush is the only serious sculpting software.

Anonymous No. 931430

fuck off, cris.

Anonymous No. 931431

do life modelling studies. that way you get to see boobies while also learning skills. there should be some at colleges around you and they're pretty cheap
beware, you may have to draw some fats naked

Anonymous No. 931439

Having the 2d fundamentals down helps, especially if you're not of the artsy kind but you can do without as you'll learn some of them in 3d anyways. You can sculpt with a tablet without knowing how to draw and sculpting with a mouse and keyboard is like wiping your ass with broken glass shards: not quite efficient and very painful. If you want to be proficient and make money from sculpting start with zbrush, but if you're doing this as a hobby do whatever you want you'll find ressources for everything online anyways.

Anonymous No. 931444

>Or can you just stick to using mouse and keyboard for sculpting?

... mouse is shit! a wacom/what everbrand tablett its far more intuitive than a mouse - mouse has no penpressure or angle etc ...

> do I have to learn 2d drawing

...sculpting is more like painting, with light, shadow and value! but in general, to be able to draw and paint will make you better a better scultptor because it forces you mentaly more to think in 3d.

..oh, and for scultpting on computer, you should have a somewhat good enough pc!! ...else you will be pissed off very fast when you reach a crtical vertex count and every manipulation of the mesh gets slowed down or blender crashes!

Anonymous No. 931445


fuck off, cris!

Anonymous No. 931541


Anonymous No. 931549

what zbrush guide should i use?

Anonymous No. 931633

Zbrush either core or full, otherwise any of the ones below
Blender (free)
3dCoatPrint also free but with limits on export