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Anonymous No. 931288

Why are Asians so good at 3DCG?

Anonymous No. 931289

4 – Japanese Believe in Hard Work
Hard work in Japan it’s not just something you do; it is inherent in the culture of Japan. Japan is the birthplace of Karoshi, which literally means “death from overwork.” The word Karosh was invented to describe the deaths caused by work-related stress and pressures.
This work ethic no doubt influences the Japanese artist and their artwork. Famous Japanese artists today are known to be extremely hard workers. Take, for example, one of the most well-known Japanese artists Yayoi Kusama. Even though Yayoi Kusam is dealing with mental illness, she goes to work every day and puts in long working hours. Yayoi Kusama continues to produce an astonishing amount of artwork – all by herself.

You can learn more about Yayoi Kusama, by reading our blog What Type Of Artist Is The Japanese Artist Yayoi Kusama? by clicking here.
5. Japanese Believe in Practice Over Pure Talent
In the west, many people believe to be an artist you must be born with an extraordinary amount of natural talent. But in Japan the Japanese believe talent is important but also hard work and practice can help you to achieve your goals.

This is a little bit different from how many of us view artistic skills. A Japanese views artistic skills as something you can learn and master through practice and hard work. A person can learn to draw not because they are born with the talent, but they can practice and hard work at the skill of drawing. In other words, artistic skills can be learned and mastered with practice and hard work.

Anonymous No. 931299

The artist in the Op image is Chinese

Anonymous No. 931300

They never touched a real woman so they have to create one on the computer

Anonymous No. 931305

the most impressive likenesses I've ever seen were done by europeans. garbage thread tbqh

Anonymous No. 931309

Chinks work hard so they get good results, any more stupid questions anon?

Anonymous No. 931341

they aren't poisoned by american trash aesthetics and mindset

Anonymous No. 931345

Can you please shut the fuck up? You can apply asian work ethics to any kind of foreign work.

Anonymous No. 931351

Because Eastern societies are less individualistic than Western ones, so artists can't just stick out by making something weird. Japan is an exception because you still see a lot of weird art that is also technically proficient, and if it isn't proficient, at least the weirdness is genuine instead of "lol, I drew a bunch of squiggly lines and random colors, I'm so weird lol".

Anonymous No. 931378

You don't see the bad ones.
No, really. That's it. How would you even end up in a context where you're looking at bad Chinese art? Do you think Chinese people go on Deviantart and sort by latest to look at trash western art?

Anonymous No. 931384

because in 99% of asian countries children are forced from an early age to do nothing but study and grind to become financially successful. there are no camping trips or sleepovers or getting a handy from your first girlfriend in the high school gym. its play piano, draw, paint, study science, whatever the fuck it is, 12 hours a day until you're a successful professional, then you work 12 hours a day to become the best in something that never gave you any sort of will to live in the first place, then you contribute to the overwhelming male suicide rate.

the skill you value from "asians" could be simply achieved, you just lack the discipline. asians only do it because their parents force them to under threat of being kicked out or slicing their head off

Anonymous No. 931385

>You don't see the bad ones
lmao its true, go to pixiv, for every 1 amazing drawing there are 3000 cringeworthy children's drawing level trash

Anonymous No. 931388

Exactly, there might be more professional manga artists in Asia than in the West because that profession is more encouraged there, but they look just as retarded learning it as we do.

Anonymous No. 931390

half of them literally use premade character meshes

Anonymous No. 931391

Basically this, but the bugmen on this website will never have the curiosity to learn about the world around them.

Anonymous No. 931392

if there's any bugmen on this website they are far away from home, I would honestly call them pretty curious

Anonymous No. 931399

>you don't see the bad ones
Literally this
"Muh asian genes" never helped anyone. who didn't practice.
Racial hierarchy is a cope

Anonymous No. 931516

keep your calm! stay to good dir..
we dont like it for ever

Anonymous No. 931543

Using a basemesh just speeds the process up because you don't have to go through the topology/zwrap headache. Start from a basemesh and see how close to the op you can get you'll see that there's no magic behind

Anonymous No. 931547

they get the fundamentals down by doing rote exercises until they master it. other people get slight technique and then start to personalise because they want to be unique off the bat.

Anonymous No. 931554

Western art styles look the same

Anonymous No. 931570

The Japanese are a very visual people. This is due to their written language kanji shit, which forces them to prioritize the visual medium over the written one. Kanji is very difficult for them as well with only 50% of the population being able to read the newspaper, and 20% of the population being able to read a novel. Their mangas are the equivalent to our novels. This is also why there's such a huge gap in quality between manga and comic books. Comic books are seen as a medium aimed at mostly children whereas Manga is seen as appropriate for all ages. Comparing manga to comics is like comparing top IMDB movies to SpongeBob.

So from an early age they understand that certain paths in life are closed to them: novelist, writer, reporter, poet, politician, academic etc. Where in the West some people will put effort in making a living through the written or spoken word, the Japs will put the same effort into developing their visual skill. It doesn't really have to be CGI, even if they're a cook or waiter you will see a lot of effort put into the visual aesthetic of whatever it is they're doing.

In other words, because learning how to draw will give you a sense of aesthetics which will improve your 3D skills, the Japs are good at CGI because they learn this sense of aesthetics from an early age.
Not are all Asians are capable of the same level of art. If I were to grade them from best to worst I would say Japanese, Koreans, Chinese. The rest of Asians I don't know about. Also when I say "worse" I mean it comparatively, not as in "just terrible".

Anonymous No. 931592

A daz model with sci-fi clothing! That's amazing!

Anonymous No. 931610

When do you get your sword license.

Anonymous No. 931613

>only 50% of the population being able to read the newspaper, and 20% of the population being able to read a novel.
I do not believe this. What the fuck?

Anonymous No. 931616

this. Isnt there like 3 billion asian people and hardly any good ones and even the asian AAA studios like Capcom are going backwards and making their newer work like SF6 look awful?

Anonymous No. 931619

its a cultural thing

they have a culture in the east, in china and japan and to a lesser extent Skorea, of studying and practicing at th exclusion of all else, usually driven by very strict parents and teachers. there isnt really the idea that often pops up in the west about a "healthy and balanced childhood". its study study study if youre lucky see a friend for 1 hour on the weekend but then back to study.

every asian friend and acquaintance i met when i was in college talked about this. their entire home lives growing up revolved around study and preparing for school, they start thinking about college applications from like 10 years old

Anonymous No. 931644

Ah yes, that famed indian work ethic

Anonymous No. 931681

They don't go on 2ch and ask how quickly they'll get rich

Anonymous No. 931685

I barely do any personal work after real work. That's the difference

Anonymous No. 931729

Japanese illiterate people are not equal to western illiterate people.

Mangas are so popular cause they're written in a simplified phonetic system which is very similar to an alphabet. Everyone can read mangas.

In order to read the newspaper you need to be able to understand 2000 kanji's. In order to read a novel you need to understand over 8000 kanji's.
If I were to ask you to list 8000 random objects will you even be able to do it? Not being able to even read the menu of a fancy exotic restaurant is a common occurrence there. Their writing system is such a monumental skill to learn that they default to visual everything by default. There's a reason why CHIAINA! has to copy already manufactured products from the West, fuckers can't even read instructions or patents.

Anonymous No. 931881

- 95% of them are ugly so they know what beauty looks like. This also explains sameface syndrome among artists
- Asians are generally good at doing same thing over until perfection.

Anonymous No. 932303

high competition, strict parents.
either git gud or jump off an iphone window.

Anonymous No. 932305

why would you create a system of glyphs that no one can understand?

Anonymous No. 932368

Quite a few good Indian artists too

Anonymous No. 933240

>Because Eastern societies are less individualistic than Western ones
If you actually live with them for a while you'll see that isn't actually true. There's a strong social pressure to be valuable to society, but that isn't the same as actual collectivism

Anonymous No. 933279

Aside from cryptography, and that ideogrammes are the first basic form of writing, with tremendous avantages for cross-linguistic communication as long as both scholars are familiar with the writing system ?
Unironically gatekeeping.
Literacy was a professional skill for most of history, something you would partly or totally live off.
When a communication method is not a basic social skill, but a job, complexity is not an issue. (It was the same thing for radio comms or computer operation)

Anonymous No. 933299

Korean symbols were developed as a way to circumnavigate the gatekeeping, as they were under Chinese rule at the time. An alphabet for the people.

Also the Japanese and Chinese use the same writing style. They pronounce the kanji's differently but they have the same meaning. This is a clear advantage as in order to communicate they need no translator, just a piece of paper.

The Roman, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabet are just sounds in written format therefore they're dependent on the speaker's language. When you already memorized 2000 weird ass symbols, learning a few dozen more is a piece of cake. This is why it's so easy for them to steal shit from us, but almost impossible for us to steal shit from them. Deciphering our language is a doable task for them, but us decipehring theirs seems impossible to most of us.

Anonymous No. 933319

Mostly because it's engrained into their society and it's hard to get off of it, but with Chinese imperial societies it was elitism. Knowing how to read and write in the same script as their ancient ancestors was a matter of class and nobility just as much as knowing how to read and write at all. The Chinese, to this day, pride themselves on being a 5000 year old civilization and it's the same deal. They pride themselves on "preserving" the old.

Anonymous No. 933382

Lol no. Poos are shit at everything. You’re definitely a pajeet

Anonymous No. 935282

This, see >>931300 as an example, westroon are the only faggots I've ever seen who do nothing but complain and throw "le virgin" insults in any discussion whatsoever, even in friendly ones they will always pop up and ruin any kind of informative discussion for everyone.

Anonymous No. 935390

They actually study human anatomy in their art classes

Anonymous No. 935402

Hangul was a mistake, now many koreans can't read complex works(way too many words with the same spelling) and are going back to use chinese words together.

Anonymous No. 937005

Western artists focus on crafting a "realistic" piece, which ends up looking imperfect, because that's how reality is
Eastern artists focus on crafting an "ideal" piece which ends up looking pretty but unrealistic

Anonymous No. 937090

Some of the most knowledgeable artists I've met were some of the worst offenders when it came to making ugly women.
Asians don't see female beauty as offensive, on the contrary they see it as a virtue.
Westerners (some) believe that perfect bodies are harmful and a source of mental issues, they think they're being virtuous by making ugly hags.
It's not a question of talent, at all. Also most of the techniques used by Asians were developed by Westerners. Asians are better simply because the West is shooting itself on the foot.

Anonymous No. 937446

>You can learn more about Yayoi Kusama, by reading our blog What Type Of Artist Is The Japanese Artist Yayoi Kusama? by clicking here.
we really ai generating posts now?