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šŸ§µ How much have you made from your 3D work this year?

Anonymous No. 931316

$33 for me but I only started trying to sell stuff in late November.

Anonymous No. 931317


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Anonymous No. 931321

-1$ because I bought a blender plugin since it wasn't on CGP
I treat it as wasted money because it got uploaded 2 days after my purchase

Anonymous No. 931324

Where do you sell your stuff?

Anonymous No. 931325

There really isn't a reason to sell models when people know they can steal it. Many games on steam are from stolen 3D models. Steam refuse to fix anything about stolen models, artwork and music so people keep stealing because Valve is too lazy to do anything even under the law. Not going to sell my models, they can look at pictures and tell me if they want to commission me.

Anonymous No. 931327

I understand your frustration but the proof is in the pudding and I wasn't making any money at all from 3d stuff before I started listing my models for sale.

Anonymous No. 931331

Around 100k.

Anonymous No. 931333


the chair nerd (banned) No. 931335

Pretty much the same but in pesos.

the chair nerd (banned) No. 931336

Probably he is an industry professional, or has his own company 100k with cg a year is not black magic its hard work and good marketing. Its enought to have a good life in any country but not even close to becoming rich.

Anonymous No. 931339

How do i make good money selling 3d assets? :( what kind of assets sell well?
Unity store? Turbosquid?

Anonymous No. 931346

Maybe make something that's not common, walking soldier animation? too easy to find. Anime squid monster? Profit.

Anonymous No. 931370

valve is not a law enforcement agency. You need to sue the developers. Not beseech community admins to ban people who make you mad.

Anonymous No. 931371

hundreds of variations of normal everyday objects, and cell them in ala-cart for less than a dollar each

Anonymous No. 931397

But like what.....there's tons of chairs and furniture and modular dungeon packs already on there.....why would i reinvent the wheel...

Anonymous No. 931398

$400k or so
Been working for a few years
I'm 32 and have no savings

Anonymous No. 931403

Under DMCA laws if a company refuse to obey the request, they will no longer be protected from liability under the safe harbor doctrine. I am just collecting enough information to sent it to a lawyer and have Valve sued for real under federal crimes. This is Valve fault not the users or scammers, Valve clearly is not following the law just like every other law.

Anonymous No. 931419

Very interesting. If you're not larping, can you tell us a bit more about your job?

Anonymous No. 931711

About $5000

Anonymous No. 931728

Around 150kā‚¬ revenue, hard to estimate actual pay after business/licensing/outsourcing costs, but maybe around 120/130k - taxes. Doing adult entertainment on patreon and similar platforms.

Anonymous No. 931807

A few grand, probably around $2k-3k, but I don't keep track.
I mostly do animations and vids for musicians and the like (and sell merch on the side). It's not a ton of cash, hardly livable, but I guess that's mostly because I undersell a lot.
Musicians are broke already and fickle enough that any mention of "actual" pay scares them off to someone else who will work for pennies but is obviously bad at what they do, and they won't care because they don't have an eye for things they won't notice if the animation they commissioned is trash.
So I mainly deal with small values ($60 for album art, $150-$250 for animations depending on length/complexity) but do a lot of them. Mostly through Instagram. I get a lot of repeat clients, so they're more than happy to pay a little extra since I go the extra mile to make them, and myself, happy with the end result. No use having my name associated with it if it's shit, ya know?

I'd like to break into other avenues, but I'm not really sure how.

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Anonymous No. 931907

Where do I go to hire 3d character sculptures anyways?
I usually pay my 2d cg artist 120+ per work

Anonymous No. 931908

buy an SLA 3d printer and sell the printed products on etsy

Anonymous No. 931916

I am an archviz artist and I have a full-time job at an architecture company

Anonymous No. 931922

>A few grand, probably around $2k-3k, but I don't keep track.
but you HAVE to keep track in order to pay taxes

Anonymous No. 931925


Anonymous No. 931926

excuse me?

Anonymous No. 931940

$36,000 in salary
and like, 9000 yen in a fanbox i dumped 3 posts into and never bothered with since october

Anonymous No. 931948

europe full time animator

Anonymous No. 931951

~100k AUD, texture + surfacing artist. 80k base and 20k from random overtime and moonlighting gigs

Anonymous No. 931973

So this is the annual glowie tax man thread huh?

Anonymous No. 932106

Just say you make $0 and go

Anonymous No. 932146

>$400k or so
>no savings

How the fuck do you even spend all that money? I make less than half of that (engineer in the medical device industry), I'm married with kids, 35 old and and the only way I could waste my money is going to Vegas and blowing everything up on hookers and coke.

Anonymous No. 932298

>21k usd

fuck this industry

Anonymous No. 932331

Usually 6-8k annually

Anonymous No. 932454

>adult entertainment
Could you elaborate please. Curious about what you do exactly and the ways you monetise that

Anonymous No. 932461

About tree fiddy.