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Anonymous No. 931382

>lol first time ever using 3d look at my totally legit 30 day progress!
>doesn't mention that he actually has used 3d before, and has been drawing professionally for over 10 years
why is there so much of this clickbait praise-seeking cash grab shit on youtube

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Anonymous No. 931383

why are you getting so mad at someone being better than you
just put the work in and git gud

Anonymous No. 931387

>why is there so much of this clickbait praise-seeking cash grab shit on youtube
because people are keen on making cash on youtube?

Anonymous No. 931409

because useless blendertards like you click on it.

Anonymous No. 931453

Cris btfo.

Anonymous No. 931458

>and has been drawing professionally for over 10 years

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Anonymous No. 931555

if this enrages you, then wait until you find out that virtually no one that teaches blender professionally actually uses it themselves - since almost every single beginner starts with it, teaching actual industry-standard workflows isn't nearly as profitable.

even your "heroes" hate your shitty freeware.

Anonymous No. 931556

>brainlet filtered by math
>proceeds to shit on blender in every thread, 24/7 with no salary

Anonymous No. 931563

trips of truth

Anonymous No. 931757

Is a dead platform.
There is only trash now there.

It was proven these fuckers intentionaly slow down their own videos this is why it is self torture to watch them at anything other then 1.5.

Post trash to get YT figure it out genius.

Anonymous No. 931906

I'm making good progress following his guides
I learned a lot about building rooms and how 3d space works

I'm also a month in and I made significant improvements
Not his level of course but I never worked in a 3d space before

Still haven't touched sculpting or making characters yet.

Anonymous No. 931952

>Is a dead platform.
>There is only trash now there.
not true at all. if you search for specific topology/modeling problems, you will quickly find lots of minor channels that are highly informative. maybe stop searching for stuff like "HOW TO GRAPHIC GOOD BLENDER HINDI", which will just redirect you to Andrew price.

Anonymous No. 932656

>why is there so much of this clickbait praise-seeking cash grab shit on youtube
Because it works. They even got you talking about it and promoting it for free, sucker. This question is too basic to ask man, come on.