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🧵 See through shapes

Anonymous No. 931455

How can I make this in blender I want only the edge and vertices to show on the primitive mesh shapes

Anonymous No. 931460

with a "shader"

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Anonymous No. 931461

I want a mesh something similar to this

Anonymous No. 931462

>what is a "shader" for $500

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Anonymous No. 931474

> you know sergey brin and larry page? they invented the internet search engine, called "google" ....

...why dont you people use it? why cant this place be something where people discuss things that cant be easily googled, you people offend us, you degrade us with your simple shit ...

...just type your question into goolge like you would post here!!

Anonymous No. 931523

>why cant this place be something where people discuss things that cant be easily googled,
Extreme insertion anus deformation rigs

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Anonymous No. 931540

just to be clear i dont want anything freestyle just the mesh visable in all veiwports. i want to be able to open it in other 3d programs and upload it on 3d sites like this

Anonymous No. 931594

Looking at it closer, it looks like it's literally just flipped normals with Sketchfab itself adding the wireframe.

Anonymous No. 931679

the wireframe modifier???

Anonymous No. 931714

bevel and use two different materials

Anonymous No. 931724

alt + z

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Anonymous No. 931883


Anonymous No. 932029

For that kind of transparenc you'll have to render unbiased caustics.

Anonymous No. 932534


the chair nerd No. 932538

Ok Josh me and your mom are working some stuff out but It is important that you know that we still love you. How would you feel about having two christmases this year?

Anonymous No. 932595

You can attach a material to a modifier? Or did you make two separate meshes ?

the chair nerd No. 932623

Three days to figure out how to make a transparent pyramid on blender. Either we are talking to a fish or god-tier shitposting.

Anonymous No. 932682

Both maybe but you can’t forget that blenders ui is tough to learn

Anonymous No. 932840


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Anonymous No. 933123

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the chair nerd No. 933124


Anonymous No. 933388

Wireframe blend mode where?

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the chair nerd No. 933427


Anonymous No. 933687

based fake AI-san

p No. 935173

kek but blender should have this set and ready like a primitive option

Anonymous No. 935346

Integrated into its mesh menu*

Anonymous No. 936626

>Material Offset: 1
Please stop being such a smoothbrain

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Anonymous No. 938877

for lazy people who like doing things the retarded easy but not proper way
>export UV layout with fill opacity 0
>set texture to transparent not opaque

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Anonymous No. 939186

What would you even do with this knowledge, OP? What can you do with transparent, wireframed primitives? A Battlezone expansion pack? Asteroids 2? Moonlander: Relanded? I'm actually curious in an annoyed sort of way, so please tell me.

Anonymous No. 939305

Just hold Z and select wireframe

Anonymous No. 939320

>What can you do with transparent, wireframed primitives?
He can shove them inside your mom's wholes to see the insides.

Anonymous No. 939881


Anonymous No. 939919

As somebody who used to make technical drawings with pencil, straightedge and compass in middle school, it causes me physical pain to look at this thread.

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Anonymous No. 939920

Here's an idea.

Anonymous No. 939937

that was a long time ago

Anonymous No. 942200
