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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต >casually kills /3/

Anonymous No. 931569

Anonymous No. 931571

It's over.

Anonymous No. 931575

>literally just metaballs with a glossy coat of paint
I see nothing new or revolutionary here

Anonymous No. 931576

literally metaball editor

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Anonymous No. 931578

It also can mash cubes and make smooth lines between spheres.
It's also very easy to use, considering what you can do with it.

Anonymous No. 931587

Is this just a toy browser version of MagicaCSG?

Anonymous No. 931588

What is this faggotry? Retarded zoomer twinks have never seen metaballs before
Been around since forever, Softimage 3D had metaclay and Max had addons in the mid 90s

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Anonymous No. 931609

How exactly is this different from Blender metaballs?

Anonymous No. 931643

it isn't. the guy that spams something between 10% and 30% of all threads on /3/ doesn't even model. he is genuinely suffering from some form of retardation or psychological handicap (low-functioning autism?) and basically just does the following over and over again:
(1) hurrr guys how can I achieve this low-poly-look!?
(2)reads about news/events/updates on blender and proclaims either victory of blender over industry-standard software (usually based on upcoming features that these already have) or the end of all 3d-modeling due to AI.
note that he never actually wants to discuss anything - he just wants to demotivate others (crab bucket mentality) so that his own personal failure is easier to endure
(3) invades threads about industry-standard software (which he literally never even installed) and vehemently defends or randomly advocates blender based on no arguments whatsoever and sometimes even outrageous lies
(4) when he gets utterly btfo/humiliated and called out, resorts to parroting jokes and logical arguments that others brought forth against him and uses them wrong/doesn't understand them.

he has been banned multiple times for spamming and still doesn't stop. imho he has singlehandedly brought down the quality of the board so much that he should receive a lifetime ban.