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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 931730

Does anyone on this board sculpt or are you all plebs still

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Anonymous No. 931731

I do but I'm too new at sculpting

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Anonymous No. 931732

This is his wife

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Anonymous No. 931734

Sculpting is fun! Here's a head I made today in about 2h. I'm slow, but I'm still learning. And I know the ear sucks, I made it without looking at reference.

Anonymous No. 931798

I like this critter a lot, post it as an STL somewhere so I 3d print him

Anonymous No. 931833

You may not like this but being new as I am, I was too fucking retarded to save it and all I have left of him is that screencap.
Yes I tried to recover it and it doesnt apears anywhere.

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man sculpt.png

Anonymous No. 932025

why yes, i sculpt, how could you tell?

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Anonymous No. 932030

>one hour sculpting of a head
>exactly one hour, work with timer
>until end of january

...would love to see the result!

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Anonymous No. 932045

Hmm, I don't know if can I manage to last that long, but let me try. Here's one I made for today in 1 hour since seeing this post. Pretty terrible. Doesn't match the reference at all, and just looks bad. I'd adjust it more but 1 hour is up, I guess. If I stick with it and cris doesn't murder this thread I'll post a collage of my attempts on the 31st. But I'm a really slow learner so I dunno if I'll improve much from it. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give it my best shot.

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Anonymous No. 932053

>I don't know if can I manage to last that long...

...just believe in yourself! ...its number crunching when it comes to learn this kind of stuff! the more you do, automatically you become better, even the slow one - the decelopment of a own style is an other thing that cant be easily be solved with crunching, that requires more thinking, testing, study and fail, etc ...

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Anonymous No. 932149

Today's attempt. Still really bad. I'm not gonna spam every day, just wanted to leave a comment. I noticed that having a time limit makes me approach it a bit differently. I feel more pressure to identify and fix concrete mistakes rather than just idly pushing and pulling random parts forever, hoping that it stops looking like shit. I mean I'm still blind to a lot of issues and still mostly stumbling in the dark, but it makes me think more. Also it made me make my brushes a bit stronger, for quicker changes.

Anonymous No. 932151

that's really not bad if you are starting from a sphere and only 1 hour, it really isn't. my advice would be to learn how to make an eyeball that's more detailed than a a basic sphere (youtube, it should take about 30 minutes or something like that, no need to add shader, just the mesh), you can just re-use it in later sculpts this month.

Anonymous No. 932153

Thanks! Good idea about the eyes, having the iris as a visual landmark could help lots. I tend to make the eyes too big and thus get their shape completely wrong.

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Anonymous No. 932560

Still going at it. I'm still dissatisfied, but I guess I can't do anything but keep going. I also cheated on the 5th and took 20 minutes longer because I felt like it. Anyone else wanna join in? This is fun.

Anonymous No. 932589

is it better to start sulpting in blender (i know the interface very well) or zbrush (the interface bewilders the fuck out of me)?

Anonymous No. 932590

are there any good resources for sculpting human forms? like what primitive shapes to use, similar to construction for drawing?

Anonymous No. 932614


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bryan kohberger.jpg

Anonymous No. 932616

06 looks more like picrel lol

Anonymous No. 932618

Yeah I really derped that one. I don't really understand what makes a face recognizable and just make almost random changes hoping for the best until the timer runs out. It's a little annoying how like sometimes a part looks too wide, I squish it, it starts looking too long, I stretch it, and so on. I get stuck in these loops often.

Anonymous No. 932628

the unfortunate thing about trying to create likenesses (as i assume you are doing here) is that the human mind is so highly attuned to recognising human faces that the slightest deviations in the dimensions of a human face create an entirely new looking person (save for plastic surgery and other things like that). that's just the nature of the beast. the push and pull thing will never really get you what you want unless you are making religious use of masks, (which i would recommend anyway)

you've picked some difficult reference images for likeness, i would suggest using references images that are head on, face flat and right up against the camera you know what i mean? till you feel like you have enough practice.

Anonymous No. 932636

Masks? I can see how you could use those for making exact "indentations" like say, painting an "outline" of the eye, inverting the mask and pushing that in. But I'm not sure how else you'd use them. I'm not very experienced, sorry.
Also it's not like I only use the grab brush, I make shapes using the "draw" and "draw sharp" brushes mainly, then "crease" the details in. It's only after I make what I percieve as the required "details" as well as medium sized shapes do I start pushing and pulling. Like, either making tiny changes using a very large grab brush, mainly from silhouette views using a projection falloff, or again making tiny changes using a smaller grab brush on medium sized details but with a "sphere" falloff. Basically, I start from a sphere, make "a" head from mostly memory, only then do I start eyeballing the reference and pushing parts around.
You're probably right on picking different reference images. It's just that, I pick 3/4 views because I feel they describe the most information about a face. I realize I can pick a couple of images instead of one, which is probably what I should do. It's just a pain to manage since I can't just pick a single random picture then. But yeah I should put more effort in if I wanna get anywhere, thanks for the advice.

Anonymous No. 932649

that's a pretty long post i don't think i can answer everything in one go , i might have to come back to it, too many things i want too say about it. (this is stream of conciousness so i hope it makes sense)

my primary use for masks is to allow me to exaggerate volume as a means shape the bastard thing with more ease, does that make sense? so its like if you slap on a bunch of volume to a region it amplifies the shape, you have more to work with and so its easier to contour, from that you are able to
1. shape much easier as mentioned
2. be much faster, this is hard to explain in words but you can afford to be much more spontaneous with your strokes and experiment far more freely because you know that its not going to effect anything else. the end you can wholesale reduce the region and remove volume carefully and fastidiously with usage of certain brushes, or in this case if you are strapped for time then you'd use a layer brush or something to quickly lower the level back to realistic setting.

when i use masks i use them for areas that are no larger than 2 coins in a lot of instances, such as the eyebag area, or the nostril area or whatever,

other times if you are wanting to bring the whole maxilla forward, a le-fort 2 type movement then you would mask the whole region in question and then invert the mask and so on...

ultimately its a personal bag of tricks, tricks that you pick uo from experience, as you mentioned, it comes with time, its just little tricks here and there that you stumble upon each time you try something, and that's why its good to do it consistently amongst other things.

Anonymous No. 932694

Hey, that makes a lot of sense.
I initially dismissed masks because I thought they were slow as they involve 2 steps: drawing the mask and then making the change, but I guess I was wrong since I tend to wrestle with undoing minor changes I did to surrounding parts while working on something. So you're saying it's good to exaggerate features and then tone them down rather than trying to be subtle from the start? I never thought of that. I'd have to understand the way to correctly exaggerate a feature from reference to do this, I'm currently kinda blind to most things, but I hope this will come from practice.
Thank you so much for the tip, it'll take a while to get the hang of it but I will try.

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Anonymous No. 933303


Anonymous No. 933315

Just use references. You need to establish a baseline for what looks correct, or at least what looks "good". It's not bad but it's not very aesthetic

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Anonymous No. 933326

I made this fella

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Anonymous No. 935542

Sorry for bumping a dying thread again but I said I'd post a collage if I stuck with it, and I shomehow managed. I'd like to say I learned a lot but it really doesn't look like it. A lot of these are really really bad, and most later ones are worse than the ones I started with. I guess 1hr/day really isn't much so I couldn't expect a lot.
I did have a takeaway though, I sped up significantly. For the last several days a head took me only 30-40 minutes to make. Yeah, it was supposed to be an hour, but I really didn't feel like doing minor changes for 30 minutes and I wasn't feeling well, so I cut the timer short. The biggest two speedups I got was when I started using masks, as well as when I started spending as much time as possible on lower resolutions before remeshing higher.
For the last head, I felt like doing a mini project, I'll post a picture in the next post.

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Anonymous No. 935543

This is supposed to be Pillar Zelenin, a possible final boss in SMT: Strange Journey. I wanted to finish it in a day, so I ended up spending a little less than 8 hours (I did take some breaks though) on it. I realized have no idea how to sculpt hair nor pose sculpts effectively so I just winged it with the multi layer(? the one that kinda pinches the geometry at an angle) brush for hair and face sets with the pose brush for posing.
Thank you for reading my blog, I'll stop spamming now.

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Anonymous No. 935549

I guess we could say so

Anonymous No. 935558

genuinely awesome, make sure you sell shit like that.

Anonymous No. 935562

you desperately need to focus on eyelid, holy motherfucker will it do you a world of good!

feature focus in your next study. good progress.

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Anonymous No. 935706

i used to. havent in a few years bcause nerve damage makes it pretty difficult. this was the last thing i was working on

its fun tho

Anonymous No. 935732

This is cool.

Anonymous No. 935803

This is awesome and could be easily sold for more than 10 bucks. Do you print minis?
Extremely fun to look at, do you have more?
Looks great, the details are a nice touch and looks like she skinned a dragonborn
Peak autism but you’re getting better, keep at it
I would love to retopo it into a game asset
This somewhat tells a story and its very fun to look at

Anonymous No. 935806

t. Square Enix concept designer

Anonymous No. 935809

unironically kino artstyle

Anonymous No. 935814

this guy>>935706
here. yeah, i was starting to get a 3D miniature patreon-->myminifactory pipeline up and running, that was one of the early test models for a set of "not blight kings"

but then i got the coof and it killed my ability to work with my hands, so that project is unfortunately on indefinite hiatus. if i cleaned up the topology a little bit i could maybe get that model in a state where i could throw it up on its own. only spot i really had left to finish sculpting was the sword hand and smooth out the belt a little.

thanks for the kind words

Anonymous No. 935830

>but then i got the coof and it killed my ability to work with my hands
uh *what*? That's kinda scary... I remember feeling a little arthritis type pain in my fingers when I had covid, fortunately it didn't last

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Anonymous No. 935997

This is my first sculpt. I've been loosely following this course on Udemy

This is the rough sculpt. It has 78,994 faces. I tried to get as much done as possible at a lower face count before jumping up to something like 2M faces for the finer details. I'd seen a youtube video a long time ago that basically said you should do as much as you possibly can at low detail.

While doing this, I referenced "Anatomy for Sculptors" by Uldis Zarins. I'd originally bought the book for anatomy reference for 2d art, but man it was useful for this orc sculpt.

Anonymous No. 936003

I used to. Haven't done art in almost 2 years now as I broke my back. Can't really get up and spend hours at a desk/PC anymore.

Anonymous No. 936004

Just use an eye tracker

Anonymous No. 938886

i am a sculptlet, what is actually good advice when starting sculpting on kbm? (apart from use a tablet)

for now i just watch videos of people sculpting and instead of trying to follow i just watch them to get a general feel for workflow

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Anonymous No. 938888

I'm trying to learn 3d pls help

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Fernando 8-1-22.png

Anonymous No. 939166

Picked it up a few months ago to make my own wargame miniatures. Still learning but it is super satisfying and fun.

Anonymous No. 939206

what does it look like if you lower the cheekbones and make them a bit more prominent?

Anonymous No. 939255

Checked. Eyelids are too thick they look like lips. Buts its good overall.

Anonymous No. 939518

You call people "pleb" while showing us that shit?
Off with you fucking schizo.

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iPhone File Name.jpg

Anonymous No. 940715


Anonymous No. 940874

good joke

Anonymous No. 940884

parents want to get me a gift since i dont usually ask for things for birthdays or chirstmas, would a tablet be a good investment? I can never finish pieces since im learning and like to go back and redo things but sculpting with a mouse kinda stinks (though not as bad as people online say)

Anonymous No. 941106

Tablet is a must have, go for a Wacom

Anonymous No. 941107

Good effort, though the ear placement and structure is quite off on many of these. Study proportions from anatomy book, then look for details from reference.

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Anonymous No. 942101

first time sculpting after watching few tuts here and there.

Anonymous No. 942106

I tried sculpting once. Didn't turn out how I wanted. Haven't sculpted since. I'm just gonna wait till AI can do it for me.

Anonymous No. 942110

protip; it will be never be

Anonymous No. 942356

too harsh, women are soft

Anonymous No. 943862

Most sculpting artist are freaking retarded, I'm speaking about sculptards that skip traditional modeling and start sculpting from spheres each fucking time. The special retard unit are the ones that do hardsurface in programs like zbrush and never touched box modeling or worse the room temp iq ones are those that feel its beneath them. I'm speaking from the voice of experience as I was at this level of retardation too. Do yourself a favor and do trad first and when you achieve a good silhouette for your model then and only then do highres sculpt, it's faster with a foundation you mongoloids.

Anonymous No. 943863

Pick up a fucking anatomy book it shows you're actively avoiding anatomy studies. Don't fucking waste resources trying to polish a turd, learn to do construction drawing

Anonymous No. 943864

I'm sorry it makes you so upset but box modeling is on its way out. It was never good.

Anonymous No. 943866

there is no fucking point doing speed modeling if you don't bother with anatomy, do anatomy studies first THEN speed model, because you are wasting resources on the wrong thing - it doesn't look right because you spend all of your priorities on vacuous stuff like props and clothing, if anything if you must then forgo all the clothing and model her naked not nailed to a flat surface and you might as fucking well learn to want to pay attention to body forms

Anonymous No. 943867

i have almost achieved my perfect uberlazy pipeline for my, non-character artist, needs

>get vface head scan closest to target
>symmetrise in houdini because i'm clever like that
>have rigged basemesh with matching head topology
>xfer head positions over
>eyebrows, eyelash, peachfuzz groom procedurally adapts 90% of the way
>everything already textured

just werks so far.

Anonymous No. 943868

being a sculpt only artist just turns you into a useless faggot to the rest of the pipeline, it may be hard to believe but you still need to convert that static useless sculpt into a usable asset. The problem with sculpters is they are so far up into their own asshole it's completely unconceivable that some people want to see it rigged, animated, textured and rendered but all sculpt faggots can do is massage the surface of a ball and contort it into a pose with the transpose tool so it can only serve as a static piece.

Anonymous No. 943872

That's a legacy temporary limitation until game engines will be updated with better technology which already exists and to which hardware has been moving towards to for a while that will be able to render and animate sculpts directly.
"Retopo", meshes, triangles, it's all scheduled to go away soon.

Anonymous No. 943876

I bet my ass I can finish your model in less than an hour and with better topology.

Get your anatomy studies first so you can understand what the fuck is happening on the skin better. Your anatomy definition is weak, specially around the arms and heinous looking on the wrists, I cannot see where the patella and the fatty pads of the legs start.

Don't model shit from spheres or disjointed pieces each time. If you want to be retarded as this anon>>943864 at least have a good looking base model with nice looking wires for anthropomorphic figures. And since I'm spoon feeding you look at make-human for a base geo.

next step is to learn the basics of blender rigging so you don't pose the characters through modeling each time and you could re-use your rig for different concepts in the future.

Now once rigged sculpt on a blend-shape for the love of God (shape keys in blender), use multi-res if you want for finer details.

the scales or I don't know what the fuck I'm looking at, could be achieved (based on the intention) through trad modeling like extrusion and insets, only if your intention is for those things being part of the skin, this way you can make sure that the end result is a good and clean looking geo. If those are wardrobe now you can do instances of those trough array and a curve modifier even better would be to give geometry nodes a test with it.

With a good looking base geo you could achieve the chisel look through creases or bevel weights.

Anonymous No. 943878

>ask me how I know you're a hobbyist without you telling me you're a hobbyist
It works in creatures with separate static floating pieces like the rock golem that was showcased in the Unreal demo some time ago. Do tell me from a rigging standpoint how can the deformation work in this way? even cloth dynamics need a proper grid flow to avoid the dynamics imploding you can't chicken your way out of it, there are limitations to deforming geo and dynamics, even then, learning to do these things old school way can only benefit you when or if they become optimized in the near future, dont take shit for granted faggot.

Anonymous No. 943879

Why do you think every revision of OpenGL or Vulkan or whatever moves a step away from polygons and towards programmable rendering? You'll find out as soon as the market is ready.

You can look around to watch some demos make by hobbyists of what's about to come, but consider that big players in the industry have been developing all sorts of rendering technologies that don't rely on polygon meshes at all and they're going to reveal those all at once.

Anonymous No. 943880

with that mentality, yeah anon even game coders will be gone soon as we will have models like gpt to replace them, or even sexbots to replace the STD filled cunt of your mom.
Be more fucking proactive you moron. And lift your ass out of the comfort zone.

Anonymous No. 943882

I'm not talking about novelties such as AI. Non-polygons based modeling and rendering techniques are a concrete thing.

Anonymous No. 943886

Then do talk about the concrete thing, how does it work? what are the limitations or trade off? how is the time line of development? because all you're advising is
>dont bother with box modeling trust me bro
How can this technology be applied to character modeling, for muscle and fascia deformation? any links?

Anonymous No. 943911

I can't find the link right now but basically you're going to have something similar to bone envelopes, except much more advanced.
Think of volumes that can be deformed and then the deformations you're going to be able to combine by adding, min/max or any other function. Kind of similar to how layers are composed in Photoshop, except with deformations.

Anonymous No. 943913

>how does it work?
Renders pictures directly from a variety of high level descriptions.
>what are the limitations or trade off?
>how is the time line of development?
It's already fully developed. It just hasn't been revealed to you.

This is not what I wanted to show you because this is for scenarios, but:

Anonymous No. 943917

how else would the weight boundaries will be driven if not binded to a mesh guided with proper topology?

Anonymous No. 943918

Think of it as volume remapping. You define an arbitrary volume and you remap it to another arbitrary volume. You do that several times and merge the results.

Anonymous No. 943919

this task would fall where? the rigger? good luck finding one who is going to replace the job of topology workflow per asset again and again, it's going to be a mess unless they have the equivalent of a proper starting standardized mesh with musculature topology to bind to. If anything they will promote sculpt/modeler job to be rigging as well so they deal with their own shit since the deformation will be undefined if left flatly as dynamesh output.

Anonymous No. 943920

Oh yeah I've found it:
The method they're presenting works with meshes but the interesting thing is that it doesn't require a mesh. The same idea also works without meshes, which is what it's going to happen next. The method will remain but the meshes will be finally gone.

Anonymous No. 943921

Interesting video, I have a feeling it wont be as easy getting a non-mesh workflow going in the near future simply due to the fact of the predictability of how a mesh will behave just by looking at it, I have a feeling though that the solution will probably be a black box thing that will run under the hood but doing the same equivalent - probably some sort of tool do define the types of deformation/landmarks. Although being a sculptor that only does sculpting will put you under a lower growth expectation and salary under the riggers that will make these things. Only different in sculpt and box modeling is box modeling requires a proper foundation that focuses on faster turnarounds while keeping quality consistent - while the sculptors who try to prove themselves starting from spheres will be outpaced by the former.

Anonymous No. 943922

niga you high, go to sleep or something.
Lets say that deformations work with point clouds. Then what? How sculpt a point cloud?

Anonymous No. 943923

When you're sculpting, you inputting a list commands into the computer. Right now all those commands are accumulated into a mesh and displayed.
In the near future, your sculpts are going to be rendered and deformed as necessary directly. Without a mesh as an intermediary.
Most people won't even be able to tell the difference if not for the quality improvement.
Topology experts are going to have to learn to code, but that's a desirable outcome.

Anonymous No. 943924

Point clouds can be sculpted and displayed just fine. There's a lot of existing literature.
But it's not going to be point clouds exactly. It's probably going to be a mixture of several high level descriptions. Initially, there's probably going to be optional support for legacy mesh type, but that'll go away.

Anonymous No. 943926

dude keep coping, your delusions for keeping yourself on the comfort zone are not going to help you. Pick a book on how to sculpt and rig with blend-shapes and deformers and stop being such an insufferable fag.

All the time you wasted this afternoon debating on bs you could have studied something of value, most riggers are already "topo experts" as you put it, as well know how to model and code. What the fuck are you even talking about?

Anonymous No. 943927

>high level descriptions
what do you even mean with high level descriptions? Higher dimensional abstracts as latent space, point clouds, high resolution meshes. You believe yourself as such an intellectual just because you use buzz words.

Anonymous No. 943935

Planning topology is to plan ahead to the deformation of the mesh. Go to sleep Richard. Ozone is just overcomplicating a simple workflow just to be compliant to lazy sculptors, adding simple deformation shapes and constraints only to complaint to lazy workflows is fucking redundant as fuck. How many deformers could one add to a mesh so it behaves predictably?
Adding to this maybe a way to do bone deformation based on proximity and have that unbaked so it's kept live on vertex data regardless on the changes to topology, that could be a solution, this overcomplication on existing workflows so it works on lazy mesh is dumb, how many hours of work does it add to the workflow? Is it cost efficient to studios, because as it is right now it seems to "remove" time from the modeler/sculpt side of things, and add it to the rigging department, a rigger will always be more expensive to pay than a low wagie modeler.

Anonymous No. 943936

just turn every sculptor into a rigger bro
>and kill every dream of every sculptor faggot in this thread

Anonymous No. 943942

An high level descriptions is a primitive basically. Or any mathematical formula. A triangle is an high level description of a surface.
The computer or the system in general will choose which high level descriptions are most appropriate and use them.

Anonymous No. 943944

What's important is that the representation is going to be taken care entirely by the software without the need of supposed topology experts and their bizarre set of rules.

As I said, most people are not even going to notice any difference except that all the option associated with meshing are gone, the quality is better and whoever used to do retopologies is no there anymore.

That's the bulk of it.

Anonymous No. 943949

Try to think of it this way.
Let's say you start with a sphere and you swipe some tool over it. What happens as a result is that some volume of the sphere gets remapped (or to put it simply, moved) to another location.
You repeat the same action a thousands or so times and you get your final shape.
Then you want to rig it, so you add some bones. The bones will create partitions in the volume of your model, then you're going to move the bones and the volumes associated with each partition will be remapped (or moved) to another location.
Can you see that modeling, rigging and animating really are the same thing?
It's just parts of volumes being shifted around. There really is no need to involve meshes in the process. Meshes are used today because hardware was historically designed to work with triangles, but that's less and less true every day.

Anonymous No. 943953

And conceptually this is not a new discovery:
That's how 3D animations used to be done before computers and before a bunch of people decided on arbitrary division of work and questionable job titles.

Anonymous No. 943961

you are fucking retarded to not see any use on proper topology, or havent dealt with shitty models enough

Anonymous No. 943995

>you: small brain
>using the established authoring pipeline to create content
>me: galaxy brain
>waiting 10 years for for a new pipeline to be developed

in the meantime nigger can animate his sculpts by handsculpting every frame and using optimal transport to deform the meshes
only takes 6 months to do a walk cycle

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Anonymous No. 946419


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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 946613

did I win?

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Anonymous No. 947126

This is my first sculpt guys, do I have talent?

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Anonymous No. 947130

but sure, carry on and like, reference things and learn some anatomy

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 947277

...i try.

Anonymous No. 947297

Oh god another first time sculpt Jesus christ stop being cringe excited every time you discovers new skill lmao. You have a long way to go anon.