๐๏ธ ๐งต photoshop VS blender
Anonymous at Sun, 1 Jan 2023 14:45:48 UTC No. 931743
Why is blender the most advanced thing ever ?
Want to make a scale (like the one you have on your ruler).
>make a cube and use the array modifier on it.
>REEEEE you can not do that REEEE make it imprecisely by hand REEEE
Want to make some curves who have XY symmetry at the same time ?
>Use mirror modifier and turn on XY symmetry on a curve
>REEEEE you can not do that REEEE make it imprecisely by hand REEEE
Hey how about sculpting my own drawings ?
>Here you go
>REEEEE you can not do that REEEE make it imprecisely by hand REEEE
Why is photoshop/gimp shit like this ?
Anonymous at Sun, 1 Jan 2023 17:34:14 UTC No. 931759
photoshop/gimp are photo editing software not 3D program, stupid. You just made a cube into a ruler, yes expect something different from a photo editing program. The thing Blender can't do is remove objects from photo, so sorry but photoshop and many other programs can remove objects from photos but not blendr, there goes your so call "most advanced thing" when a basic android smartphone can do it.
Anonymous at Sun, 1 Jan 2023 17:59:56 UTC No. 931767
>are photo editing software not 3D program
You know you sound exactly like the cancer that are the GIMP devs ?
>Herp derp we will never give shape tools !
>GIMP is a Image Manipulation Program !
>Do it with 8 steps and longer !
>You just made a cube into a ruler,
And you think repeating a 2D layer or shape is not something anyone will ever need in Photoshop ?
Like making a hexagon background in 3 clicks ?
No ?
We need to do it the retarded ways in Photoshop ?
Why ?
>photoshop/gimp are photo editing software not 3D program, stupid
You realize photoshop lets you import 3D objects ?
Anonymous at Sun, 1 Jan 2023 21:07:17 UTC No. 931793
This just makes you sound more dumb, people in Photography don't need to learn 3D programs, go on and ask /p/ and graphic design people at /gd/. Learning to make or build shapes is a art thing, what you said is not just for 3D but anywhere that requires it.
There is a thing called automation in adobe and GIMP, what you have in your picture is imperfect, you can never close the gap because Blender lacks the tools for pixel perfect location.
Yes photoshop does import 3D objects but you cant change it without problems. No one is going to edit the model, you can move the bones or for simple terms like babies for you, "moving the character" it's the only thing you can do with 3D objects.
Anonymous at Sun, 1 Jan 2023 22:03:16 UTC No. 931799
>your picture is imperfect, you can never close the gap
What did you mean by this ?
Anonymous at Tue, 3 Jan 2023 18:20:33 UTC No. 932002
Youre comparing Apples with pears
Anonymous at Wed, 4 Jan 2023 08:21:16 UTC No. 932145
he could have presented a stunning work - instead he presents nothing but frantically tries to justify to himself why what he does isn't retarded, even if it is completely unrelated to what he is trying to achieve.
Anonymous at Wed, 4 Jan 2023 12:27:43 UTC No. 932166
my coffee machine is better at making coffee than blender, so coffee machines are the most advanced thing ever.
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Jan 2023 18:35:35 UTC No. 933530
I don't know about Photoshop because I've never used it but everything you described can be done in Inkscape.
GIMP is based, your just trying to use it for stuff it's not designed for