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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 931761

what are your opinions on this skull I'm a part way through sculpting in blender? I've just gotten into sculpting and still very beg. any advice?

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Anonymous No. 931763

Anonymous No. 932010

just needs better proportioning. dload some free skull model or something and compare.

Anonymous No. 933647

looks like a key pickup in doom

Anonymous No. 933681

Use Sketchfab for reference.

Anonymous No. 933758

>any advice?
yeah, here are a few:
- stop attention whoring, especially when you have zero fucking skill
- give up
- kys

Anonymous No. 933759

How does one get the curve as seem from above without having an orthogonal reference? If I have orthogonals for front and sideview, I can make a shape that satisfies both, but then if I see it from above the model is too flat. How do people solve this problem?
Just say that your parents never hugged you already.

Anonymous No. 933771

lmaoing at your work

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Anonymous No. 933774

Yeah, it might be ugly but its better than what I can do.
Not only that, but its sure as hell better than what you can do.

Anonymous No. 933869

>Not only that, but its sure as hell better than what you can do.
it really really isn't.
let me recap this thread for you:

>attention-whore by creating a new fucking thread for an ugly first attempt, thereby disrespecting everyone on the board
>get told
>reply to the guy that rightfully checked your ego again and again instead of getting the message

Anonymous No. 933875

loser talk. PYW.

Anonymous No. 933877

Sounds like the words of a nomodeler to me. Failure is a first step towards success, and any competent artist has seen enough failure to not feel "disrespected" when witnessing it.

Anonymous No. 933878

ok but post your work

Anonymous No. 933881

You need to stop.

Anonymous No. 933890

Stop what? I can't reply to your posts?

Anonymous No. 933893

Just stop. Look for a a tutorial on how to stop.

Anonymous No. 933910

>any advice?
yeah kys, fag

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Anonymous No. 933912

this board sucks ass
why u bully op, he did nothing wrong
all other threads suck too btw

Anonymous No. 933936

I imagine it's some psychological shit Anon. I'm not into psych stuff but I imagine it goes like this:
>be me
>have no discipline
>can't develop skills
>see other guy
>he's barely beginning to achieve some stuff
>feel bad
>turns into rage
>put the guy down
>order is restored
>feel good
I guess it doesn't trigger against rockstar success because you can rationalize that it's too rare to achieve. Like, I don't have to feel bad about Andrew Price because I know there's only one of him in the world and I never had a chance of making it that high, but if my classmate models something nice, then that's a problem and he needs to eat humble pie. You can tell when some posts were typed high on feelings.

Anonymous No. 933937

lmao, holy this.

Anonymous No. 933997

I was thinking the situation was something like that too. When someone makes a thread like this, there's usually just one guy doing this shit, and he typically goes on a tangent about ego or something related, likely because he himself has an ego problem and projects his worldview onto other people.

Anonymous No. 934211

Looks kinda like an African skull, were you going for that?

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Anonymous No. 934453

thats very nice OP
your post inspired me to try sculpting, but mine isnt as nice as yours

Anonymous No. 934454

what's this cheeky fella so chipper about then?