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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 932171

Guess who's back.
>the goodbye video was prerecorded 2 months ago when I was ready to become a monk and live in a cave but my friends convinced me not to abandon 3D
>I can make more money working at McDonald's then being a 3D artist

Anonymous No. 932174


Anonymous No. 932183

I agree

Anonymous No. 932184

Basedimus 4D

Anonymous No. 932187

AI is really not a big deal I have no idea why these so called artists are having mental breakdowns FFS goylets are so dumb... its just another tool in your toolbox.

Anonymous No. 932211

>>I can make more money working at McDonald's then being a 3D artist
he's right. I always knew that his designs/models were outdated and terrible.

Anonymous No. 932233

he's a 10 on a technical level with zero fucking soul/sense for aesthetics. it's quite funny actually that he thinks he "found jesus". big j would probably tell him to either start an actual passion project or literally just get that fucking job at mcdonalds, then - because his interest in 3d is either about money or it isn't.

Anonymous No. 932241

Moshiach is almost here, Jew boy.

Anonymous No. 932255

He did start a passion project now

Anonymous No. 932683

>someone insanely prolific at 3D can't make more than a Donalds wagie in 2023
it is literally over

Anonymous No. 932702

Everything he makes looks autistic. Including the mechanical parts.

Anonymous No. 932731

Arrimus is a narcissist. His work is bad, yet he thinks highly of himself.
He's good at using tools to create intricate things, but his creations aren't pleasing to look at at all. All he does is these random high tech scifi panels. He appears to never make concept art for the things he creates - it's just made up on a whim in the 3D program with no critical thinking during the design process.
I point this out now only because of these recent videos where he started talking about himself and made it obvious that he has a considerably inflated sense of self worth. Before this, he was just a youtube tutorial maker.
The guy is making all these videos where he gives life advice, pretends to be a creative genius and asks people to join his video game project. Hopefully anyone who joins him realizes they're joining exactly the kind of project Arrimus himself warns about in OP's video. A project where some overconfident dude in way over his head wastes everyones' time.

Anonymous No. 932736

always knew this little stunt was because of money. mayhap sell props on market places rather than relying on substandard tutorial videos.

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Anonymous No. 932737

>Arrimus is a narcissist.
>His work is bad, yet he thinks highly of himself.
>...obvious that he has a considerably inflated sense of self worth.

..watched vid in op and yours, and in booth vids he is 100% right with everything he said! it seems, measured on your amout of words you used to describe your antipathy for this guy, its more like you cant handle strong egos of others and feels easily threatend by them/gets easily triggert by them ..!

Anonymous No. 932738

He's not back properly until he republishes his old videos, some of those were great

Anonymous No. 932739

what a self absorbed child.

Anonymous No. 932741

I'm correct and not triggered at all. Sorry I said harsh things about your eceleb.

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Anonymous No. 932753

>I'm correct and not triggered at all.

...why dont you post some work? else, we must assume you are just a jelly sperg who uses the opportunity to backstab his beloved hate target.

Anonymous No. 932755

i have never heard of this person before but I watched a few vids and damn he has some rly shit takes and i hate his voice hahah <3

Anonymous No. 932756

His hardsurface workflows are really outdated too. I'm guessing he hasn't learned anything new in a decade or so. Do yourself a favor and watch Mario Elementza instead.

Anonymous No. 932760

It's ok arrimus, we still appreciate you but sometimes people need to point out uncomfortable truths

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Anonymous No. 932763


...but sometimes people need to point out uncomfortable truths

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Anonymous No. 932780


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2023-01-09 01_49_....jpg

Anonymous No. 932781

lmao even

Anonymous No. 932782

he literally stated in his video that he didnt pursue an important job in a big city like new york or whatever because the hectic lifestyle would drive him crazy. it is not "literally over retard", he just stays freelance.

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Anonymous No. 932821

Have mercy, good sire! Shareth thy knowledge with us poor folks. Forsooth!

Anonymous No. 932951

there are literally multiple archive channels of his stuff up you fucking retards