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Anonymous No. 932291

tell me industry tips, tricks, deepest secrets only known by seniors

Anonymous No. 932292

Stay off this fucking board. You can thank me later.

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Anonymous No. 932294

>industry tips, tricks, deepest secrets only known by seniors
everyone secretly uses blender

Anonymous No. 932302

*everyone openly despises blender and endlessly mocks anyone who uses it
t. actual industryfag, worked in many different teams but the passionate hatred for blender is everywhere

Anonymous No. 932307

and yet you will never post your work

Anonymous No. 932308

>just dox yourself bro

Anonymous No. 932311

opinion discarded then

Anonymous No. 932312

gg cris

the chair nerd No. 932349

I have more than 15 years in this industry and sincerely the best advice I can give you is fucking run. Dude, go into sales, do some chad stuff, even if successful sitting 18 hours a day will fuck you up. Run away just go away run!

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Anonymous No. 932421

you are not an industryfag, youre just a retarded poser (most likely cris) having a hissy fit about blender even though its polymodeling is solid, animation and rigging are okay (weight painting is fucking annoying and maya can do rigging much better), because unlike your larping ass i actually talk to industry people and get to share vital information amongst peers.

youre a subhuman shitting up threads because youre upset that your "career" is going nowhere, but so the original poster doesnt end up to become a sad sack of shit like you are, ill try to give him some advice

"post your work" the crab cries; okay retard, here is a shitty project from half a year ago that i had to stop working on because the comission fell through

to the op whos a faggot, the MOST IMPORTANT thing you should abide by is listening to this guy; >>932292 sadly paralympics doesnt have the 3d modeling discipline yet but if they did id direct you towards here. other things to know is that you should not try to win big bucks instantly, focus on your work, and sharpen your skills as you go. and eventually, when you hit that big break, DO NOT STOP PRATICING, COMPLACENCY WILL KILL YOU, think of comissions and practice as songs; everytime you practice you learn a new song but everytime you fulfill comissions you rehearse songs youve already learned to an audience. picking up 2d art is a wonderful way of being able to understand concepts much easier, and for collecting references i can recommend pureref.

if youre talking about generalist advice per software; blenders weighted normals modifier can usually fix the ugliest issues, and mean creases for subdivision are also much better than sliding an edgeloop closer to edges to make them less round, for substance painter; to add a little bit of flavour and depth to your mesh, add a a fully black fill layer (0 color, 1 metallic and 0 roughness) onto your mesh with an ambient occlusion generator to give it that pizazz, but dont overdo it.

Anonymous No. 932429

>sadly paralympics doesnt have the 3d modeling discipline yet but if they did id direct you towards here
top fucking kek

Anonymous No. 932430

the only reason to ever use blender is that it provides a legal license. produce in paid-for, actually good software of your choice, import, export => "made in blender".

i have never heard anything dumber than the idea of making everything in blender while paying for an expensive license and not using it. (if you didn't have the license you wouldn't be pretending)

Anonymous No. 932431

the thing you don't understand is that no one gives a fuck if you consent to the opinion, if you accept it as truth as well.

" blender is garbage."

your useless opinion is not necessary for these 3 words to be true.

Anonymous No. 932432

didn't read your post, but it's "you're", not youre.

Anonymous No. 932441

pyw or be quiet

Anonymous No. 932443

Do you work in games industry?

Anonymous No. 932447

he doesn't work in any industry, he's just shitposting on a dead board

Anonymous No. 932468

yes. only person in the whole company using Blender is one artfag testing something with shaders

Anonymous No. 932469

>sitting 18 hours a day will fuck you up
I can sit 10 hours in my home chair just fine but even 4 hours in office is hell

Anonymous No. 932489

6 years in the Industry and already reached senior. Can't post work because I'm NDA for a design agency based in London.

Blender is fine for sharpening tools/understanding lighting/learning composition and material basics. Don't listen to blender hating retards. It's a fucking brilliant suite and has many amazing tools in it

1. Realise that people don't care what you're using or that for visual only stuff (i.e. not CAD data for production) exact dimensions etc don't fucking matter. If the visuals look good and you can pass your files on in a somewhat comprehensible manner then you're fine.

2. For industry jobs some might require you to do a sample project for interview. Its pretentious AF and I'll be honest it turns me away from companies. But if you do go ahead. NAME AND SETUP YOUR FILES NICELY. The first thing subconsciously is 'How easy can I navigate retards files?' 'I'm going to be working with this guy/girl'

3. Understand masks and deeply and understand how black/white/grey values can be a near unlimited tool for creating layered/detailed files and textures.

4. I work full time and freelance for some of the biggest design agencies in the UK. Be friends with people in client services and get on their good side. They might not stick at a company for long, but if you ask and have a good relationship they will put you forward for freelance stuff even under the table

5. EVERYONE FREELANCES EVEN IF THEY HAVE A FULLTIME JOB. All designers/visualisers bar none. Play the game, don't let the game play you.

Couldn't pay me to go into sales or "chad" stuff. If you enjoy it you'll be fine. Yeah I sit in my chair for 8-12 hours a day. But I do it in my fulltime job, WFH, comfortable and in a good team. If you wanna make more money just freelance. When you're day is done get to a gym or go for a walk. Personally enjoy climbing, just get out the house

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 932507

>mfw i realized bitfrost is actually bifrost