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🧵 ポルト

julio No. 932330

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the chair nerd No. 932335

Oh my.

Anonymous No. 932337

kys yourself

the chair nerd No. 932340


LOL out loud

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1 you stay there.png

Anonymous No. 932358

"No! You stay here, I'm in charge!"

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2 do you feel in ....png

Anonymous No. 932359

"Do you feel in charge?"

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3 a small fortune.png

Anonymous No. 932361

"I've paid you a small fortune"

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4 power.png

Anonymous No. 932362

"And this gives you power over me?"

Anonymous No. 932364

>>932361 render, in development it looks creepy!

Anonymous No. 932405

No offense how do you fuck up the face that bad. Learn to draw if you want to gitgud at 3d.

Anonymous No. 932434

Honestly proportions seem a bit off as well.

Anonymous No. 932437

Bro look at those busted tibias homie needs to get back to basics instead of hoping that 3d tracing will make up for lack of understanding of volume, shape language, anatomy, etc.

1- 4 years of hard work, you can do it anon. Don't cheat yourself of the artist you can be.

Anonymous No. 932438

The issue isn't that he fucked up the face
The issue is that he's trying to emulate the 2d anime style in 3d and is out of his depth

You should work on regular girls before you try being a furfag.
Study what real animation studios do. One company uses facial morphs which are transitioned to based on the camera angle.

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Anonymous No. 932462

>modelo polt bueno parte 3
Op, mejor vuelve a modelar donuts.

Anonymous No. 932470

It's just a regular anime girl and besides the "fur" is a whole different matter

Anonymous No. 932476

Anime faces always look weird in 3D if done 1:1.
Using NPR shading can help but for it to really look good you also have to think about which stylized elements to use.
Alternatively model the eyes and nose in a more realistic style, it won't be accepted by the style police and be labeled as "western" but at least it doesn't invoke the uncanny valley.

Anonymous No. 932486

You can do a 1:1 recreation of pretty much any 2D style in 3D with amazing results, but it requires considerable skill.

Anonymous No. 932488

I think it's more along the lines of know what to do.
For instance they eyes in OP's model look wrong because they are spheres.
Naively you'd expect that spheres would work for eyes like they would on a 3D character but they don't.
AFIK anime studios doing 3D are using ellipses or ellipsoids. This avoids the eyes bulging out.
To animate the eyes you don't use rotation of the eyeball but instead rotate the iris along an origin somewhere inside the head and shrinkwrap project it onto the eyeball.

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GIF 1-6-2023 5-49....gif

Anonymous No. 932505

animate texture position

Anonymous No. 932509

This seems a lot simpler and straight forward lol.
But I think you'd have to do the math for eyes to converge onto the look at position manually in shader nodes or something.

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Anonymous No. 932605

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Anonymous No. 932643


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Anonymous No. 932679

it looks like those old n64 renders

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 932693

Posting in a gem thread
also lynch niggers and trannies

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Anonymous No. 932695

Anime usually doesn't have the right alignment to a regular human being, so you'll get crazy shit like this. But you somehow made it even more shit and looks like you ignored the reference images entirely. This fuzzy mostergirl (owo ) is too hard for you.

Anonymous No. 933060

Yeah it looks terrible.

Start over and only work on the face. Even just doing the eyes would be better practice.