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Anonymous No. 932344

Why can't I get work? Why do I know more about 3D than 99% of my peers but still make less than them?

A lot of my work was trending on Reddit at some point, and I have made full commercials that a lot of people have told they use as reference in their work. I've shown my reel to many different professionals whom I admire and they said it was great and that it would stand out from other reels in any job I applied to.

Yet, despite learning Blender, Houdini and C4D, I still earn 20% of what this guy I've been chatting with earns by just doing Blender work.

People tell me I need to put myself out there but I don't know how. I already post all of my work in like 6 different websites every time I finish something, I have an instagram page, I'm active in many communities. Why am I still poor?

the chair nerd No. 932348

>I know more about 3D than 99% of my peers
Ego is the enemy of success.

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Anonymous No. 932352


... connections! can be the best guy in your field but when you are not in the club of "cool kids", you will always be skipped and the buddy gets the job!

when you are truly that good you claim, give a fuck, look for likemined people, look for authors, concept guys and do your own stuff - sometimes its better to earn the money at mac donalds and working on own stuff than propping up a useless prick with connections while trying to proof how skilled your are!

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Anonymous No. 932354

>rare in the upper echelon of society

Anonymous No. 932355

Man I know a lot of people come to these vietnamese basketweaving forums to brag but I'm not saying anything that isn't true. I've been doing 3D work for over five years, and when I'm not working for someone I'm working on my own personal projects. You won't catch me on my computer without some 3D software open.

I recently reached out to this guy I knew was making more than me thinking he would have some tips for me, but instead he just kept asking me how I did x and y because he had no idea how to do something like that. I knew WAY more than he did.

I know there's a club of cool kids in my country. I follow everyone on Instagram and I always see the same 10 names pop-up, anything remotely 3D these guys have their hand on it.

I messaged the top guy for advice on how to get work and his advice was just "keep posting. Most jobs I get come from Instagram these days"

I messaged another girl and she was very kind and really liked my work, even shared some of it on her page. She said the same thing, keep posting and eventually you'll get work.

But after 2 years feeding my IG, I only got one measly $500 job out of it

Anonymous No. 932356

I'm saying all of this to make a point that my problem is definitely not the quality of my work. Maybe I'm not selling it well, maybe I'm advertising on the wrong niches, maybe I don't know what my public is. But the problem is not the quality of my work.

I'm not going to post it here because someone might recognize it and I don't want this thread attached to my name

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Anonymous No. 932363

>But after 2 years feeding my IG, I only got one measly $500 job out of it

...its overloaded, all is overloaded, for any kind of job, you as someone who manages a project, you can find thousands of people who can do what you demand, thats the problem - the 90's are over baby!

find a job that pays the rent, feeds you and work on stuff you love with people who are cool - i bet, a team of hungry guys with skill, machine power and ideas makes more than 500 bucks!

Anonymous No. 932371

Bro I just said I know plenty of people making over $150k annually doing 3D work

Also just realized the mindhunter guy was in fight club

Anonymous No. 932373


... you know them, but it seems, they dont know you ...

>Also just realized the mindhunter guy was in fight club

...lenny, you are the one who sat down to our compfy /3d fireplace to cry out about the unfair and ruthless world, and, myself, sitting here, just put my 5 cent into it ... take or not!

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the chair nerd No. 932375


You are all missing the point. When I talk about ego I am not talking about being egocentric. Hell I am fucking egocentric as fuck when I talk about ego I am talking in the sense of seeing yourself as the problem. Your are not the problem to your problems you and only you are the solution. Want to make bucks, dude right now to one of your friends and tell them you'll teach them your trade if they offload some of their work on you. I am not joking simple as that. Have you tried to be honest with your so called peers and asked them for work? When you stop setting yourself mental hurldels you can start to be productive. Oh, the work is too easy for you? Perfect! That's a quick buck! Oh, someone worse than you is giving you a job to do? Hell It's a win win! Start opening yourself to the world and start networking. Don't live in an Ivory tower star building a shack brick by brick. Are successful people egomaniacs? Yes? But they act exactly the opposite way! They delegate and delegate because they know there will always be someone better than them to do the job. Trust me, ego is the killer of success not because of ego centrism it's because the only way to succeed is tru others. Duh.

the chair nerd No. 932376


Hell if you want to earn a thousand bucks right now and know how to use 3ds max I've got work for you.

Anonymous No. 932377

I've only used tyflow with 3DS max before but I might be able to do it, what do you need?

Anonymous No. 932379

>have a portfolio for the normie world
>have a portfolio for the other side

...what do you need?

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the chair nerd No. 932380

I need to model 4 buildings just like this one. But it has to be spline based and in 3ds max because of my workflow I need them by Tuesday. I have all the plans in dwg format.

I fell that you are more of an animation/character artist. But this serves as an illustration of what real cg work is like. Its 99% not glamorous.

Anonymous No. 932381

Yeah that's not my kind of work. I'm more in the field of product rendering. Think of the @alreadybeenchewed studio, that's the kind of work I do

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Anonymous No. 932382

aye, i am more the guy who makes the french fries, burgers are not my field!

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Scn 19.jpg

the chair nerd No. 932383

Look at these. Could you model a chair like this one? I have 2 or 3 chairs that need modeling. I have photogrammetry bases and lots of photo references with measurements.
But again I need them natively in 3ds max cuz I'm making ar versions in low poly.

Anonymous No. 932384

>>932383 much, and when?

the chair nerd No. 932385

Yeah I am feeling the same. How can anybody expect to make buck if they don't roll up their sleeves. This is not an artisan economy.

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the chair nerd No. 932388


I need them In 2 weeks.

the chair nerd No. 932389

Correction the last 2 chairs I'd give 400usd for both.

Anonymous No. 932390

>>932388, these are all different chairs in every picture!

the chair nerd No. 932391

This is an exaplbe of a chair in low poly version unwrapped and baked.

the chair nerd No. 932392

Yes top left I'll give 150 usd each for unwrapped model with open subdivs. And top right I'll give 200usd each. Bottom screenshots are just references of other chairs.
Top left are cheaper cuz I already have similar chairs and I'll give the base model.

Anonymous No. 932393


..whats even the objective of the job, some kind of ikea 3d web shop stuff where you can inspect your future furniture in detail before you buy it?

how ever, 150 for the first chair, 00usd for the second and 400 for last makes 550 ... k two (9-5)days of work i would say!

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Anonymous No. 932394


...thx dude, you inspired me into something! i am currently into geometrynodes ...

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the chair nerd No. 932395

The objective I cant share.
700usd for 4chairs in total. Has to be done in 3ds max, poly modeled and unwrapped before open subdiv. I'd be impressed if someone models one of these and unwraps it in just one day. Trust me those knots are not even symetrical and the fibres are hell to unwrap\ and texture.

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the chair nerd No. 932396

I am not the chair nerd because I like chairs. I fucking hate them. I've dreamt of chairs after modeling one of these for 4 days straight. I would sit in a needle if I could.
This one is 95 million polys and hast like 12 16k textures.

Anonymous No. 932404

>complains about not making money
>can't even model a basic building and some chairs
You can't make this shit up.

Anonymous No. 932406

You need to network better and send out applications like hell, which is not to say that either is easy. Make sure your portfolio is on Artstation and is well-curated, too (behind-the-scenes/process stuff is the bare minimum; images of completed works alone are unacceptable)

Anonymous No. 932407

>95 million polys and hast like 12 16k textures
Is this chair the protagonist of some movie?

the chair nerd No. 932409

Yep my point makes itself.
Nope. This is low for movie standards. This chair has less polys than single hairs on some of ratatouilles scenes. Yeah ratatoiulle from 15 years ago.

Anonymous No. 932410

I know a lot about cooking, but I can't cook for shit. Should I get a job as a cook?

Instead of knowing about 3D, how about you get good at doing 3D. Then you can complain.

Anonymous No. 932412

>complains about not finding work as a bus driver
>can't even make a michelin-grade dish

You do realize Houdini artists don't model stuff by hand unless it's some procedural generative mesh, right? Every one of my peers that I mentioned here, including myself, haven't modeled anything beyond cubes since we started our careers because that is work for the greasemonkeys.

Plus, even if I were one, there is a big difference between doing product visualization (such as the chair) and making interior visualization from a ground plan

Anonymous No. 932413

nigga this is the reason I feel retarded every time I come to 4chan for advice. How the fuck do you not equate knowing about 3D as the same thing as being good at it? You think I just sit on my ass all day watching youtube videos while not doing anything? I literally mentioned in my post that my work is often trending on multiple social media. If you go to r/simulated right now, a handful of the most popular posts of the past 365 days were made by me

God I hate this place

Anonymous No. 932422

Sounds like you're a mograph monkey? Have you considered [spoiler]NFTs[/spoiler]. Also are you actually sending your reel out? Social media is a meme for landing jobs, find some boutique commercial studios and spam them directly

Anonymous No. 932423

Dude my work has never trended anywhere and It has payed for my house, my car and my life for the last 10 years. Social media praise is not real life credit you zoomer.

the chair nerd No. 932425

>between doing product visualization (such as the chair) and making interior visualization from a ground plan
I do both professionnaly and quite mediocrely. Maybe my work is not good compared some instagram's or reddit's finest but I sure as hell make sure that my clients enjoy it and pay for it. Period. I don't buy groceries with +1 internetz.

Anonymous No. 932446

Very nice behavior my guy, high ego, disrespecting other people by calling them monkeys and thinking social media points mean anything. Good luck in your job searching.

Anonymous No. 932450

>If you go to r/simulated
lmao you really believe your internet points mean something. Also i went to check the top posts of the last year and they are complete dogshit, pretty much baby's first steps when it comes to simulations.

Anonymous No. 932456

You do realize the irony of calling other people greasemonkeys while you work in the field of "product rendering"?

Anon0 No. 933286

Because we are in a society that isn't currently economically sustainable so people find themselves as overqualified workaholics yet still struggle in the workplace.

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Best Boy Face.jpg

Anonymous No. 933291

show your work then

Anonymous No. 933329

He can't even model a chair. He has no work to show.

the chair nerd No. 933345

Yep gave him the opportunity to make more money than he made in two years but somehow he doesn't know that the problem is.
Earning money is hard work and that is not my fault its just reality.

Anonymous No. 933350

700$ for roughly what looks like a weeks worth of work. Why do people do this to themselves? Have some self respect and ask for proper pay. You get paid better than this even in an amazon warehouse.

For professional level work, 200$ per day is the absolute minimum anyone should be willing to accept these days, unless you live in India or something. Personally I wouldn't lift a finger for anything under 300$ per day, or around 50$ per hour. If you can't get your pay increased in your current job, since you've shat your own bed by severely undervaluing yourself, find a new place that understands the actual value of the work.

Anonymous No. 933351

Is that before or after taxes?

the chair nerd No. 933352

Hey that's what I was offering. i aint putting a gun on anyone's head and I have to make a profit. My point was that work is always present, good or bad. He had just made 500 dollar in two years of social media posting so the point is proven. Even a shit gig in a week will would him better off.

Anonymous No. 933378

They can always get someone who's better than you in India for $2

Anonymous No. 933381

I'd agree if the gig had some other worth outside of the shitty pay, but for something like that there's no real benefit. If he can't get an actual job with his current portfolio, he'd be better off doing a free internship at a decent studio. While there's no pay, at least he'd be making industry contacts, and getting some actual work experience, which is a big help going forward.

No decent studio will risk an unknown Indian over an established professional, even if they were to work for free. Shitty employees/interns take time from the people who actually know what they're doing, thus sometimes even ending up as a net negative for the studio. Interns of course get taken in, but it's rare that they would actually fill the slot of an actual hire. Same goes for cheap labor from abroad. Anyone who believes that India is taking your jobs, is just making excuses for their own failures.

Before taxes