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🧵 Hi /3/

Anonymous No. 932448

Can you tell me what programs are required to create something similar to picrel?

Anonymous No. 932452

Maya and Nuke.

Anonymous No. 932453


Anonymous No. 932455

even the animations and after effects?

Anonymous No. 932458

it wouldnt be as efficient as >>932452 ofc but possible

Anonymous No. 932459

A quick reminder that Blender is free to download but your time isn't. Don't waste your life.

Anonymous No. 932460

Literally screams Houdini doesn’t it

Anonymous No. 932493

This can be made in almost any 3D package or engine as long as you know modeling, animation, blendshapes, texturing and rendering.

Anonymous No. 932504

maya and aftereffects if youd like to actually do it and not just waste your life

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Anonymous No. 932512

>after effects

Anonymous No. 932516

You'd think so.
But from something like this done in houdni you'd see the thing explode, it running over debris on the floor, the which would act according to momentum impaired, you'd see individual paint chips flying from the explosion, etc...

The most fun to be had with stuff like this is doing that in unreal engine. It's also the most work, but then you could put on a vr headset and deploy these yourself.

Anonymous No. 933634

No I didn’t hear it literally scream. What are you talking about? Are you okay?

Anonymous No. 933697

>But from something like this done in houdni you'd see the thing explode, it running over debris on the floor, the which would act according to momentum impaired, you'd see individual paint chips flying from the explosion, etc...
why would an umbrella explode when its supposed to be an example of it running?

Anonymous No. 933839

Why did it poo on the wall?