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🧵 Redpill me on the current state of the industry

Anonymous No. 932699

I wanna learn this craft but I fear it's just a matter of time before AI takes this industry by the balls too. Are my estimations correct?

Anonymous No. 932707

AI doesn't have any industry under the balls, it's the same breed of retards that pushed NFTs as the next thing and the dumbasses that believed them. Look how that turned out.

Anonymous No. 932708

Give up, cris

Anonymous No. 932721

NFT was a scam, AI art can be used as a tool for background (everyone who knows how annoying it becomes knows), Frame by Frame animation, testing and more.

Anonymous No. 932734

If your sole reason for an interest in learning an art form is money, then frankly you shouldn’t be considered human. I sincerely hope AI replaces your kind.

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Anonymous No. 932811

No offense bud, western standards for 3d are very unappealing plus I have a technical brain and I like anime. I almost fell for the 3d art school meme back in highschool due to my white 3d instructor convincing me to apply for scholarship in a local 3d art school. Parents being asian, immediately disapproved it but I have them to thank now because I work in stem making 6 figs working from home doing literally 2 hours of shitty zoom meetings all while playing video games and making art in my spare time.

Anonymous No. 932826

I have some strong doubt that 3D will be replaced by AI soon, but 2D artist should (and understandably) be shitting their pants right now.

Anonymous No. 932836


Anonymous No. 932839

We have mesh scanning technology and procedural environment generation for years and yet AI didn't replaced graphicfags. Single negative thing about this AI drama is plagiarism and artstation getting clusterfucked with AI generated art.

Anonymous No. 932850

how can AI take the industry by the balls when nobody in the industry will use AI due to copyright laws?

Anonymous No. 932851

it's like saying: they pirated Maya, 3D industry bro's BTFO

actually this does sound familiar doesn't it, blenderinos?

Anon0 No. 933282

The current Ai isn't very high Iq but if you compare Ai now from about 10 years ago, then you know that 10 years from now Ai could really start competing in industry

🗑️ Anonymous No. 934668

AI would have to have good spatial reasoning ability to take over 3D like it does 2D (and it can barely do that "good enough"), which if you know anything about how AI works, isn't happening with the current machine learning paradigm. 3D art is safer than you think.

Anonymous No. 934669

All the big boys such as Disney and Hollywood are moving to AI now. Just today I read that Microsoft fired 10k dudes to invest billions in AI instead. It seems like the industry is all about AI now. Do you know something that all the lawyers of Google, Disney, and Microsoft don't about this?

Anonymous No. 934675

They dont use and arent talking about stable, retard, they use ai in their renderers post processing denoising chain for up to 4x speedup

🗑️ Anonymous No. 934685

I work in the industry and already use AI, as do many of my peers. People who don't see the value in it will have to adapt, or become rapidly surpassed by artists who can use AI well.

Anonymous No. 934738

You are like 8 years in the past. An AI made series already exists, and Disney is even trying to create a monopoly in generative models.

Anonymous No. 934739

im not in the past, im living in the present. Look up ai frame stable denoising. This is what we are using

Anonymous No. 935336

Sauce on the tits?

Anonymous No. 935339

They have the means to train AI models using their own images and artists, and a big enough lawfare department to make sure anyone caught generating stuff in their style is sued to oblivion

Anonymous No. 937388

what really pisses me of is how zoomers dont understand we had all sorts of algorithms 20+ years ago, focus on what is actually useful and let the autists do the unpaid R&D labor instead

Anonymous No. 937393

What does this have to do with the OP question weeb faggot?